Eber: Disaster film relived

Richard Eber is right; the 2024 election could be a disaster film.  As for me, I see it as a horror film, starring Kamala Harris as the Ghoul, Joe Biden as the Zombie and San Fran Nan as the slasher, along with Barack Obama.

Sadly, not even Netflix will show this film.  Maybe if they had Jamie Leigh Curtis instead of Kamala people would watch it.  As for me, not sure I can take another election like this one.  Biden goes from calling Trump a Hitler and Mussolini to grinning and welcoming him to the White House—while giving a cold should to Kamala, Barack and Pelosi.

Disaster film relived by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  12/11/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

There’s gotta to be a morning after

If we can hold on thru the night

We have a chance to find the sunshine

Lets keep on looking for the light

This Academy Award winning song from 1973’s epic disaster film The Poseidon Adventure, seems to have new followers these days in the Democratic Party.

Kamala Harris and her Leftist cohort  California Governor Gavin Newsom,  are oblivious they were on the losing side on the November 5th election.  Apparently, they are clueless voters nationwide, rejected their Progressive-Woke Agenda

A week following the November 5th debacle, Newsom visiting Washington D.C. promising the Golden State will oppose Donald Trump at every opportunity.  Especially noteworthy was his vow to continue assistance to illegal aliens, regardless of economic burdens that  might fall on California tax payers.

At the same time “The Slick One” vowed law enforcement and local government would not co-operate with ICE in rounding up Illegal Aliens, even those with criminal records.  California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued a press release which stated:

“No matter who is in the White House, we will continue to lead with California values.  California is the most diverse state in the the nation, and immigrants are the backbone of our country, history, and culture. We will not be caught flat-footed if the President-elect follows through on his threats of mass deportation.” 

Whether Bonta was being a stalking horse for his boss or preparing a run himself for Governor in 2026, remains to be seen.  Thus far his likely opposition seeking this post includes Progressive LA. Mayor Karen Bass and Toni Atkins, former President Pro-Tem of the California Senate

Also considering a possible candidate is Lt. Governor  Eleni (I can’t remember her last name or what she has done) Kounalakis.

A real long shot to enter the fray is former California Senator, Attorney General, and V.P.  Kamala Harris.  Few political insiders consider her to be a serious participant in the 2028 proceedings..

Just look what happened to a former defeated Presidential candidate Richard Nixon in 1962.  He was soundly defeated by Pat Brown, who 4 years later relinquished this post to newcomer Ronald Reagan. 

No one in Sacramento appears to be aware that tough on crime Proposition 36 passed.  In addition Democrat sponsored rent control, minimum wage increases, housing bonds, and prisoner rights measures failed.  

Last week the Governor called a special session of the Legislature to allegedly “Trump Proof” California.  If such action does not comprise the definition of insanity, what then might it be? 

Newsom has been oblivious about the consequences of his actions in dealing Donald Trump during the next couple of years.  He does not care because Democrats face little opposition in California

What a shame. Despite the turn by the electorate to the right, the Republican Party currently lacks credible candidates to oppose the current Progressive status quo.

In the meantime California with its ever increasing 63 billion budget deficit plans on defying Federal Government policy.  They believe planned court challenges by Bonta will help the state receive funding for illegal aliens that are certain to be denied by the Republican administration.

Much like the Aesops Fable The Grasshopper and the Ant, (Look before you Leap),what might be the ramifications of Newsom’s aggressive support for undocumented residents?  Who the hell will finance this losing proposition when the state runs out of money?

Will  these folks be able to survive or be forced to return from where they came?

Newsom may not care as his term of office ends in a couple of years.  It is anticipated he will make a bid to replace Kamala Harris as Democratic standard bearer in 2028.

While his defiance to Donald Trump may curry favor with the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren wing of the party, his act might not play well in crucial swing states.

It is certain moderate Democrats will still be smarting from the horrendous defeat they suffered in 2024.  They don’t want Kamala Harris’s pathetic performance to be repeated ever again.  

With actual primaries featuring multiple candidates, it is anticipated “Word Salads” no longer will be served.  A  main course, headed by new leaders taking a more middle of the road approach to government policy, is expected.      

Hatred of Donald (Adolph) Trump. abortion paranoia, threats to democracy, incompetent border security, defund the police, and “The California Way”, will all sink; much like the Poseidon. Facing such  a dismal prospect, will there ever be A Morning After?

Can we expect Gavin to go down with the ship or miraculously  reinvent himself once again?

As they say in the trade, “Film at 11”

One thought on “Eber: Disaster film relived

  1. Newsom is a master at reinvention, unlike Harris. It will be fun to watch his last six months or so in office if he is serious about 2028. I expect him to say he has seen the Lght and is now a new man.

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