Eber: Abolish the Electoral College?

I am proud to say that in 1980 I was a member of the Electoral College from California.  I actually got to vote for Ronald Reagan for President.  The Electoral College is part of the checks and balances that founded this nation, so small States and large ones have a say in its decisions.  The Electoral College is an integral part of the U.S. Democracy.

This is what the Left wants, “The will of the American people can be OVERRULED by an archaic

institution called the Electoral College. It is unfair and


Donald Trump would have NEVER defeated Hillary Clinton and become President were it not for the Electoral College!

Thankfully, top Democrats like Hillary Clinton are calling for an end to this terrible system.

Why?  Because without the electoral College they can stuff the ballot boxes in the large Blue States, to overwhelm the rest of America.  The electoral College may be the last barrier to a totalitarian State.

Abolish the Electoral College? By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, California Political News and Views,  5/25/23 www.capoliticalreview.com

I must be some kind of V.I.P. Hillary Clinton’s people sent

me this email which read:

The will of the American people can be OVERRULED by an archaic

institution called the Electoral College. It is unfair and


Donald Trump would have NEVER defeated Hillary Clinton

and become President were it not for the Electoral College!

Thankfully, top Democrats like Hillary Clinton are calling for an end

to this terrible system.

But if we're going to abolish the Electoral College, we need to know

who is with us. 


BEFORE 11:‌59 P.M.: Add your name now to stand with

Hillary Clinton and demand we ABOLISH the Electoral

College once and for all →

Are you kidding me? Should we abolish the electoral college based on the

recommendation of a bitter old lady who brought us the ”Basket of Deplorables?”

While Hillary might have her popularity rating equaling that of President Joe

Biden and his VP, Kamala Harris, this ain’t saying much. Darth Vader is running

neck with this group with returns from the Death Star yet to be tabulated.

Up to now the defeated Democratic Presidential nominee has never been very

concerned with the Electoral College. During her unsuccessful campaign in 2016,

Hillary purposely omitted less populated places; preferring to make appearances

in large metropolitan locales.

Experts believe Hillary losing key swing states, including Ohio and Minnesota, was

a result of her faulty campaign strategy.

This Electoral College was placed in Section II of the Constitution by our Founding

Fathers, This was done partially to protect less inhabited areas from domination

from large population centers such as New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,

and Virginia.

The creation of the Senate (with each state having 2 members) and the Electoral

College were designed to further fair representation for every American citizen.

This is why the United States has been classified as a democracy within a


What gives hacks and fundraisers for the Democratic Party the idea of collecting

millions of petitions to influence changing the Constitution? Even if abolishing the

Electoral College was unanimous in largely Blue States, why would other places

such as Idaho, the Dakotas, or Mississippi want to diminish their influence?

Progressive Democrats continue to be frustrated by the constraints of the U.S.

Constitution. It takes three fourths of all states to change this venerable

document. James Madison and his cohorts purposely made it difficult to amend it.

Their clear intention was to slow down the influence of demagogues and mob


The electoral college is no exception.

Just imagine how Presidential campaigns would change if voters in big cities like

New York, Boston, Miami, Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and San

Francisco were calling the shots? What incentive would candidates have to

venture beyond these Metropolitan enclaves? How would folks in Anchorage

Alaska or Cheyanne Wyoming feel?

Such reality does not deter Progressive Democrats from their mission to make

their country a leftist nexus. As examples includes:

 Packing the Supreme Court with additional members to tilt the balance of

power leftward.

 Ignore existing immigration laws to allow thousands of illegal aliens to

inhabit our country.

 Taking over the role of the Legislative Branch to formulate environmental

regulations. This has been done unilaterally promoting green energy polices

administered without a vote of the people.

By and large a new generation of Wokes has succeeded by perverting the balance

of power in the three branches of government. In their model, Washington D.C.

insiders wield true power, as part of the so called “Deep State”

Typical of entrenchment of career bureaucrats in the Federal Government, were

the results of the long-awaited Durham report. His five-year investigation

revealed the FBI and other security agencies promoting the Russian Hoax to

falsely discredit Donald Trump.

The report criticized the Steele Dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

This discredited document, was utilized to obtain unlawful search warrants of

Trump campaign officials.

Such brazen activities make Watergate into child’s play. Other examples include

the handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop from when social media co-operated with

The FBI, CIA, and NSA to withhold this information prior to the 2020 election.

Their work on the so-called Russian conspiracy between Putin and Trump, might

as well make the FBI to be unindicted co-conspirators of the deep state shuffle.

No wonder why Republicans distain the king of the hoaxers, Rep Adam Schiff (D-

Burbank), so much.

Bureaucratic strangulation has become the law of the land. Ridiculous fund-

raising campaigns such as getting rid of the Electoral College are typical of what

finds each day as they check their email in-box.

At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter if there is an Electoral College or

what decisions are determined by the Supreme Court. As Comrade Stalin once

remarked. “The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people

who count the votes do.”

So go ahead Progressives and keep collecting signatures from internet dupes who

think they are part of a critical advisory group which influences Congress. Never

mind money raised by these crooked activists go straight in the hands of Political

Action Committees (PACS), intent in maintaining the power structure in

Washington D.C.

No wonder Donald Trump is hated so much. This flawed character is one of the

few individuals who have not bought the ranch so to speak. Concern for Trump

turning over the apple cart has led to efforts to take legal actions to keep him off

the ballot in 2024.

Such a notion is nonsense as Democrats would love to have the former President

run again as they figure he would be easy to defeat.

The domination of Trump on cable TV and in social media tends to neutralize

other Republicans from effectively competing against him.

The last thing Democrats want to do is defend Biden’s sorry record dealing with

rising crime rates, Covid-19, growing inflation, failing immigration and foreign

policies. It is best for them to have the American people think about abortion and

how morally bankrupt Donald Trump might be.

“The beat goes on” in American politics.