Racism and hate is the foundation of the National Socialist Democrat Party.
“Following the Antifa meeting, I covered demonstrations protesting George Floyd’s death. They were held at the courthouse in Oakland and the Fruitvale BART Station. Again, it was noticeable the third or fourth speaker at the Antifa protests were individuals espousing the liberation of Palestine.
This was no coincidence the two radical organizations shared office space on Valencia Street in San Francisco.
My latter investigations found out the leaders of the Palestine group had connections with terrorists in the Middle East. While chilling, this was not a topic of interest covered by local eyewitness investigative news teams.
Several years later it was realized, my observations were not an isolated incident. Radical political thinking, including support for Palestine terrorists, has become a calling card of liberal Democrats and many Americans of the Jewish faith.
Note The Squad blamed Israel for the Hamas attack and murders. How sick is that? Worse, Joe Biden has not denounced his fellow Democrats for their love of Hamas. Of course, he has given BILLIONS of your tax dollars to Hamas—directly and through the transit organization, the United Nations. So how can he denounce himself for HIS support of Hamas?
American Anti-Semitism revealed by Richard Eber
Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/18/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
Back in 2020, during protests related to George Floyd’s unfortunate death, and conservative FOX commentator Ann Coulter’s scheduled appearance in Berkeley, I attended an Antifa (Anti-Fascist) meeting in Berkeley. At this Progressive hate fest, any Republican was equated to being a Nazis Storm Trooper!
As might be expected, the main speaker spewed anti-Semitic rhetoric that appeared to come directly from the Mein Kampf Cliff Notes study guide.
After this confab, I approached a Jewish woman who identified herself to be an Antifa stalwart. As V.P in the organization, she also belonged to the far-left National Lawyers Guild. In the course of our conversation I mentioned, “Don’t you know if Antifa ever gains power, you will be one of the first persons to be arrested?”
This question was never answered. I was treated to an explicative-filled rant and an angry dismissal.
Following the Antifa meeting, I covered demonstrations protesting George Floyd’s death. They were held at the courthouse in Oakland and the Fruitvale BART Station. Again, it was noticeable the third or fourth speaker at the Antifa protests were individuals espousing the liberation of Palestine.
This was no coincidence the two radical organizations shared office space on Valencia Street in San Francisco.
My latter investigations found out the leaders of the Palestine group had connections with terrorists in the Middle East. While chilling, this was not a topic of interest covered by local eyewitness investigative news teams.
Several years later it was realized, my observations were not an isolated incident. Radical political thinking, including support for Palestine terrorists, has become a calling card of liberal Democrats and many Americans of the Jewish faith.
Since the Obama administration, dislike of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has morphed into outright hatred. Accusations of him being a figure similar to those who ruled in South Africa during the Apartheid era, is considered to be a talking point with most Democrats.
Lost in the distain for Netanyahu is the fact Israel has been constantly fighting for its survival since becoming an independent state some 75 years ago. Being surrounded by hostile Arab States that have vowed to destroy their homeland, does not matter to the Limousine Liberal set.
They have applied their woke, cancel culture view of American history to current events. The results speak for themselves.
It is not certain if the savage attacks from Hamas will alter their current perspective. Especially noteworthy is commentary emanating from the American Jewish community. Over the last decade they have largely embraced the pro Palestine State crowd. This viewpoint has forgotten the constant peril the Jewish homeland faces each day.
In one case, some, Jewish friends of mine were literally thrown out of the Silicon Valley Temple they belonged to for being strong defenders of Israel and Donald Trump.
I was recently told my criticism of Jewish billionaire Democratic donor George Soros supporting radical Leftists in District Attorney races with million-dollar donations, was an “antisemitic dog whistle”. Apparently, with the practice of identity politics, it does not matter if Soros’s blatant interference with local elections, are an afront to American democracy.
Almost in a trance, these liberal Jews have supported Barack Obama and Joe Biden monetarily along with their vote. At the same time, they have denounced Donald Trump, who has not only been a staunch defender of Israel, but also negotiated the historical Abraham Accords.
How can this be, considering what transpired less than 100 years ago during the Holocaust?
At the same time the educational establishment has embraced antisemitism in what has been taught in schools. America has unwittingly fallen into the fascist web characterized by Albert Monrovia’s classic novel The Conformist.
This anti-Jewish sentiment following Homas’s slaughter of innocent women, children, and families has not been widely condemned in America’s institutions of higher learning. 58 student groups at Harvard gave their support to the terrorist group.
At U.C. Berkely, Stanford, UCLA, and elsewhere, similar sentiments were expressed. In one case, extra credit was given by a professor for condemning Israel.
Rather than expelling students for ignoring the Holocaust and the savage acts of terrorists, we should direct our energies to educators who preach Fascist slander to young people. Why do families, in some cases, invest their entire life savings to make their kids into first class bigots?
As a parent to offspring going to one of these schools I would immediately:
- Withdraw any financial support given my children to attend such prejudiced-racist institutions.
- Continue funding my kids attendance at places of higher learning that are not followers of garbage, Progressive-Woke thinking.
- As a graduate of any of these universities, stop financial support for their Alumni Associations until basic curriculum is changed.

American’s perceived hatred of Israel and Jewish people in general should be a wake-up call for determining who we choose to be our political leaders. This is especially important next year which promises to be a realigning Presidential election.
It is scary to think that there is a chilling similarity between the attitude of Americans in 2023 to that in Europe prior to the Second World War. With this in mind, those affiliated with Western Civilization should take a hard look of what is currently transpiring in the Holy Land.
i cant believe the things that people will read.i write nonsense and dont realize that i am part of the problem.
The problem is the Talmud in in general and Zionism in particular.
Since 1917 Zionists have stolen the land and property of hundreds of thousands of Christians and Muslims living in Palestine.
Instead of integrating into Palestinian communities zionists created an apartheid state, where gentiles are treated inequitably and millions are forced into concentration camps.
The Talmud creates a racist culture and promotes treatment of gentiles as subhuman.
For Shame!
If your God condones this barbaric and criminal treatment he is not the god of heaven.
You mistakenly worship the god Ramphan as you adorn even your flags with his star.
Jews were cast out of Israel 1500 years ago, not to return until your Messiah’s.
You missed tlhim. You wait instead for the anti-Christ.
Until then you treat other humans exactly as is expected of satans’ disciples.
this article i wrote i need to look in the mirror i am part of the problem and peddle nonsense online
My own article it out of date. Trump praised the hellzbollah as very smart and that bibi betrayed him on oct13.