Our nation is at a crossroads. Within the month expect to go back to mask, social distancing and lockdowns. Parts of California have already gone there—and the public instead at laughing at the stupidity are falling in lines like lemmings going over a cliff.
“Signs of this deterioration of our society are everywhere. These include:
- A decline of public education characterized by free falling mathematics and English scores. In many places teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) has replaced history and civics courses. The concept of no child left ahead has thwarted the best and brightest from rising to the top.
- Family life is slipping each year as big government is providing more services from free day care, meals, medical, and social services. The result is complacency which thwarts upward mobility. This is especially true in big city urban ghettos.
- Lack of respect of law enforcement characterized by the Defund the Police movement which has resulted in a spiraling crime rate
- An entrenched bureaucracy in State and national governments that created a middle class subgroup similar to what existed within the communist party in the old Soviet Union. Over the years the pay and benefits of this group far surpass what workers in the private sector receive.
As a society we are following the path of Russia before 1920, Germany in the 1930’s and Cuba in 1959. Who is going to fight for our freedom?
Can America be salvaged? By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 7/22/21
It is quite possible that historians, if there are still any left, will point to the Covid-19 outbreak in the United States as the beginning of the United States downfall from being the greatest democracy in history.
It may be the isolation that has influenced us socially, educationally, and in the workplace, carries with it collateral damage that will be difficult to overcome.
Currently, a revolution of sorts is going on which challenges the foundation of our way of life as it has existed for almost 250 years. The proud country that has been known as the land of the free and brave has been going thru a metamorphous which threatens to turn it into a Marxist-Lite outpost.
Signs of this deterioration of our society are everywhere. These include:
- A decline of public education characterized by free falling mathematics and English scores. In many places teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) has replaced history and civics courses. The concept of no child left ahead has thwarted the best and brightest from rising to the top.
- Family life is slipping each year as big government is providing more services from free day care, meals, medical, and social services. The result is complacency which thwarts upward mobility. This is especially true in big city urban ghettos.
- Lack of respect of law enforcement characterized by the Defund the Police movement which has resulted in a spiraling crime rate
- An entrenched bureaucracy in State and national governments that created a middle class subgroup similar to what existed within the communist party in the old Soviet Union. Over the years the pay and benefits of this group far surpass what workers in the private sector receive.
- A failed judicial system that is hesitant to prosecute only the most serious of felonies at the expense of adherence to law and order. On the civilian side the courts are clogged with frivolous class action lawsuits. The end result is creating a non-productive cottage industry for attorney’s and insurance companies.
- Failed leadership in both the Democratic and Republican parties who consistently put their own self interests before what is best for the country
The list goes on but it is certain the United States is rotting from within. This can be characterized by defying Force Majeure (an act of God or Nature) by blaming Donald Trump for everything that ails us. Such thinking has become the standard operating procedure (SOP) in the ever present court of public opinion.
Our mass media which is now dominated by Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple, have lost the sense of impartiality that has characterized the Fifth Estate for over 100 years. Objectivity and debate have been primarily replaced by Leftist oligopolies that end up quelling free speech.
President Joe Biden recently reaching out to these news sources to censor anti Covid -19 vaccination arguments. In his mind public interest outweighs freedom of speech.
Things have fallen so far that many so called Progressives feel the US Constriction is outdated and should be replaced by a government where more power is wielded from Washington D.C. Everything from the composition of the Supreme Court to the Electoral College is under attack.
Rugged individualism and the entrepreneurial spirit are discouraged everywhere from education to taxation policies. The end results stifle creativity and ingenuity. Were Horatio Alger around today, he would be likely be arrested and sent for counseling.
Instead of the likes of Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates, leadership in society is being directed to group think where committees are considered to make better decisions than individuals.
Under the new system were diversity and consensus are more important than capitalism, The United States evolving into society that discourages winners and losers from coming to the forefront. Equality trumps excellence.
The result is the rise of WOKEISM where sensitivity outweighs reason.
Outside of trashing historical monuments, rewriting history, and pushing for the suicidal Green New Deal, there is a movement on the part of WOKES to discourage patriotism. Signs of this are everywhere.
Most depressing is the support of parts of corporate America and the Democratic Party for Marxist front groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Switching the Major League All Star game from Atlanta to Denver because of what Joe Biden called “Jim Crow on steroids” voting laws in Georgia is total fraud. Right behind this 5 Pinocchio stunt is the National Football Leagues plan to play the Black National Anthem along with the one which begins “Oh say can you see?”, prior to each game.
Instead of destroying our enemies CRT has crept into military training. Concern for the composition of battlefield restrooms and terms of engagement taken on more importance than winning battles. Instead of standing up to dictatorships in China, Russia, Iran, and Cuba, current American policies ooze weakness.
Given what has transpired, is the any hope to deliver this country from Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, and their lackey Joe Biden?
The answer is “yes”. Even with the likes of the New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, L.A. Times, S.F. Chronicle, along with social media serving as cheerleaders, it is possible to defeat these formidable forces?
It’s called voting.
Despite slim odds middle of the road and conservatives can change things around in the mid-term congressional elections next year. If Republican s can win enough seats, it is hoped they can prevent the further erosion of the American way of life.
Were this to happen it would set up a realigning Presidential election in 2024.
Despite a large amount of skepticism, I still think there is a good chance our side can prevail. Such optimism is nothing new, especially in California where conservatives seldom have anything to celebrate about. Without losing faith in the system we perennially have to say, “Wait till next year”.
However, my love of The Constitution always gives me hope, especially during hard times when “Our flag was still there.”