Eber: A preview of coming attractions 

It is easy to predict the future if Kamala Harris becomes President.

  1.  You will never have to hear her word salad.  She will not be public talks, except via teleprompter and she will not veer from the words written by others.
  2. You never have to listen for her to answer questions—that will never happen.
  3. Taxes will go up.  Inflation will go up (remember corporations do not pay taxes, they just pass the tax onto the consumer)
  4. We will constantly be in wars, while Harris is supporting Iran, Russian and China—she fears them and they will easily bully her.
  5. Free speech will end—government will determine what is misinformation—and like in any Totalitarian government, those the government do not like will be banished to re-education facilities, indefinitely.
  6. Criminals will have the run of the streets.  Guns will be outlawed and cops defunded.
  7. Elections will be jokes.  Anybody and everything can be registered and sent a ballot.  Counting will be done in secret—as it was in Georgina and other places in 2020.
  8. To achieve equity, you will be forced to move into a a special community that has the right mix of race, gender, nationalities, illegal aliens and proclivities.
  9. She has already announced the end of any gas cars by 2040—so buy a bike now and do not think you will be able to visit Grandma if she lives more than 15 minutes away, from the housing government will provide—just like China and Russia.

A preview of coming attractions by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  9/25/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

As a child, my parents would dump my sister and I Saturday mornings at Kiddie Matinees at our local movie theater.  One of the features was a segment previewing coming attractions.

To pique our interest, we were promised “a haunted house that will scare you to the core” and “non-stop action that will fill the big screen”.

A different yet similar experience awaits voters in the coming Presidential election.  Kamala Harris’s sorry record in California politics is a preview of coming attractions, should she be elected President.

Realizing her Progressive-Marxist Lite  record of accomplishments will not play in swing states, Harris has resorted to a new strategy.  It avoids the mass media by eliminating press conferences and interviews that expose her radical views.

Thus far this approach has worked with the Vice-President’s rise in the opinion polls.  Talking in platitudes about a better tomorrow from a high school valedictorian perspective, has worked. This combined with unabashed hatred of Donald Trump and Harris’s  pro-choice views have been amazingly successful.

With so little meat on the bones, we must look at the ballot initiatives in California to see where Harris actually stands.  She and her cohort Governor Gavin Newsom are steering voters on the road to economic ruin.

Proposition 2 authorizes 10 billion in  bonds to repair k1-12 schools plus some Junior College facilities.  This is a scam as there should be plenty of

Money in the budget to take care of these repairs.  In addition it will cost an additional 9 billion in interest payments over 35 years to finance this scheme.

A new paint job or constructing transgender restrooms does not gloss over the failure of public education to properly teach reading, writing, and arithmetic skills to children.

Both the Governor and Harris have put their energy into teaching woke social values that undermine the authority of parents.  Being lap dogs

To the California Teachers Association (CTA) has stifled educational reform and school choice decisions for parents.

Proposition 3 is a constitutional amendment recognizing gay marriage.  It doesn’t change anything but cement the perception of leftists such as Harris  that the system is rigged against the LGBTQ community by a non-existent right wing conspiracy.

The 10 billion dollar tab that is intended to promote better drinking water in Prop 4 is a classic example of politics Newsom-Harris style.  This a payoff to environmentalists who are pushing for the Green New Deal.  The quality and quantity available for consumption of H2O should be dealt with by previous bonds intended to build more storage facilities.

It should be noted that as a Senator, Kamala Harris opposed President Trump’s proposal for the Federal Government to increase the capacity of Shasta Dam by approximately 10%.  

Proposition 5 is a 10 billion dollar boondoggle to build so called affordable housing with only 55% approval of voters.  When interest payments and added costs of using Project Labor Agreements are added in, it will likely result in each low income apartment to cost over seven figures to build.

Proposition 32 increases minimum wages plus cost of living adjustments.  It is yet another blow against  small business by the likes of Kamala.  As occurred with fast food workers, increasing their pay has resulted in a loss of jobs, especially among young people.

As her pre-2024 record indicates, Harris undoubtably supports Proposition 33 which puts rent control in place throughout the State.  Such programs have never been very successful in the past.  Even worse rent control takes away incentives from landlords to construct new housing.

Such a policy puts pressure on government to build new residences for the poor and middle class.  If Harris is to follow-up her promise to build 3 million housing units during her first term in office, it would undoubtably be done with government subsidies.

Judging on the 7 electric charging stations built under Biden-Harris with an 8 billion dollar budget, we can just imagine how many homes Kamala will actually construct!

This is yet another example Progressives such as the V.P. trying to increase  the power of government over tasks traditionally being carried out by the private sector.

Proposition 34 and 35 might be the most dangerous issues on the ballet.  34 tells health care providers how money is spent on discounts received on prescription medicine. 35 makes permanent funding for Medi-Cal.  It allows for revenue the State receives from healthcare providers such as Kaiser and Blue Shield to be increased.

This constitutes yet another new tax to California’s struggling middle class; even if it not called that.  If 35 passes, it will become a further money pit of government waste. With current Medical benefits extending to illegal aliens and the homeless, these proposed initiatives would act like a magnet to attract those of little or no economic means to our state.

The “Empire Strikes Back”  with Proposition 36  that “allows felony charges and increases sentences for certain drug and theft crimes.”  Retailers along with consumers in California have rebelled against retail shoplifting and drug related crime. They have  cost billions under lenient reforms instituted by Kamala Harris and other George Soros elected prosecutors.

These wimps are concerned with crowding the jails with dangerous criminals. The economic rights of business owners or victims is of no concern to them.  Sympathy with lawbreakers has been extended to Sanctuary City’s where there is a reluctance to charge residents with felonies for fear of ICE deporting these bums when released from prison.

Yikes!  Why not return to the pre Defund the Police days when law enforcement was respected and crime rates were much lower?

If California’s Proposition line-up seems scary, just imagine how the administration under Kamala Harris might be.  If she should be elected, Nightmare on Elm Street may well become a preview of coming attractions.

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