Eber: Christmas Circa 2024

Can we take at least one day off from politics, community concerns, good food or bad food, annoying people?  How about one day in which we remember our blessings, our families and friends?

Tomorrow is a day for all Faiths.  Every once in a while Hanukah and Christmas arrive on the same day.  To me, this is a sign form above to put aside jealousies, disagreements and disappointments.  Today we celebrate and remember what is really important.

My special thanks to Rich Eber and to Dr. Richard Coleman for their outstanding articles and thoughts, week after week.  While I usually agree with their views, sometimes I disagree.  But I never edit their thoughts.  Free speech is what the California Political News and Views is about.  Eber and Coleman exemplify that value.

Christmas Circa 2024 by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  12/24/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

No Rudolf this year as Santa has been informed his red nosed courier of gifts is recovering in rehab from partaking in excessive spiked egg nog consumption. 

Because of this unfortunate event, solar lighting will be installed on Santa’s sled to replace his dependable  red nose in guiding the reindeer  thru thick and thin. Instead, an electric powered navigation system that needs to be charged every 300 air miles, will be utilized. If this fails, Santa can get around with  a brail powered back-up unit. The bearded elderly gentleman  will not be detoured from completing his yearly mission.

Contrary to rumors spread on MSNBC, the elves are not striking for higher pay in Arctic toy factories. Mrs Klaus has declined to ask her husband to refrain from using proper names in printing tags used to identify toys her husband  distributes.

Santa has refused to offer explanations to woke critics who doubt his ability to deliver millions of presents to  Kids under adverse weather conditions. He has assured children of all ages the Amazon strike will not cause any delays.

It should be business as usual foe the jolly one on Christmas Day

          A hope for December 25th

I’m dreaming of a non-woke like Christmas

Just like the one missing during the Biden years

When GOP supporters had to shed so many tears 

From harassment by their partisan Democrat peers

With Happy Holidays being enjoyed by all

I’m no longer going  to tolerate a DEI season

Where conservatives are harassed without reason

Because celebrating these holly days pleases em 

Where  Progressives aren’t actually complaining

As real Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion is reigning

I’m dreaming  of a pronoun free  Christmas 

Just like the one God intended us to have

Where males could be described as men

Women be called gals, and still be our pals

Where identity politics is shelved for the power of love

I’m dreaming of climate change free Christmas

Just like the one we used to have

With snow flakes could abundantly be falling

In the snow Electric vehicles weren’t stalling

Plus sea level rise paranoia doesn’t fill the air

I’m not dreaming of  Green New Deal Christmas

Just like the one Trump didn’t want us to have

We prefer birds be chirping while everyones working

X-MAS stockings filled, while new oil wells are being drilled

Wielding an scepter of economic prosperity for all

As the 2024 Holiday season has approached, this is the first time in recent memory I have not been required to alter my language to fit woke social norms. It is a relief for me to tell a joke that doesn’t offend an overly socially sensitive Progressive crowd.

It is  a moment when we can for once describe the corrupt Biden family for who they actually are (minus Rachal Maddow cringing in the background.) An environment where  dumb ass Kamala, is no longer considered a beyond reproach female super heroine;,

At the same time we need not worry about Gavin Newsom’s waining popularity in California.  If the truth be known were his recall occurring today, the Governor would be forced to spend some of his campaign donations, put aside for a 2028 White House run, just to stay in office.

With Newsom and Harris’s low approval, one wonders how long this dislike will percolate to lessor office holders? Are voters in future elections going to continue bestowing Democrats total domination of the legislative process in Sacramento?

No doubt all of these questions will be dealt with in 2025 and beyond.  For now all we can do is enjoy the Christmas season and look forward to what transpires in Washington D.C. when Donald Trump assumes office on January 20th.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all!


2 thoughts on “Eber: Christmas Circa 2024

  1. Wishes of the demise of wokeness seem to be coming true! Let’s celebrate. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you, Rich, to Steve, and to everyone.

  2. Thank you for the kind remarks about Richard Eber and me.

    Like P.T. Barnum: “I don’t care what you say about me. Just spell my name right,”
    RICHARD COLMAN — spelled C-O-L-M-A-N.”

    Also, Hanukkah is spelled H-A-N-U-K-K-A-H.
    This comment is from a person who has worked as a copy editor.

    Happy holidays to all.

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