Per an announcement yesterday from President Biden, no more Americans will be rescued from Afghanistan after August 31. The bigger problem is that the Taliban is controlling the streets and roads and is able to stop everyone from getting to the Kabul airport. An American General asked the Brits to STOP rescuing Americans!! Why does Biden hate the military and our citizens?
“Andrea Mitchell seems to have turned attack dog on Biden and his decisions. What’s up with that? Is she drinking some of the FOX cool aid? Coulda Shoulda stuff which does not really help now. Leave that to FOX. We had 100,000 troops there 10 years ago. That is over. If another country wants to step up and take over, be our guests.
No one is debating that it is the correct policy for the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan. If questioning such methodology involves me drinking the cool aid, then send this columnist on a one way ticket to Jonestown! Make me a clone of Tucker Carlson!
It seems bizarre in departing this God forsaken land that first the USA has abandoned their military base prior to beginning the evacuation process of thousands of people.”
This is a disaster. I could hav been avoided. None thousands of Afghans will be killed. The only winners? The vendors and companies that were paid for equipment, arms and construction in Afghanistan. I will presume by now every school build has been torn down. What do you think?
Debating Afghanistan with the Left by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 8/26/21
I have a friend by the name of George. He is a Progressive ideologue of the highest order. Were he not married it is likely George would be chasing Rachael Maddow around for a date.
This man works tirelessly for Democratic causes. He is currently going door to door trying to save Gavin Newsom. George is for rent control and government subsidized housing.
Republicans need more people with his selfless dedication.
This gentlemen scoffs at the notion Joe Biden is not senile and in full control of his mental facilities. His world is “Blue”.
Despite holding these views, George tolerates me which is quite a feat in itself.
Yesterday he sent out a position paper in support of Joe Biden’s policy of withdrawing Americans from Afghanistan. His comments illustrate the wide chasm between Leftist Washington D.C.
and conservatives such as myself.
To make things easier to follow I am listing George’s comments and my rebuttal to them:
48,000 evacuated since that process began. 4,500 are now waiting at the airport. 12,000 have flown out in the past 24 hours. That is roughly 60 flights. It is said that they can do one flight every 15 minutes at full capacity. This is good
There are many American citizens and Afghan’s who are eligible to be moved to the USA who cannot reach the air port because of Taliban road blocks. While the numbers leaving might be good, what about those being left behind?
The Decision has made that August 31 is the last day. That last flight will be mostly military one would think. 5,800 military will still be there.
Why is Biden holding to August 31st deadline set by Taliban? The whole world (not just Fox News) looks at this as a sign of weakness. How can the greatest military power in the world find themselves beholden to terrorists?
Just who is being flown out? Per the clips on TV it looks like mostly Afghan refugees. But could a good number of those be American citizens who have returned to Afghanistan to live or to get extended family out? Clearly, some will be left “behind” after the 31st.
I guess you consider those left behind as collateral damage? What kind of a message does this send to our allies in France, Germany and the U.K.? Your delusional President says NATO leaders are behind him despite what Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, and President of France had to say It is obvious that these leaders feel that the mission is not completed until the last foreign national and their aides are allowed to freely depart.
Naturally your pals on CNN and MSNBC down played Biden’s comments. They apparently put their Leftist ideology ahead of ethical considerations in matters such as this.
One wonders how these icons of the free press would have said had Donald Trump uttered them.
Andrea Mitchell seems to have turned attack dog on Biden and his decisions. What’s up with that? Is she drinking some of the FOX cool aid? Coulda Shoulda stuff which does not really help now. Leave that to FOX. We had 100,000 troops there 10 years ago. That is over. If another country wants to step up and take over, be our guests.
No one is debating that it is the correct policy for the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan. If questioning such methodology involves me drinking the cool aid, then send this columnist on a one way ticket to Jonestown! Make me a clone of Tucker Carlson!
It seems bizarre in departing this God forsaken land that first the USA has abandoned their military base prior to beginning the evacuation process of thousands of people.
In the next breath who were the genius’s in the White House and Pentagon that have cow towed to the Taliban while at the same time abandoning some 80 billion dollars worth of military equipment? If Andrea Mitchell recognizes this, does it make her insane or a good reporter?
Finally, why are not more who have gotten out not being interviewed? Why are not more who are “stuck” there talking with the media? There seems to be a void in all that.
Why aren’t those who escaped talking to the media? Perhaps they have better things to do not to mention those who leave totalitarian dictatorships are usually not Democrats.
In addition, those who are left behind are scared and fearing for their lives while in hiding.
Trying to blame conservatives and Fox News for what has transpired is typical of progressives who ignore history and seem intent to turn the world over tyrannical interests such as Russia, China, Iran, and various terrorist groups.
With the soles of my shoes firmly grasping a soap box I went on to say, “What the hell is Kamala Harris doing in Vietnam when such a national crisis is going on? Ditto for Nancy Pelosi’s fund raiser in Napa while Chuck Schumer is dancing the night away with Steven Colbert. Why has Biden been on vacation for most of the crisis? Other than his mental disabilities, why hasn’t the President been able to answer unscripted questions from the press?
With this in mind I am reminded of The Logical Song by the old rockers Supertramp
I said, watch what you say or they’ll be calling you a radical
Liberal, oh fanatical, criminal
Won’t you sign up your name, we’d like to feel you’re acceptable
Respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable
Oh, take it take it yeah
But at night, when all the world’s asleep
The questions run so deep
For such a simple man
Won’t you please tell me what we’ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
Please tell me who I am, who I am, who I am, who I am
‘Cause I was feeling so logic