Like it or not COVID has transformed our society. Folks now know that government schools are indoctrinating centers, not education systems. We have allowed free speech to end and bullies to control the streets. Churches are going to have to work hard to get parishioners back—since they were not needed for the past 15 months.
“Given the changes that have occurred, common sense dictates government is spending too many dollars subsidizing mass transit systems. Even when full, they are losing tons of taxpayers’ money each year? Why is the State still constructing the bullet train knowing teleconferencing is making a large portion of anticipated business travel obsolete?
Along the same lines we have a housing policy that caters to markets that are not the wave of the future. Wealthier folks are immigrating to the suburbs. Those left behind under present plans of the State of California, are destined live in stack and pack housing without their own personal transportation adjacent to mass transit centers?
It would appear the cities will be filled.”
Not only are they leaving the cities, they are leaving the State. Families and business that want a better quality of life, a less expensive life and safety, know California is the worst place to be. Replacing the productive middle class families will be illegal aliens. There will be no replacement of businesses. Notice that the State, using tax dollars, are buying up hundreds of failing motels, to be used as government owned homeless shelters. What other businesses will they buy up? Kevin Faulconer wants government to buy up the utilities—Then government will decide who can have a business and who must be a worker—if they stay in California.
A simple truth by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 7/13/21
Back in my days as a high school student, teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was still part of the curriculum. It was understood things change over time. Those species who adapts best, ultimately ends up being part of the survival of the fittest.
The current poster child of evolution today comes in California in the aftermath of the Covid-19 epidemic. For over a year office workers telecommuted to their jobs instead of traveling each day to urban centers. At the end of this period it has been learned:
- Most of those who previously trudged to work Monday thru Friday will never return to that schedule. At most these individuals will go back to their offices no more than a few days a month.
- It was learned, especially those with families, that they prefer not to spend 3 hours on the road traveling to their place of employment.
- Because of changes in commuting patterns, mass transit systems are carrying less than half the traffic they lifted during pre pandemic times. It is uncertain if these systems will ever recover the business they lost
- An analysis of real estate sales figures for the past year shows a migration of city dwellers to suburbia where taxes are lower, education is better, and the streets are safer.
It doesn’t take a genius or great intellect to understand that working closer to home is what people desire. This is especially true as utilizing cars for this purpose is getting more expensive. If this is the case, we must ask, why our State government hasn’t changed their policies to fit the times?
Given the changes that have occurred, common sense dictates government is spending too many dollars subsidizing mass transit systems. Even when full, they are losing tons of taxpayers’ money each year? Why is the State still constructing the bullet train knowing teleconferencing is making a large portion of anticipated business travel obsolete?
Along the same lines we have a housing policy that caters to markets that are not the wave of the future. Wealthier folks are immigrating to the suburbs. Those left behind under present plans of the State of California, are destined live in stack and pack housing without their own personal transportation adjacent to mass transit centers?
It would appear the cities will be filled with individuals with means and prime time candidates for a Section 8 poverty existence.
The problem is neither Governor Newsom nor Legislature gets it. They still think commuting into urban centers such Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland will continue unabated.
If the truth be known development models for growth need to be re-evaluated from what has been formulated in recent years. It must be recognized that middle class families prefer to avoid the filth, corruption, and taxes of big cities. They do not want to take this lifestyle with them to suburbia.
Unfortunately, Sacramento just doesn’t get it.
State Senators Scott Wiener and Lorena Gonzales, who have crafted housing legislation in recent years, have in effect tried to export the lifestyle they enjoy to the burbs. The vehicle they have used to accomplish this mission is to usurp local planning decisions by turning this function over to the state.
The powers that be in the Capital are unhappy that their past mandates for cities to add affordable housing close by to transit systems haven’t worked very well in the past. Concerns about congestion, law enforcement, schools, recreation, and water, have slowed desired growth.
The decisions made by local governments and the litigation that often ensured, has Sacramento’s “panties in a bunch”. Their goals of increasing housing inventory the past decade are not even close to being met.
Newsom and company are now putting on the full course press to gain more authority from local planning agencies to accelerate the permitting process for new construction. They are trying to do this with
- Density discounts which allow more units than zoning regulations allow to be built. Along with this the State eases requirements for the number of parking spaces required per unit.
- Sidestepping local zoning ordinances if construction takes place within a mile of public transportation hubs
- Should sb-10 pass, developers can construct without local approval apartment building with up to 14 units in residential neighborhoods.
- Penalizing local communities by threatening to take away their share of gas tax revenues if the mandates of the State are not met.
Nowhere in these toxic intervention plans is any consideration given to local governments who will need to provide services to new residents. Questions arise is there room for an increasing student population? Will extra police services be needed especially if Section 8 housing is constructed? How will crowding new developments in city centers areas impact congestion, traffic, and parking?
The list of concerns in suburbia continues to grow. Nowhere in the State’s mandates is there the slightest concern about the quality of life for existing residents there or who is going to pay for expansion of government services.
Instead Scott Wiener, Lorena Gonzales, and their leftist colleagues are doing everything they can to destroy the lives of those who live outside urban population centers. In addition to destroying existing neighborhoods, they now want to ban the construction of single family homes under the guise of fighting global warming.
The notion of eliminating single family homes violates the concept of ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” enshrined in the Declaration of independence. Instead, these progressive fruitcakes use junk science climate change theory to justify their arbitrary actions.
Anyone who opposes them is labeled in the media to be radical Republican operatives who put forth a doctrine of greedy capitalism to enslave the people. Scientific facts are not relevant because these Marxist Lite radicals apparently have won the “Thought that counts” award.
The question comes up how long will the people of California who have not fled the state allow their government to continue their Kamikaze mission? Currently, with Democrats having a stranglehold on elected officials, the odds look dim for kicking these entrenched liberal rodents out of office.
Perhaps I am living in Fantasy Land to think there might be a time in California when the Government will fix the damn roads, leave local communities alone, and stick their cancel culture ideology where the sun don’t shine!
Charles Darwin would not have it any other way