I am shocked that Rich Eber was able to list only ten things that bother him. Give him a strong cup of coffee or a glass of wine and an hour later you have dozens of things that bothers him—and the rest of decent society. As we go through our daily lives, see the TV news, have to fill out worthless government forms or obey unscientific mandates that kill people, we are all bothered by life in the United States.
“How can we pretend to envision a world where plentiful high tech jobs exist in California’s future when almost half K1-12 students enrolled in public schools are highly deficient in Math, English, and Science? Does anyone in government even care about how much has been lost the last couple years with kids missing in person attendance in school and slowing their learning process down by having to wear masks? Can current curriculum about diversity, the effects of white supremacy, and advanced placement sex education classes be halted? Instead of having Stupid Teenage Education Mechanics (STEM) standards, can we at least teach kids to read at grade level?”
In the comment section add those things that bother you.
10 Things that bothers me by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/31/22
Not so long ago most people called me a middle of the road kind of guy. After a brief stint denouncing woke cancel culture a policy on line, an email was recently received which read “Please remove my email from this distribution list. I do not want to be associated with the racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic website that you contribute to.”
Under such withering criticism should this writer hang it up or continue to offer conservative political discourse? For now, I prefer to provide truthful analysis of American politics, while taking my lumps from critics. This week we will deal with stuff that bothers me.
- If one sends 5 bucks to a well heeled Democratic political action committee by 11:59 this evening, this will enable us to realize Elisabeth Warren’s dream of abolishing the Electoral College. Stupid me, I thought it took a Constitutional amendment to make such a change. Perhaps if President Biden gives Electoral College voters $50,000 to cover future college tuition payments, they might consider abandoning their posts in favor of implementing a popular vote. Such a move insures metropolitan enclaves such as New York, Boston, Chicago, Miami, Houston, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and the Bay Area, would determine which candidate occupies the White House.
- With Governor Gavin Newsom’s declaration eliminating the sale of gas powered vehicles in California by 2035, it might be asked if there will be enough power to charge them up on a regular basis. Let’s see, in the next few years the Diablo Canyon Nuclear power plant will be decommissioned, electricity producing damns on the Klamath River are likely to blown up to protect fish, and oil refineries torn down for lack of demand. Hopefully, my vintage solar powered shopping cart will still work to pick-up free food at the Senior Center
- I learned on the internet “When Mitch McConnell saw this poll he RUSHED to send Dark Money to SLANDER Tim Ryan in the Ohio Senate race. What I am asking is what’s the difference between this alleged move as opposed the George Soros spending millions electing Progressive District attorneys in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago to eliminate bail, while dropping charges on almost all felonies. After witnessing such attacks on our Democratic system of government, it should be asked what might be the difference between how the two major parties fund their campaigns?
- How can we pretend to envision a world where plentiful high tech jobs exist in California’s future when almost half K1-12 students enrolled in public schools are highly deficient in Math, English, and Science? Does anyone in government even care about how much has been lost the last couple years with kids missing in person attendance in school and slowing their learning process down by having to wear masks? Can current curriculum about diversity, the effects of white supremacy, and advanced placement sex education classes be halted? Instead of having Stupid Teenage Education Mechanics (STEM) standards, can we at least teach kids to read at grade level?
- The raid on Donald Trump’s residence was a horrendous mistake. Even if there were documents of high national security present, there is no evidence the former President every intended to distribute these materials to Russia, China, Iran, or any advisory of the United States?
7. Doesn’t it seem logical Attorney General Merrick Garland would at least subpoena the documents prior to calling for an Elliot Ness inspired raid? Invading the house of a former President appears to the world like an act made in banana republic to squash political opposition. Voters should take note when casting their ballots in NovemberWho in the world might believe anything Representative Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) might say? At House Intelligence Committee meetings he read a phony transcript of Trump’s phone call to the Ukrainian President. He also lied about not having spoken directly with a whistle blower bought before Congress in impeachment proceedings. Schiff has many times promised new evidence on Russian collusion with Trump’s campaign that never happened. This would make Joe McCarthy happy. Schiff is dedicated to destroying Donald Trump. Who cares about facts or what rumor he might spread next week?
8. Does anyone seriously believe Joe Biden’s heralded anti inflation act of 2022 along with his executive order reducing college loans for families with less than $250,000 yearly income really work? Will the planet become a cleaner place because rich guys receive a $ 7500.00 rebate when they purchase an electric vehicle?
Even MSNBC, CNN, and the New York Times are struggling to justify how the President’s recent actions actually reduce today’s rampant inflation. Wall Street is not that dumb. The market fell over 4% last week with more drops anticipated with the Fed expected to raise interest rates.9.I really hate celebrities -actors giving advice about what products to purchase. Who gives William Devane and Tom Selleck the expertise to influence me to invest in gold or seek a reverse mortgage?
I would like to get an injunction prohibiting noted PhD’s George Clooney, Emma Watson, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jane Fonda lecturing me on the environment along with other social issues. While we are at it can we kick the annoying pitchman for My Pillow off the air who enlists the help of God selling the virtues of Egyptian Giza Cotton dream sheets? Does this guy ever sleep?9
9. Why is the High Speed Bullet Train Project still around? Even if this Lionel Toy Train inspired project were ever finished, we would never have a system that would ever come close to providing a useful service for California residents. Between paying ridiculous prevailing wages to union labor, turning out unneeded environmental impact reports by the dozen, and fighting several court cases for each segment of track constructed, high speed rail in California has exceeding pork barrel expectations exponentially.
At over 113 billion for the current estimate, it will conservatively cost $4.28 million dollars per foot to build this 500 mile outdated socialistic relic. My wife suggested cutting 12 inches off the project and giving the proceeds to her. I can’t argue.
10. It bugs me the Republican Party in California continues to suck beyond all expectations. After years of frustration accrued under the leadership of Party Chairwomen Jessica Patterson, there are zero viable candidates running for state offices once again. No effort has been made registering GOP voters while what few Republican House of Representatives members existing in the Golden State continue to dwindle. Despite my dismay that “tears will drown he wind”, I don’t have a clue of what might be done to once again re-establish Republican values in California government.