Eber: Are you a White Supremacist?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in equality—the BLM calls him a white supremacist.  Justice Thomas believes in the Constitution—he is called a white supremacist.  Kamala Harris in 2020 called the mentally and morally challenged Joe Biden a racist.  To the Left only one race matters—note the large number of black on Asian assaults nationwide and no one seems to care.  Reverse that and the National Guard would be called out.

Democrats in California wanted to pass Prop. 16—the purpose of which was to limit the number of Asian students that could go to college—pure racism—yet the media played it as affirmative action and it is OK to discriminate against Asians—if Democrats do it.

Here is an example of questions being asked:

  1. The U.S Declaration of Independence and Constitution have been recently citied to be out of date, sexist, and racist by Progressive critics.  What would you like to do to bring this document up to date or start over again with more socially relevant documents?
  2. Lets drop these relics in a dumpster scrap heap where they belong and start over again
  3. Bring the Constitution up to date to uphold rights revolving around race, gender, age, skin color, religion, and bank account totals.
  4. Leave the present system along as it worked well for almost 150 years
  5. Disband the union and make individual States countries

Are you a White Supremacist? By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 4/13/21

Things are pretty intense inside the Democratic Party these days. Prospective new leaders are being reviewed to make sure they possess social values that are acceptable to Woke-Cancel Cultural values.

The first topic to be queried is “Are you a White Supremacist?”  To weed out closet racists and bigoted “bad apples” a questionnaire has been prepared that is being utilized to scrutinize those who should be given positions of leadership on Executive Committees within local organizations.

Luckily, the CPN&V has been able thru their Donkey spy, to gain a copy of this questionnaire for all to see.

Are you a White Supremacist?

  • What is the color of your skin?
  • Brown or yellow
  • White
  • Black
  • Mixed
  • What is your favorite color?
  • Black
  • White
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Red
  • What are you doing with your Dr. Seuss books that have been banned for being racist?
  • Purchase an insurance policy as they are

going up in value.

  • Burn Dr. Seuss at a no host Molotov cocktail book burning celebration
  • Sell them on E-Bay and donate the proceeds to Black Lives matter
  • Leave the books in boxes that have been sitting in your attic since the kids grew up.
  • Answer B plus ask your Congressman to pass a law making ownership of banned Dr. Seuss books a hate crime
  • George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and other past USA Presidents have been active targets of cancel culture advocates.  Given what you know would you like to see schools, streets, and buildings named after these individuals be changed to more Woke approved individuals?
  • Get rid of the bums.  Such change is long overdue.
  • Do nothing.  Let history alone and stop trying to rewrite it
  • There should be a vote in every community to determine what the people want?
  • Check with VP Kamala Harris to see what she favors in this matter
  • The U.S Declaration of Independence and Constitution have been recently citied to be out of date, sexist, and racist by Progressive critics.  What would you like to do to bring this document up to date or start over again with more socially relevant documents?
  • Lets drop these relics in a dumpster scrap heap where they belong and start over again
  • Bring the Constitution up to date to uphold rights revolving around race, gender, age, skin color, religion, and bank account totals.
  • Leave the present system along as it worked well for almost 150 years
  • Disband the union and make individual States countries
  • Tim Allen’s long running series Last Man Standing is in its last season.  The conservative star who earlier in his career gave us Home Improvement has been under fire for his shows Non-PC humor. Because of the allegedly offensive nature of Allen’s show, show Last Man Standing be allowed to be shown in syndication?
  • As sensitive Wokes are troubled by this shows contents, it should be barred from the airways forever.
  • Forget about it.  If you dislike Tim Allen, watch reruns of Big Bang Theory and Friends.
  • Allow Last Man Standing  into syndication but leave a parental warning that watching it might lead to holding conservative views
  • Refer any questions of censorship to the owners of Google, Facebook, and Twitter who will gladly monitor sitcom contents to their growing level of influence over people’s lives.
  • If you were Gavin Newsom’s accountant trying write-off his visit last year to The French Laundry, what deductions, if any, would you recommend he take?
  • Allow Newsom to write the whole event off even if lobbyists sprung for the entire bill.  He was acquiring important information between sips of $ 500.00 bottles of wine.
  • Make him pay for a prorated amount of the food and drink he and his wife consumed at this lavish event.  If more than a month’s salary is involved, the State should give Newsom an interest free payday loan.
  • Take a tip from Joe Biden. Forget the entire matter.  The Amnesia Defense works well for the President as his son Hunter can attest.  The same for Gavin?
  • The FBI should arrest Newsom for taking kickbacks from donors.  Should bail be invoked, the Governor should not be allowed to flee to Beverly Hills.
  • Should Californian’s resort to civil disobedience while inviting in Antifa to protest Georgia’s recently passed Fascist Voter laws. Such horrific requirements as demanding identification for to tender an absent tee ballet, not being able to directly give food and drink directly to those in line and forbidding registration on election day, are just some of the inequities.  What to do?
  • Pass new Federal laws to prevent Georgia’s new laws taking affect,
  • Georgia’s new laws discriminate against people of color since Democratic operatives will not longer be allowed to fill in ballots and drop them in collection boxes.
  • Stop and the BS and realize Georgia passed a fair now law and leave things alone. Tell Major League Baseball to stuff their All Star Game where the sun don’t shine
  • Bring Putin in to be an election consultant. Like his predecessor Stalin he can advise. “The people who cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do.”
  • A, B, & D
  1. You assume husband is a racist pig because he is a registered Republican and likes to go golfing with his pals on weekends. Between sips of single malt scotch he refrains from uttering offensive racist rants but you know he is a White Supremacist.  What to do?
  2. Check with Gloria Allred on this matter to seek her advice,
  3. Before you serve papers, don’t allow your kids to wear white at night when in the company of your husband,
  4. Stay with this horrible husband until a wealthier one can be procured
  5. None of the above. Convert to become a lesbian
  6. C & D
  1. Elections in California by definition are unfair to the poor, people of color, and disenfranchised illegal aliens. Would you (1) support never purging voter rolls without a court order (2) Allow registration and absent tee ballots mailed 24 hrs after election day for the homeless (3)Force conservatives to attend  3 counseling  sessions before being allowed to vote?
  2. These are great ideas. How come they are not in place?
  3. Unfortunately the proposed new laws do not go far enough to protect voters from the GOP menace,
  4. This is a dumb idea that makes Boss Tweed and Richard Daly into light weights.  It is Democrats who are trying to destroy the election process.
  5. Bring on Putin in as a paid. Consultant.  He has been working hard on subverting American democracy for years with only the Steel dossier to show for his hard work.
