I am not big on surveys or questionnaires. Usually they are asking questions that no one cares about or already has a fixed opinion. In this article Rich Eber makes some great points about the crazy thoughts that now seem to be mainstream. Putting Trump in jail—without a trial? Some Dems in Congress have suggested this. In the past a lot of this would have been cause for a laugh—now it is a segment on the CBS Nightly News and a hearing in Congress.
The world has gone crazy.
Are you Woke enough? By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 2/16/22
In trying select politically correct candidates to fill some 50 Democratic Congressional seats for those not seeking re-election this fall, the DNC committee put out a questionnaire to qualify those who are worthy enough to carry the donkey banner.
In much the same way as the GOP (except in California) reject RINOS, Democrats want to make sure they won’t contend with Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema types when the blue wave takes office.
Fortunately, I was able to obtain a copy of this secret document obtained from Hunter Biden’s second misplaced laptop, for readers of this publication to review. Correct answers, as they see it, are listed on the answer side of the questions.
- In purchasing a new home, what is the most important consideration?
- Location, Location! 0
- Moving in to a diverse neighborhood 7
- The house has an in-law unit where a homeless family could live 8
- A house where there are no natural gas outlets 7
- B,C, & D 10
- Who would you choose to be the Democratic Nominee for President in 2024?
- Joe Biden 6
- Kamala Harris 10
- AOC if she is old enough 10
- Anyone but Donald Trump 7
- None of the above 5
- What attribute makes you most “woke worthy”?
- I donate regularly to Emily’s List 10
- Hatred of all Republicans 8
- Desire to defund the police and release of violent felons for counseling who experienced bad childhoods. 9
- Allegiance to the Squad 8
- None of the above 0
- What historical American Presidents would you like to cancel?
- Founding fathers George Washington & Thomas Jefferson 9
- Abraham Lincoln 7
- Not sure who these guys might be. Pre-Obama History was canceled for me in the 9th grade 10
- Donald Trump 0
- Not possible to cancel history 3
- When Kamala Harris takes over the reins of power from Joe Biden, how should she handle the previous misdeeds of Donald Trump?
- Yes, give him a trial but make Adam Schiff the judge 8
- No, why waste taxpayer money. Send him directly to jail awaiting trial without bail 9
- No, just dispatch Trump to the firing squad to receive his just punishment. 10
- Don’t charge the former President. Just place him under house arrest so he can’t run again. 3
- House arrest isn’t enough because Joe Biden was elected pretty without leaving his basement. 6
- How would you define White Supremists
- A person who believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society. 5
- Anyone with light skin color or Albinos. 7
- Conservatives of all skin colors 9
- Not sure, ask Rep. Rashida Tlaib what she thinks? 10
- Those who escaped from the bunker where Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun last resided 8
- Who would you nominate for the Woke of the year award?
- Marxist-Lite Senator Bernie Sanders 8
- Asleep at the wheel Joe Biden 7
- George Soros 9
- Governor Gavin Newsom 10
- Can’t we just have a tie between these worthy candidates 6
- None of the above 0
- Should members of Antifa who burned down Federal Property and killed innocent bystanders be charged for their crimes?
- As their cause was just they should be given the Medal of Freedom rather than be arrested. 10
- If these patriots are convicted the President should pardon them. 8
- Appoint one of them to the Supreme Court to replace a conservative justice 9
- Let then stand trial just like any other citizen. 0
- Are reparations possible to reward them for such good work? 9
- How do you define racist behavior?
- Anyone who is a Republican? 7
- Reporters who dare ask Joe Biden unrehearsed questions at press conferences 8
- An individual, regardless of color who appears on Fox News 9
- Those who can be found inside Hillary Clinton’s Basket of Deplorables 10
- Judge the person based on their character 0
- If you should learn your next door neighbor is a libertarian or even a Republican, what is the best way to deal with this family?
- Move to a commune or farm where your children are not exposed to this criminal element. 8
- Build a fence to keep these Bircher types away from your property 7
- Before doing anything try to covert these misguided folks to become Progressive left leaning wokes. 9
- Try to get an injunction against these right leaning lunatics demanding they stay 50 feet from your property. 9
- Plant Nazi symbols on their lawn to see if they get the message. 10
Bonus Question
Yielding from pressure by the Woke lobby, The Washington Redskins were recently renamed The Commanders. What do you think?
- Should have kept the old Redskin mascot 0
- Commanders is fine. 7
- Comrades or Commies is a better Woke name 10
- How about the Commoners in case the team relocates to London 8
- Call them the Reds. That way when odds makers favor Washington, book makers will offer Cheech and Chong’s advice, “Take the Reds.” 10
90-100 We will approve putting you on the ticket unless you are a male with pale skin.
80-89 With a little counseling we will allow you to run
70-79 Take the Bernie Sanders Pod Cast to become eligible for retesting
60-69 The Democratic Party will send someone to your house to fill out ballot.
59 and below- You are likely a Trump supporter so stay home on election day