Eber: DeSantis vs Newsom Debate

This was a debate between California values and American values.  The great news is that now the public, nationally, will see the difference—it was not a debate between DeSantis and Newsom, but as the Florida Governor said, it a debate between Freedom and Failure.  Nationally the last three years Americans have seen the failure of the Democrats. 

And, for the last generator, Californians and Americans saw the failure of big, intrusion, totalitarian government.  This debate will solidify Americans to bring victory for Freedom next November.

DeSantis vs Newsom Debate by Richard Eber

Rich Ever, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  12/1/23  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com   

As the 2024 Presidential election unfolds, the process thus far has made me both uncomfortable and angry.  Neither political party has shown vision of a prosperous future for their constituents. 

Calling the Republican Debates a clunky mess might be an understatement. Thus far only Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis have resonated even slightly with voters, The rest of the field appears to be invisible with the exception of Vivek Ramaswamy, He is an opportunist sideshow of ignorance and stupidity. 

Unfortunately, the Democratic side of the ledger is even worse. President Biden is both unwilling and unable to debate anyone.  His present diminishing cognitive abilities do not allow him to have a meaningful conversation let alone exchanging his views with opponents.  Even liberals have indicated in opinion polls the President lacks the mental  acuity to effectively carry out his office. 

All indications thus far predict it will be Biden versus former President Donald Trump in 2024.  Few look forward to this matchup ;but it appears virtually hopeless this scenario can be avoided. 

In this dismal environment of despair was the debate last evening between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis  and California’s Gavin Newsom. Their exchange of ideas and vision for the future are exactly what is needed today. 

As might be expected the contrast of liberal versus conservative ideology provided an excellent forum for voters to determine which party, they will support next year. 

Areas of discussion included remedies dealing with: 

  • Government policy combatting inflation: DeSantis said middle class families have suffered at the supermarket and gas pumps while Newsom spoke of the improving employment situation especially for African Americans and Hispanics, At every opportunity he carried the Democratic Party’s mantle of Identify politics. 
  • Dealing with immigration and illegal crossings of illegal aliens on our Southern border.  Newsom barely acknowledged a problem exists blaming Biden’s failures on non-support of Republicans in Congress. He preferred to discuss government expenditures to results in mitigating the influx of illegal aliens and possible terrorist intruders.  Newsom fell short justifying Sanctuary Cities he has endorsed in the past. 
  • Education including curriculum and parent involvement leading to success. DeSantis emphasized the excellent performance of public schools in Florida versus California’s dismal record of social justice amd failure in dealing with literacy.  Florida’s governor hammered on Newsom being a lap dog for teachers union.  Newsom countered alleging book banning while hinting racism in public school curriculum in the Sunshine State. 
  • Supporting Law enforcement affecting public safety.  Newsom refuted FBI statistics stating the crime rate in California was double of that in Florida.  He said the murder rate was higher under DeSantis criticizing lack of gun control. DeSantis won over this issue with his strong support of the police.  
  • Tax rates being much lower in Florida.  This was illustrated by statistics shown by debate moderator Sean Hannity that showed Florida has much lower rates than California. DeSantis mentioned gas costs being a buck more a gallon than where Newsom lives.  He said California’s high cost of living was responsible for them losing population while Florida gained in this area.  Newsom skirted this question instead boasting California has the fifth largest economy in the world. 
  • Energy policy dealing with fossil fuels, nuclear, solar, and other options      for the future. As predicted DeSantis was critical of Biden’s handling of energy blaming blackouts in California caused by Democrats He also questioned how middle class buyers can afford electric vehicles 
  • The repeal of Roe vs Wade.  What are the remedies proposed by both sides in formulating abortion and right to life issues.  Taking a pro-life stance, Newsom showed Republican weakness in this area which will be an important part of the Presidential election next year. 
  • How to deal with antisemitism shown in the USA.  Both men expressed strong support for Israel and concern for increased antisemitism.  DeSantis was critical of Joe Biden trying to cap the knees in Israel’s quest to destroy Hamas. 
  • Both Governor’s views on January 6th.  Newsom questioned how DeSantis could be so tough on crime while going so easy on those responsible for attacking the capital.  Florida’s governor countered by criticizing  liberal D.A.’s in California that favored criminals over their victims.  He bragged  about firing prosecutors who were too lenient. 
  • Handling of Covid. Newsom said there was more learning loss in Florida during the epidemic despite statistics that have indicated otherwise,  He also charged there was a larger proportion of Covid-19 deaths in Florida because of DeSantis’s poor administration.  Again,he could not find any truth to back up his allegations. DeSantis countered by saying while Disneyland was closed for a year in California, it remained open in Florida. 
  • Transgender and Gay rights.  Newsom brought this subject up several times trying to distinguish himself to his more conservative opponent. 
  • Should Biden run again?  DeSantis said the President is too old to handle being President.  Newsom avoided this question preferring to say he preferred the incumbent to either DeSantis or Donald Trump. 
  • Homelessness: As might be expected Florida’s governor got on the case of Newsom.  He questioned ignoring the problem except when the leader of Communist China is in town.  DeSantis displayed a sheet showing where the Homeless defecated where his debate opponent was  once mayor. Newsom, despite more people living in the street,  touted success in finding places for many folks to relocate. 

All things considered the Fox Debate was very entertaining while providing a preview of what is to be expected in the election next year.  Newsom was very enthusiastic and adamant despite lacking facts to back up his positions. DeSantis had the advantage of the truth resulting to having the better of this bare knuckles confrontation. 

One thought on “Eber: DeSantis vs Newsom Debate

  1. It was heart warming to see Newsom exposed in the “debate” for the clueless tool of the Liberal Left that he has always been. I do wonder if he believes his own lies because he was certainly enthusiastic while not coming to grips with a single issue facing our nation or California during the exchange. Back in the day he would have been described as an “airhead”.

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