We are living in a cancel culture world. The FBI wants to cancel Catholics. Harvard wants to cancel Jews. Hillary wants to cancel believers in America. Biden wants to cancel financial security. Disney wants to cancel children. Government schools want to cancel education. Newsom wants to cancel water and energy.
Until sanity returns, our nation will continue its’ death spiral, ending freedom. This is the time to speak up. Yes, seeing Taylor Swift at a football is cute—but there is nothing cute about losing our freedoms because we watch football and Taylor Swift rather than becoming a speaker/activist for freedom.
Believe it or not by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 10/10/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
Believe it or not Lima, a well-regarded family owned restaurant in Concord, is in danger of being put out of business for having a Ladies Night.
Offering half price drinks to the fair sex once a week has resulted in a lawsuit alleging discrimination. Patrons including, men, non-binary, and transgender men, are considered to be victims of unlawful behavior.
Because of the expense in fighting this lawsuit, Lima’s owner John Marquez may be forced to close his business. The creation of a Go Fund Me page may not be enough to thwart the efforts of Ambulance Chaser attorney’s.
Lima’s dilemma is a mere footnote to Robert Ripley’s iconic comic strip Believe it or not. First published in 1918. He endeavored to tell stories about the bizarre, occult, and strange.
Over 100 years later searches for the Loch Ness Monster to Dinosaur sized Alligators, appears less crazy than what has been witnessed in California of late.
Were Mr. Ripley still around, he would be surprised with:
- Gavin Newson blaming oil companies for the high price of gasoline. Recently, fuel has climbed to up to over $7.00 per gallon in some places. The governor must have amnesia or be reading the script from Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act speech when failing to factor the $1.30 per gallon in extra costs consumers must pay.
This figure does not include extra distribution expenses for oil companies nor the State virtually banning oil drilling. Even worse, Newsom has diverted a large portion of gas tax revenue to mass transit and phantom bike lane projects. Meanwhile, California’s roads remain a pot hole-infested mess.
- Demand Justice, a leftist Political Action Committee (PAC), is trying to remove Donald Trump’s name from the ballot in California’s Presidential Primary next year. Such an effort sure looks like something one might see in a communist or fascist state. Certainly not in the “land of the free and the brave.”
- Believe it or not, Laphonza Butler has been named to replace Dianne Feinstein in the U. S. Senate. How could a person who is not even a California resident, with no legislative experience, be appointed to such an important post? Has being advisor to Hillary Clinton’s ill-fated campaign in 2016 or Kamala Harris’s failed run for the presidency, translate into Butler’s selection?
Lets not forget the Senator being the CEO of the radical Political Action group PAC Emily’s List. Could identity politics, with Ms. Butler being a Black -Lesbian activist, could possibly figure into this equation?
- Kevin McCarthy losing his post of Republican House Majority because of the actions of 8 dissident members of his caucus? Even Mr. Ripley would have a difficult time trying to explain the actions of a polarized Congress that more resembles a rudderless vessel than the citadel of American Democracy.
- Donald Trump is being tried in New York for giving inflated real estate values in obtaining loans that were paid off as scheduled. If similar criteria were used on the rest of us applying for home mortgages, our prisons would be filled by those who overestimated their net worth. What’s next? One to three years in the slammer for jay walking?
- How can Gavin Newsom be considered as a serious candidate for President? Currently, the Golden State is experiencing declining revenue, business’s leaving California, the stagnation of the State’s economy, a failed education system, and ridiculous housing costs. With such a dismal record, how could this man be seriously considered to win the Democratic nomination? If
Elected, would Newsom ban all fossil fuels to allegedly save the planet?
- Being termed out to be Chairwomen of the California Republican Party, Jessica Patterson is being considered for a top post in the national GOP organization. Taking into account her failed record with electing Republicans to office, registering new voters, and representing conservative political values, how can this woman be placed in a Washington D.C. leadership position? This sure sounds like the Peter Principle in action or giving the captain of the Titanic a promotion for avoiding collisions with North Atlantic coral reefs.
- The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board of Education voted 4-2 to limit charter schools from leasing space on almost 350 district sites. The policy was intended to protect vulnerable kids, including Black, Latino, and low-income students. How can this be when the district in recent years has experienced declining enrolment, low test scores, and increased truancy? Is it possible the CTA is behind this illogical move to thwart the learning ability of so many endangered children? Does hatred of non-union teachers supersede their educational mission? Whatever happened to the unions previous proclamation “With us, kids come first.”
- During drought conditions for the last decade, why is California tearing down dams on the Klamath River to appease environmentalists and local Indian Tribes. With water and electricity in short supply not to mention the 500 million price tag, why do this? Even worse, during President Trump’s term in office, he offered to have the Federal Government pay for enlarging Shasta Reservoir to increase its capacity by 200 billion gallons. This was rejected by a coalition led by Gavin Newsom and environmentalist groups. Will common sense ever prevail in Sacramento?
In a non-critical matter, I was shocked to find my gridiron hating wife viewing two professional football games involving the Kansas City Chiefs. Believe it or not, she was curious to see singer Taylor Swift sitting in a luxury box with her boyfriend star tight end Travis Kelsey’s parents.
I had no objections to Mary’s interest in this couple. It is far better to satisfy her curiosity on the tube as opposed to springing for $ 1000.00 to obtain a pair of tickets to one of Swift’s concerts.
Sorry Steve. It’s impossible to live in the Bay Area and not be a rabid football (Niner) fan, at least for me. That being said, times are challenging for former CFRW members who want to help make a positive difference in the political landscape. The Golden State Republican Women and the CRA are both committed to helping us be informed on issues that matter. I recommend anyone looking for a political outlet to please check them out. https://GSRW.org. And CRA.org
Oops! California Republican Assembly.S/b CAGOP.ORG !!!
Oops! CRA: California Republican Assembly: s/b. CRAGOP.org
Biden (domestic terrorist) wants to cancel all petroleum. Hayden (a complete anti-American communist wack job all dressed up in his general’s uniform) wants to cancel Tuberville.
And on and on it goes.
I had to laugh out loud after reading the bullet point regarding CRP Chair being considered for a “top post” in the national GOP, following right after Newsom being a presidential contender. When society stopped demanding results and started measuring worth by — what? hair slickness? charm? — things went to pod fast.