Eber: California:  The Collapsing Economy

California is in a DOOM LOOP.  Insurance companies are pulling out of the State.  Newsom is restricting the use of water, while demolishing dams and allowing water to flow into the ocean.  Schools are war zone, hate zones and education failures.  Our roads are the worst in the nation, we have the highest unemployment rate in the nation, highest poverty rate—and the largest number of illegal aliens—with the Guv begging for more.  In 2025 an unelected agency is getting ready to RAISE gas taxes by 47 cents in 2025.

“This 10 billion dollar school bond ballot measure intends to improve classroom facilities for K1-12  and Junior Colleges. Originally the bond issue had a price tag of 14 billion. The amount was reduced when polling revealed it is more likely voters will approve a lesser amount.

The money generated by the bonds is expected to go further as matching funds are expected to be generated by school districts and other governmental agencies.  Naturally., larger districts with more economic resources are better situated to benefit from the passage of Prop 2.

Somehow having better school facilities is supposed to combat the horrendous performance of a public education system that ranks in the bottom 10% of all States in mathematics and English proficiency.

Ten years ago the California budget was $96 billion.  Now it is $292 billion—we have enough tax dollars, no need for bonds.  Maybe they could take money from the Madoff type scam of the train to nowhere instead.

Eber: California:  The Collapsing Economy

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views  7/9/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

As the fall election approaches in California, the US Senate and Presidential races  are all but decided.  This leaves State issues as the main items facing voter scrutiny.

Of note is Proposition  #2. It is supposed to prop up the State’s failing public education system.

This  10 billion dollar school bond ballot measure intends to improve classroom facilities for K1-12  and Junior Colleges. Originally the bond issue had a price tag of 14 billion. The amount was reduced when polling  revealed it is more likely voters will approve a lesser amount.

The  money generated by the bonds is expected to go further as matching funds are expected to be generated by school districts and other governmental agencies.  Naturally., larger districts with more economic resources are better situated  to benefit from the passage of Prop 2.

Somehow having better school facilities is supposed to combat the horrendous  performance of a public education system that ranks in the bottom 10% of all States in mathematics and English proficiency.

In addition, unexcused absences leading to high school drop-outs plague schools. This problem is hidden as no show students lower funding levels the State receives from the Federal government.

According to the theory of the bond proposal, cosmetic improvements  will cover over years of incompetence, greed , and mismanagement by the State Government.

Talking about painting lipstick on a pig!

Since 2020, education funds from the State budget and property tax have generated $3,360 extra per pupil.  This has been partially offset by deferred spending by the State and less assistance coming from the Federal government.

Unfortunately, passing this or any local bond proposal will have little or no impact on student classroom performance.  Until basic educational reform takes place, the current pathetic status quo will ensue.

Non-economic issues include:

  • needed curriculum reform by placing more emphasis on teaching basic skills.  Concern of sexual orientation, lack of discipline fostered by Woke-PC values, and less parental input on the educational process,  needs to be addressed.
  • The increasing power of the California Teachers Association (CTA) in  classroom decision making.  Empowering the union power has become more important than their actual educational mission.  This obstruction has included opposition to charter schools (often non-union) school choice and less scrutiny of poor teacher performance.
  • Embracing the status quo pushed forward by Governor Newsom, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, and the Legislature. These entities are complete lapdogs to the CTA who provide financial and active campaign assistance to the Progressive juggernaut in Sacramento.

California families and voters are aware of these problems. Up to now they have not asserted themselves except for throwing out a few Progressive school boards.  The fact remains Democrats face little opposition in the legislature. This enables them to block almost all  conservative input.

One place where a ray of hope exists is the reluctance of local communities to continue to rubber stamp new school  bond measures. There is some concern much of the money raised locally in the last decade has gone into solar power panel purchases.  As might be expected, much of the energy savings have often been channelled back into increased teacher compensation.

Given these facts, it is getting more difficult to pass school bonds  of any type in California.  Voters realize interest payments double the price of money spent.  They want more bang for their buck.

It is no wonder Gavin Newsom and his progressive buddies  have placed Proposition 2 on the ballot. To make this job easier, they added a companion measure  lowering the percentage  from 66.67% to 55% for  new taxes and revenue bonds to pass.

In addition to education, getting rid of the 2/3 passage rule, lowering voters approval levels  helps in other areas. Beneficiaries include Medical assistance for undocumented migrants , green energy programs, low income housing, and homeless programs.  California’s appittite for pork barrel spending is unlimited.

The end result of this road to socialism is more power being given to Sacramento, at the expense of local communities.

Given what has  transpired in the Golden State under the Brown and Newsom administrations, we have seen the State budget grow by 200%. As a  result, the State is saddled with a 68 billion deficit.

With no improvement expected in the future, U-Haul vans are departing California in record numbers. Educational deficiencies are merely the tip of the ice-berg.

One thought on “Eber: California:  The Collapsing Economy

  1. History repeats itself. The analogy of Nero fiddling while Rome burned is being repeated in California. Newsom and the Sacramento cohorts are just fiddling away as California faces destruction on many fronts.

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