Looks like Rich Eber has found the grifters of the National Socialist movement. In this case a bunch of scam artists are raising money and hopes that they can over turn the Constitution with a “petition” to the Chief Justice. Justice Roberts will NEVER see this petition. He only accepts legal petitions written by attorneys in legal form based on a Constitutional issue that has been heard in lower courts.
“Case and point is the Chicago based Political Action Group (PAC) Stop Republicans. They are attempting to collect 100,000 signatures for the purpose of convincing Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to invoke the 14th Amendment to prevent Donald Trump from being able to run for President next year.
I have no quarrel with this Stop Republican organization or their Progressive Turnout Project from exercising their Constitutional rights.
It concerns me to think if they should prove to be successful. John Roberts would be influenced by their petition drive. More important than a candidate being eligible to run, our Supreme Court might find itself no longer being independent from outside influences.
The scam artists behind this are making money from the donations. Plus, they are creating a mailing list of suckers to promote their next scam. They KNOW their petition will never see the desk of a Supreme Court Justice, their goal is to make money, for themselves.
A journal of Un-American activities by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/21/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
With American Democracy, the outcome of elections does not especially worry me. The changeover from one political party to their opponents are part of our political culture.
Our system of government depends on creating a level playing field to insure all points of viewpoints are taken into account. If this objective is achieved, we all end up being winners.
Unfortunately, this is not the case today. The polarization between Leftist Democrats and their conservative advisories has threatened the future of our nation as we know it.
Case and point is the Chicago based Political Action Group (PAC) Stop Republicans. They are attempting to collect 100,000 signatures for the purpose of convincing Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to invoke the 14th Amendment to prevent Donald Trump from being able to run for President next year.
I have no quarrel with this Stop Republican organization or their Progressive Turnout Project from exercising their Constitutional rights.
It concerns me to think if they should prove to be successful. John Roberts would be influenced by their petition drive. More important than a candidate being eligible to run, our Supreme Court might find itself no longer being independent from outside influences.
Rather than being a proud democracy, the United States would end up being a de facto Banana Republic.
Unfortunately, the actions of the Progressive Turnout Project are not an isolated incident. Similar tactics used by others threaten our beloved system of government.
Recently attention has focused on Bud Light’s disastrous Transgender advertising campaign. One might think corporate America might have previously learned their lesson from this and the Disney Corp’s Woke movie themed failures.
Apparently not. On September 9th, management of Penzeys Spices publicized a special 17% off sale to raise awareness of alleged Republican gerrymandering in their home state of Wisconsin.
Their CEO Bill Penzey commented, “Maybe you have the idea that Republicans still believe in America, democracy, and government by the people. If you have that idea you are wrong.”
His pronouncement that “Republicans are liars” I find especially troubling. What is a business doing getting involved with partisan politics? Donating funds to political candidates and causes is fine; but Penzeys actions are “one toke over the line”.
Over the years, as an avoid cook, I have visited Penzeys outlets to purchase their vanilla, roasted garlic, and rib rub and other high-quality products. However, calling me a liar and a cheat is a bridge too far. I will erase this company from my list of email recipients list along with more than 10,000 others who hold similar views.
Another example of my Un-American hit list are those who follow like sheep, the pronouncements of Leftist pundits who make false claims to influence public policy.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been accused of censorship because of his opposition to curriculum taught in public schools which depict those of Caucasian heritage to be overt racists by definition. My question? Where is the evidence for these Woke allegations?
How come commentators on cable TV selcom refer to specifics? Why do they state their biased opinions as undisputable facts?
Go figure! At the same time they have been condemning DeSantis for keeping Florida schools open during the Covid-19 epidemic? Where is there a Joe Friday to step forward to say, “Just the facts Mam”.
In a similar vein the press and politicians endeavor to take steps to remedy climate change lacking scientific data that supports their green energy policies. Those who question these pundit’s conclusions, are considered by the Left to be unpatriotic Americans.
Such tactics are a threat to 1st Amendment rights, especially when conservative thought is restricted by social media sites.
It bothers me that opponents of Joe Biden’s Green New Deal are considered to be climate change deniers as opposed to those who propose different remedies to the problem.
This all of nothing approach contributes not only to polarization in society, but also the failure of Congress to deal with such important issues as immigration reform, regulating fire arms, abortion, crime, inflation, energy costs, etc.
The end result is either our system of government and elected officials are failing to live up to their responsibilities. Instead our society finds itself getting involved with subjects totally alien to basic human needs of food, shelter, and clothing.
This is especially true in California where Governor Gavin Newsom and his colleagues in the legislature. They prefer to deal with social issues rather than quality of life matters. Examples include:
- Under the banner of combatting Climate Change the legislature passes laws aimed at making the single family home obsolete in the near future.
- Energy companies from PG&E to Chevron are considered to be evil. At the same time the government formulates policies to ban fossil fuels and prohibit them from being sourced in the Golden State Throw in the highest energy taxes in the Country and we have the California way personified..
- Instead of investing in new water storage facilities, Sacramento prefers to restrict distribution of this precious commodity leaving agricultural needs on the sidelines.
- From the encouragement of sanctuary cities to subsidizing illegal aliens, California politicians have been operating their own de facto foreign policy for years.
If the rest of the United States desires to use the California model to mold their future, they should elect Gavin Newsom their next President. It is likely if the former San Francisco Mayor or Vice-President Kamala Harris resides in the White House in 2025, historians will consider Joe Biden to be a moderate by comparison.
Say hello to perpetual “Spare the air Day”, unelected bureaucrats calling the shots. higher taxes, government takeover of energy, declining military power and open borders for all.
If this sounds like the end of American democracy as we know it, just support the Blue Wave in 2024.
So true. Government officials are neglecting the responsibilities noted in our Constitution by our Founders. Looks like today’s leaders made up a new set of “responsibilities,” and convinced voters those new tasks are not only connected to food, shelter and clothing, but survival itself! After all, how is a populace to survive without mask mandates, public assistance, universal healthcare, and electric vehicles? Sad, but as goes California, so goes the nation — unless miraculously a strong 2010-style Tea Party brews.