Todays Nazis call themselves Progressives. They oppose free speech, they oppose churches that teach the Bible, they censor social media, they are violent, they support criminals over innocent citizens. They believe that government owns your assets, not you. The use tax codes and policy to support their friends, allies and donors.
Please what is the difference between Progressives and Nazi’s. Oh, I forgot, both hate Jews and Israel.
De-nazification should be closely scrutinized by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 3/7/22
I must be crazy as bat guano to think it is possible to convince Leftist Democrats to understand the path they are leading us will result in the decline of American democracy as we know it.
Case and point is the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Last week at the dog park a wack-a-do was screaming “It’s Trump’s fault the Russians are attacking” When I asked how this could be he explained “Trump was in collusion with Putin. He promised the dictator that he would hand over the Ukraine to Russia. When the President failed to do this, Putin took the matter into his own hands.”
“Excuse me while I kiss the sky”, but how could an individual with an IQ over tap water come to this illogical conclusion? One need not be Mr. Spock to realize Putin invaded the Ukraine under the administrations of Obama and Biden. As such, how could Trump be involved with this current debacle?
Apparently, the dog park nut case is not alone. In another part of the galaxy Pulitzer Prize winner and Donald Trump hater Leonard Pitts Jr. of the Miami Herald was saying much the same thing.
In a recent column he postulated:
On Sept. 1, 1939, Adolf Hitler’s forces crossed the border into Poland. The German chancellor did so on the pretext ethnic Germans were being persecuted. German operatives, disguised as Poles, even staged an attack on a German radio station, yelling anti-German threats into the microphone.
With that lie, the most devastating war in the history of the world began.
Pitts went on to say:
“Like Putin, much of the right bears allegiance not to truth, much less to democracy, but rather, to the brutish power of the strongman to do as he pleases, unfettered by such niceties. That’s what they very nearly imposed in 2016. It is what they promise in 2024. And if you’re not frightened, you’re not paying attention.
This moment has been a long time coming. A little more than a quarter century ago, a House speaker named Newt Gingrich declared politics war and an upstart cable network called Fox declared facts optional. It was called a conservative resurgence, but it was actually the foundation stone for the kingdom of lies our country has become.
No wonder Trump likes Putin and claims the feeling is mutual. Each recognizes himself in the other.”
Strangely enough, Pitts never mentioned Joe Biden’s actions abandoning 80 billion worth of military hardware left in Afghanistan, Trump’s blocking the construction of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, along with his efforts to strengthen NATO. Not to be forgotten is Trump sent 400 million in military aid to the Ukraine resulting in the first bogus impeachment proceeding.
Instead we hear this nonsense that Trump and Putin are two peas in a pod and should draw comparison with Adolf Hitler.
Which brings us to the matter of Putin justifying his invasion of the Ukraine to be a peace keeping operation working for the “denazification” of Russia’s neighbor? This of course is nonsense not to mention Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky being of Jewish heritage.
In dealing with Putin’s rationalization comparing his advisories in the Ukraine to be closet Nazis lovers, what bothers me most is that Russian leader’s rhetoric is very similar to what we have been hearing in the USA from Progressives in recent years.
The best example is Antifa who refers to themselves as a peaceful anti-fascist, anti-racist group that only resorts to violence when all else fails. Despite Antifa inciting violent riots in Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, and elsewhere in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing, they were cheered on by Progressive Donald Trump hating Democrats.
The end result was chaos and civil unrest which was a major factor promoting the Defunding the Police movement and the emergence of lenient prosecutors. The end result with a little help of George Soros has favored the rights of criminals over victims of crime under the guise of fighting fascism.
As a monument to this anarchistic environment we have a record number of police shootings, a lack of respect for law enforcement along with Rep Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her radical followers. Because of these extreme leftists and the continued failures of President Biden, Republicans are expected to pick-up comfortable majorities in the House and Senate this November.
With the reign of Hitler ended over 75 years ago, he seems to be as relevant as ever. Comparing ones opponents to the Nazis leader has gained increased popularity in recent years.
No doubt Donald Trump is an egotistical jerk at times; but equating him to Hitler is not even a leap of faith. His saying Putin is a strong leader does not even remotely stand side by side to Hitler’s killing of millions of Jews during the Nazi era.
It is a mystery to me how such comparisons can be made today. Perhaps the younger generation, while embracing cancel culture, missed some important history lessons.
Regardless of reasons, the conduct of Vladimir Putin reminds us of tyrants of yesteryear. Don’t tell me the Russian leader is a left winger or for that matter Antifa belongs in the same physiological grouping. Make no mistake; these people exhibit the classic symptoms of being fascists masquerading as progressives.
As Longshoreman philosopher Eric Hoffer postulated in his classic book The True Believer, there is little difference between left and right extremists such as Hitler and Stalin in the political spectrum. They are equally evil.
With this in mind need to take a long look at denazisifation and its implications on our society. Whether it is Putin or leftist radicals in our country pretending to be Progressives, we need to weed these bad apples from obtaining positions of power.