Bidet by the Bay is what Greg Gutfeld calls San Fran. Want crime, failed school poop on the street, homeless in the doorways and on your front step, corruption and businesses fleeing—San Fran is the place.
The bad part of this is that Oakland—which is about to lose their baseball team to Las Vegas—which is where their football team went, Los Angeles, Santa Ana, San Luis Obispo and many other cities are trying to be like San Fran. These are cities that promote the over dose and killing of drug addicts, protect the mentally ill from getting treatment and have schools that are indoctrination centers.
Thanks to San Fran, the whole State is becoming a gigantic Bidet.
Declining San Francisco sets the tone for California by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 4/25/23
It’s very quiet now in the “city by the bay” I found this out last Monday morning passing through town at 9AM enroute to deliver a friend to the airport There was little congestion on the roads as we arrived at SFO 40 minutes earlier than anticipated.
With a declining number of workers in the financial district reflected in office vacancies in the 30% range, there is simply less traffic and use of BART than in pre-Covid times. Special promotions trying to spur restaurant sales have not been very successful as new customers should be placed in the endangered species directory.
Tourists, convention goers, and nearby residents, have continued to stay away from San Francisco in droves. Concerns about rampant homelessness, crime, and drug use have kept folks away from the city that allegedly “knows how”.
Even the Chamber of Commerce knows these problems will not be able to be easily fixed. Residential real estate values have already been tanking. Vacancies have suddenly appeared in rental housing where rent control has protected residents’ pocketbooks since 1979. According to the San Francisco Standard:
“Domestic migration out of San Francisco exploded in 2020, but it’s actually long been the norm that SF loses more residents to other American cities than it gains. This mirrors larger trends in California, which lost the most people to domestic migration of any state from July 2021 to July 2022.”
With these unmistakable trends continuing throughout urban areas in both Northern and Southern California, we must ask why the Legislature in Sacramento is so tone death in dealing with changes that have transpired in the Golden State? Instead, we find:
- Interest in giving reparations to those of African American ancestry despite the fact California entered the Union as a free state.
- For the past two decades, new laws have been passed mandating low-income housing be built in opposition to suburban communities who are weary to add population that strains their local resources for water, schools, recreation, law enforcement, and furthering traffic congestion. Their objections have resulted in the Legislature having the State taking over urban planning decisions from elected City Councils.
- In big cities, we see a trend of these politicians promoting Project Development Areas (PDA) featuring high rise apartments with limited parking. At the same time, they are attempting to export similar plans to suburbia. What makes these programs even more absurd is the assumption residents will abandon their cars to use public transportation few can afford.
- Environmental blackmail and climate change paranoia are being used as excuses to spur absurd policies of little scientific merit.. Examples include banning sales of gas-powered vehicles by 2035 and stopping consumers from purchasing appliances that utilize natural gas.
At the same time California Governor Gavin Newsom has led the parade promoting diversity, inclusion, racial quotas, and other laws that sacrifice efficiency in the name of social justice. For him and other Progressive Democrats, defying equal protection guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, is a small price to pay to achieve their woke agenda.
Typical is the perceptible decline in K1-12 education where the ability to read and write has been cast aside. Instead, public schools have indulged in the promotion of critical race thinking, disregard for U.S. history, deviant sex education, and the abandonment of traditional American social values.
Radical Leftists such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter have contributed to the erosion of support of law enforcement in recent years; symbolized by the defund the police movement. As might be expected this has resulted in an unprecedented crime wave in big cities throughout the country, especially in California.
Voters have begun to protest against non-prosecution of career criminals, eliminating bail for serious offenses and disrespect for the police. San Francisco even recalled their District Attorney Chesa Boudin in 2022. Chicago residents, tired of unprecedented crime wave, kicked their incumbent Mayor Lauri Lightfoot to the curb last month.
Meanwhile it is business as usual in the California legislature. Led by such notable political figures as Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood), Ash Kalra (D-San Jose), Toni Adkins (D-San Diego) and Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), they are, oblivious to what those who reside in suburbia might like.
The Leftist stranglehold on California is so strong that the Progressive Caucus in the Assembly with 29 members, in fact have the power to stop any piece of legislation from being passed. Unfortunately, moderate Democrats and the entire Republican Party are relegated to the sidelines, lacking the ability to do much of anything.
So much for the balance of power in Sacramento creating a one-Party State that is more reminiscent of Russia and China than a Democratic Republic.
Until voters wise up and start electing more middle of the road legislators, we can expect this collection of Big City Democrats powered by a coalition of public employee unions, environmentalists, and crony capitalists, to continue holding all major offices in California.
This sad situation is being made worse by Gavin Newsom’s probable entrance into the Presidential race this fall should Joe Biden retire.
Biden’s only hope of staying in power is likely to only come if California retiring Senator Dianne Feinstein decides to challenge the President in the primaries. Should this occur, debates would likely take place at a rest home after Bingo and prior to when the Early Bird dinner special is served!
Meanwhile, San Francisco is falling apart at the seams with falling revenues sure to lead towards its further decline in the days to come.