Eber: A “Deviating” or “Realigning” election?

The 1860 election was a transformation election for the United State—it ended slavery.  The 1912 election was transformative—it was the start of the Socialist era of America.  In 1980 we heralded the start of the Freedom movement in the U.S.  The 2016 election showed how corrupt the government had become and extortionist.  Trump tried to end it—but his own employees worked hard to keep corruption from being stopped.

If, as expected, Trump wins on Tuesday, the tide will have been turned.  The corrupt FBI, DOJ and CIA folks will be gone.  In the agencies those who refuse to give Congress documents, will be gone.  Musk and others will delete numerous agencies, worthless employees and needless government paycheck takers, will be gone.  That will be easy—those that broke the law, will be fired.  Those that oppose the Trump policies will stay with the government, but not working in D.C., they will be transferred to Nome Alaska and similar places.

Media that censored information will be exposed—and lawsuits filed against them for election interference.  We might see a bunch of media going under due to lawsuits and lack of viewers.  Imagine the court cases where anchors and editors are forced to admit bnias and corruption.

A “Deviating” or “Realigning” election? by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  11/4/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Back in the days when I studied Political Science at UC Santa Barbara, professors discussed the nuances of DeviatingSustaining, and Realigning Presidential elections.

Examples of the deviating type included 1968, when Richard Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey. Following the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, along with the chaos at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, ended up vaulting “Tricky Dick” to the White House.

2020 was more of the same.  Hillary Clinton should have easily won on the coattails of Barack Obama.  It didn’t happen. The former President’s wife ran a horrible campaign of negativity and hatred of the American people.  Her “Basket of Deplorables” was a major turn-off. It didn’t help the overconfident Hillary lightly campaigned in swing states,

Donald Trump triumphed in a Deviating Election in 2016.  His defeat four years later at the hands of Joe Biden is considered to being a return to the Sustaining model. 

Other examples of sustaining elections would be George Bush’s win succeeding  Ronald Reagan and Harry Truman’s victory over Thomas Dewey in 1948.

On the Realigning type, Franklin Roosevelt’s landslide over Herbert Hoover in 1932 is still considered the most important of this variety. It has dictated the course of American politics in the 20th Century and beyond.  Under FDR, the role of government expanded to assist the country to climb out of the depression.

Social security, banking reform, and protections of organized labor, are but a few examples of New Deal policies.  They have continued exponentially  with more enhancements from the Great Society to Medicare.

While  Republican WWII hero Dwight Eisenhower was elected to two terms in the 1950’s, his presidency was considered to be sustaining as he continued most of Roosevelt’s policies. 

Some historians believe John Kennedy’s narrow victory over Richard Nixon in 1960 to be realigning while others consider it to be sustaining. I could never figure that one out as  term papers footnotes were never one of my specialties in college.

There is little doubt the Reagan Revolution was realigning when he routed President Jimmy Carter in 1976.  On the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence Ronald Reagan steered America on a conservative course more in sync with with Founding Fathers than expanding government overreach.

Since Bill Clinton’s win over George Bush in 1988, the electorate has been in flux between the visions of FDR and Reagan.

This brings us to 2024 with the race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.  History is yet to be written if their battle will be deviating or realigning in nature.  They are so far apart that the sustaining option has been ruled out.

Should Donald Trump win and be succeeded by J.D. Vance or another GOP standard bearer, 2024, this election may evolve into being realigning All the elements are there because he represents reducing the role played by the Federal Government in every day life.

Harris is a committed Leftist who desires the State to adapt a Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) agenda that diminishes capitalism in favor of creating a more Socialist society.

Despite the extreme differences between the two candidates, next week’s election may end up to be deviating.  This is because of extreme polarization between Democrats and the GOP.  Many voters (especially in Swing States) tend to base casting their ballots against one candidate rather than being for one of them.

This “lessor of two evils” scenario may end up being the defining force on who wins rather than the platforms of the two political parties. Undoubtably, whomever losses next week will cry “foul” casting blame in a myriad of directions. 

If Kamala bites the dust, Democrats will be claiming  the Electoral CollegeFox News, Elon Musk, and voter suppression are responsible for electing an alleged criminal to the nations highest office.

Should Trump lose, it is doubtful the GOP will blame celebrity endorsements of Harris from Taylor Swift, George Clooney, Beyonce, and most of the A-List Hollywood crowd. Their support is cast in stone. Republicans would know voter fatigue of Trump’s bombastic personality to be responsible for him not occupying the White House once again.

In reality the probable  defeat of Harris will be a result of her confusing word salads, lack of vision,  and hatred of the former President. Calling Trump a racist and another Hitler, along with Joe Biden referring to the former President’s  supporters as “Garbage”, is not a winning strategy. 

Harris’s demagogic attacks do not attract voters concerned with inflation, feeding their families  and protecting the Southern border. 

If Democrats triumph, we can expect Donald Trump to be bitter and angry.   Despite this, should violence ensue, it will likely be done without his consent.  Republicans, at least in California and other Blue states, are used to defeat. 

 “Wait til next year” has always been a GOP calling card. Our support for the principles of the United States Constitution is firm without any backing down. We will never give up on the system.

One thing is for certain.  Regardless of the outcome, the entire nation (excluding cable news outlets)  will be glad when this nightmare in American democracy is over.

One thought on “Eber: A “Deviating” or “Realigning” election?

  1. Interesting! How about 1964? That would be my vote for the top sustaining election in recent times. Goldwater’s defeat cemented for eternity the socialist path started by Roosevelt. Conservative wins on such a path are glitches seemingly not adequately described by the vocabulary. Just my opinion, though.

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