Eber:  Damn it, I was right! Biden IS Mentality Incapacitated 

In 2020 it was not COVID that caused Biden to run a basement campaign for President—it was diminished mental capacity.  If he had to answer media questions, it would have been apparent.  Over the past three years, Biden has not given more than a couple of press conferences—and at each one his mental capacity was showed to decline.

Earlier this year we should have known Biden had limited mental capacity.  He refused to do the traditional pre-Super Bowl interview—even though he would have been given the questions in advance.

Eber:  Damn it, I was right! Biden IS Mentality Incapacitated 

Damn it, I was right!  In a column published in the CPN&V on June 11th, Uncle Bosie Lives, the diminished mental capacity of President Joe Biden was discussed:

It concluded:

Regardless of what political pundits, including myself, might think, voters will soon  have the opportunity to judge the mental fitness of Biden and Trump. This truth serum will  be on display when the two square off in a debate on June 27th,

Playing the point spread for this event, it is difficult for me to imagine Biden putting in a credible performance without a teleprompter or aids available to assist his failing memory.

I would not be surprised if Joe Biden drops out of the race before the end of the month.  His moment in history has come and passed.  It’s time to move on,  Uncle Bosie would not have it any other way.

Biden’s behavior during the last couple years reminds those of us who have taken care of elderly parents. It is easy for us to compare him with those who reside in assisted living-rest home institutions.

Memory loss, disorientation, mumbling, lack of mobility, and  confusion separating the past from the present, are all symptoms present where my Mom resided for over a decade. Tales of Uncle Bosie dying in a plane crash over New Guinea and being eaten by cannibals, are typical of clouded rest home reality.

Biden has no business being leader of the free world or formulating decisions associated with the Presidency. We selected him to make tough choices running the country.  Biden’s wife and close aids were not listed on the ballot.

This assessment was shared in an article recently published in the Wall Street Journal. It  showed great concern for Biden’s ability to serve another 4 years in the White House.

Naturally, Washington D.C. insiders were quick to respond, calling the article a so-called “hit piece.” 

Following  Biden’s dismal debate performance, commentators on CNN and MSNBC  displayed surprise. Progressive supporters expected him to put in a credible performance in the debate.  Somehow, the President’s recent space cadet antics were miraculously supposed to disappear.

They didn’t.  Judging from Biden’s demeanor, it looked like Cheech & Chong were moonlighting at White House Pharmacy prescribing  stimulants to the President.

How could these Donkey stalwarts believe a man who lacks the ability to answer simple questions without a teleprompter in hand, be able to speak off the cuff for 90 minutes? Has reality blinded them?

If the guy does not have the mental capacity to handle a press conference, how can be expected to exchange barbs with his arch enemy Donald Trump?

“Excuse me while I kiss the sky.” This is a no brainer!

This charade must end with Joe Biden stepping aside and deciding not to run for a second term.  It should be his responsibility to hand  over the reins to VPKamala Harris.

Quality time is a must for him to share with family and friends.  Decision making for Biden should be relegated to deciding what to order for the early bird special or formulating strategy for bingo games.

This is one case where the advice uttered by  Jack  Nicholson  “You can’t handle the truth!” in  A Few Good Men should be heeded.  Regardless of how painful it might be, the Democratic Party owes the country an alternative to Joe Biden.

3 thoughts on “Eber:  Damn it, I was right! Biden IS Mentality Incapacitated 

  1. It is really a shame that the Democrat Party and the money movers and shakers behind the Democrat party have turned on the Biden projector and announced to the world, “this is who we are”. America has become a classless act. It started with Jimmy Carter and we have never recovered, although Ragen gave it one hell of a shot.

  2. The Democratic Party owes the country more than an alternative to Biden! They owe the nation
    a sincere apology for the curret crisis they have created under Biden’s Presidency. They also owe the nation another apology for hiding Biden in the basement during the 2020 elecction to conceal his obvious diminished capabilities. Biden’s mental condition has now reached the point where the Democratic Party, the “Woke Progressives”, and the biased liberal media can no longer cover for him. It is laughable that they are still trying! The sad point of this situation is they still have a chance to win the election for President through their manipulation of the electoral process with ballot harvesting, ballots submitted without verifying their authenticity (signature, verification of address), illegal aliens receiving ballots and voting, extending the election season to weeks so that
    they can mysteriously “find” ballots to change the outcome of elections. If by chance the Democratic Party does lose the election, there will accusations of voter fraud, riots (much worse than the “January 6th 2020 insurrection”, voter suppression, and whatever else they can dream up. A person can only wonder how the the country ever ended up in this situation. I know the answer. I also know the solution! Do you?

  3. Expressions of disappointment, and even surprise, after the debate left me confused. On Thursday night, Biden was just Biden, the same Biden we all have seen for the last three and a half years. Is he equipped to preside four more years? No. But he has abdication insurance. Chances are nobody, regardless of party, wants to see Harris in charge even for a few months.

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