Eber: Directional Politics Democratic style

The 2024 presidential race will be transformative for America.  Trump wins and we move toward Constitutional, limited government.  Harris wins and we sprint toward Marxism, racism the end of an open Primary system—why run for President, when the rich and elites can select you, even if you never received a single Primary vote.

“I prefer a contest this year to constitute a realigning Election that dictates the course of  politics for a generation.  Good examples of this was Roosevelt-Hoover in 1932,  Kennedy-Nixon circa 1960, and Ronald Reagan’s historic landslide win against Jimmy Carter in 1980. 

Should the Democratic Progressive be thrashed in November, a positive change might transpire.  Their current leftist party platform may be forced to move closer to the middle of the political spectrum. Currently led by California Governor Gavin Newsom and “The Squad”, they are flirting with a  hard case of Marxist Lite.”

The Direction of America will be decided on November 5.

Directional Politics Democratic style by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  7/25/24   www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

As the final days  of summer fades into fall, this marks the beginning of the college football season.  For their first game big time programs such as AlabamaMichigan, and USC, schedule weak “cream puff” opponents who have virtually no chance of winning.

These patsies exchange a large paycheck for the honor of being slaughtered before rabid hometown crowds. These victims often come from institutions with prefixes such as North, South, Central, East, and West associated with their names.  As such they are commonly referred to as “Directional Schools”

As the 2024 presidential election process unfolds, this phenomona  is unfolding“American Style”.  Instead of locations on the compass,  we have only the “Right” and Left” dictating how the two parties navigate.  It becomes Directional Politics because Democrats are going  through  a period of complete chaos.

If they were a football team, the Progressive cause would lack both a quarterback and coach to compete against their their stronger GOP foe.  No one appears to be in charge with President Joe Biden’s apparent voyage into senility. 

Judging from their first debate, it  was obvious the matchup between Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump, could be termed as unfair. At other times, even with the aid of a teleprompter,  it was  difficult watching Biden speak. This senile, mentally challenged man struggled to communicate with his constituents

Almost as an act euthanasia that would make Dr. Kevorkian proud,  Joe Biden withdrew from the Presidential race Sunday.  His office holder allies and supporters in the news media, could utter a sigh of relief.  Their lying and deception about his deteriorating mental condition can finally end.

 As a conservative, I could have taken one for the team cheering on a Biden-Trump mismatch.  My support for Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again platform is without regret.                                               

It is not my concern Democrats don’t currently have an electable replacement for Biden on their roster.  Even most diehard  elephants believe  VP Kamala Harris lacks the chops to take over from her assisted living like boss..

This is one case where Democrats can not blame Trump, the incident on January 6, 2021, or Fox News for their current dilemma.   This is the same group whose program for saving American democracy discouraged open primaries  where Biden would face any meaningful competition.

As a result he won his parties nomination by virtual forfeit.  Democrats are now FOB Sidewalk in fielding a suitable candidate to oppose Donald Trump.  With the popularity of  Kamala Harrisbeing about on the same level as Cruela De Ville or the clapthe Democratic cause faces an uphill battle.

Party power brokers such as former President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Adam Schiff, are currently pondering their options.  Things are so desperate names from Michelle Obama to  George Clooney have been floated to head the Democratic ticket.

Even if such a person could be found in the next month, such an act hardly fits the definition of transparency or an act of saving democracy. 

Trying to pull off a Warren Harding like selection in a smoke filled room (with the fragrance of weed filling in the air), doesn’t seem to cut it in 2024.

As might be expected these Progressive stalwarts will complain their loss will be caused by medical issues.  Much like a football team who lacks a strong  quarterback and offensive line,, victory for the Democrats seems unlikely..

 Defeat is still defeat!  Building character is for losers as fired football coaches can attest.

There is part of me who wishes Donald Trump has better competition in 2024.  No doubt Democrats will complain their loss of the White House and both houses of Congress will be caused by bad luck along with the pack of lies  spread by Maga Republicans.

As such this  heard of deranged elephants will declare 2024 to be a  Deviating Election. This logic can be used for Democrats to come on stronger than ever in the 2026 midterms and in the next Presidential race.

I prefer a contest this year to constitute a realigning Election that dictates the course of  politics for a generation.  Good examples of this was Roosevelt-Hoover in 1932,  Kennedy-Nixon circa 1960, and Ronald Reagan’s historic landslide win against Jimmy Carter in 1980. 

Should the Democratic Progressive be thrashed in November, a positive change might transpire.  Their current leftist party platform may be forced to move closer to the middle of the political spectrum. Currently led by California Governor Gavin Newsom and “The Squad”, they are flirting with a  hard case of Marxist Lite.

During  moderate President Bill Clinton’s 8 years of office, there was a lot less anger and discord in Washington D.C.  This era known for his compromises with  House speaker Newt Gingrich while putting out balanced budgets, seems like utopia compared with today’s polarized political climate.

Directional Politics will never be  a good way for our fragile democracy to operate.

Hopefully, it will soon end.

2 thoughts on “Eber: Directional Politics Democratic style

  1. The Democrats need to be concerned that they may get what they wish for- A government that is controlled by a handful of overseers. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon!

  2. Wow. The halcyon days of the Clinton era (useless impeachment and all) seem so far away. Seems in those days somebody was actually governing. Now feels like the Keystone Cops are in charge. Directional Politics is a good way to describe the situation!

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