Security ambassadors are people wearing blazers, hired to WATCH crime happen. Now Santa Monica is so over run with crime they have decided to get cops instead.
“The Downtown Santa Monica Inc. Board of Directors is replacing its Block by Block security ambassadors with regular security guards, according to the Santa Monica Daily Press.
Board Chairman Eric Sedman told the Free Press he no longer thinks the ambassadors can handle the security needs of the city. After 10 years of service, Block by Block’s $1.7 million contract will now go toward a private security company such as Covered 6, which provides security guards to Beverly Hills.
Note that they are not hiring city police—they are hiring private security—since city police are run by corrupt politicians. Great idea.
Downtown Santa Monica is firing its security ambassadors Should WeHo?

Brandon, 5/4/23
The Downtown Santa Monica Inc. Board of Directors is replacing its Block by Block security ambassadors with regular security guards, according to the Santa Monica Daily Press.
Board Chairman Eric Sedman told the Free Press he no longer thinks the ambassadors can handle the security needs of the city. After 10 years of service, Block by Block’s $1.7 million contract will now go toward a private security company such as Covered 6, which provides security guards to Beverly Hills.
The board is hoping the actual government of Santa Monica — not the nonprofit organization that manages and promotes the downtown district — will take up responsibility for covering the costs. Santa Monica PD may eventually oversee the program.
No word on whether the security guards will be armed or not.
West Hollywood City Councilmembers have taken a page from their counterparts in Santa Monica on numerous occasions. WeHo’s controversial hotel-worker ordinance is almost identical in wording to Santa Monica’s, and both were masterminded by UNITE HERE Local 11. The special-interest union also sank serious time and money into getting the ordinances approved by the each city’s councilmembers — and into getting friendly councilmembers elected.
But while downtown Santa Monica is parting ways with Block by Block, West Hollywood is deepening its ties with them. The city voted to increase their contract for the current fiscal year by more than $1 million and now employees more than 80 ambassadors.