Rich Eber has been writing for the California Political News and Views at least once a week for the past seven years. In that time he has attended both Republican and Democrat State conventions and received Press Credentials, like other reporters. The CPNV is the largest independent conservative blog in the State. Started in 1996, we produce six editions a week, each with ten stories.
Remember the relationship Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot had with the media? At one point she announced she would not be interviewed by any white people. She thought that by doing that she could control her press coverage.
“ › 2021/05/19 › chicagos-mayor-refuses-toChicago’s mayor refuses to give interviews to white reporters
May 19, 2021 · Mayor Lori Lightfoot, the first black woman and openly gay person elected to run that city, confirmed the move Tuesday after members of the local press took to Twitter saying they…”
That did not stop reporters, of any color, from reporting on her actions. Of course, in the end she lost her position.
In their own way, the Chair of the CRP, she is in charge of her staff, is acting like Lightfoot. Do they think that by not given a press credential to a journalist, he still will not report on the convention? Or that others will not report. Please note no CRP staff member had the courage to sign their name to the email.
Oh, because Speaker McCarthy will hold a press avail at the convention, expect a lot of reporters—and we will cover it.
California Republican Party Doesn’t Like Bloggers/Newsletter Journalists

From: CRP Press Team
Sent: Saturday, March 4, 2023 9:08 AM
To: Richeber@
Subject: CAGOP 2023 Organizing Convention
From Richard Eber, 5/6/23
Thank you for your interest in attending the CAGOP’s 2023 Organizing Convention, but we are unable to credential you for press at this time. This decision is final.
Dear Bryan Watkins & Team 3/6/23
Can you advise why someone who writes for a conservative blog such as the California Political News and Views might be denied press credentials for this convention? Given the fact I have written over 300 columns for the publication, surely this would entitle me to receive a press pass. As such I have received credentials from both the Republican and Democratic parties in the past 5 years.
Why the change of policy from the California GOP? To me, this sounds more like a stunt Lori Lightfoot would do than the party of Lincoln.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure keeping me out of the convention is a result of my criticism of Chairwomen Jessica Patterson and her staff. Unfortunately as a writer, I abide by the rule “If the shoe fits, wear it.” The California CRP has done a dreadful job under the present administration of registering voters, assisting conservative candidates, and educating the electorate what the party stands for. Most important, the CRP does a poor job winning elections on every level.
I hope your decision to deny me is not related to articles I published or those of my editor Steve Frank. If this is the case it would appear the CRP team is denying me access to the convention against everything the First Amendment stands for. Such standards don’t even qualify as a pup tent in being inclusive for all.
Please review your decision as it is not in the interests of the Republican Party to keep qualified members of the media away from the proceedings in Sacramento.
Sincerely yours,
Richard J Eber
California Political News & Views
p.s. To be honest I have not seen such sleaze ball tactics taken by a political party since Donna Brazil leaked the Presidential debate questions to Hillary Clinton. Oh well I guess Mark Twain was right when he commented “ I wouldn’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member”