Eber: Dismal electoral choices for 2022

Before you read this article, can you name the GOP nominee for Lt. Governor.  I have asked several groups of political activists this question in both L.A. and Orange Counties.  The bets answer was “Mark Meuser”.  The problem is, Mark is our U.S. Senate nominee.  Were it not for the work of Chair Patterson, Angels would not have re3ceived the CRP nomination—nor would the anti-trump, pro abortion Nathan Hochman or the anti-Trump, pro-abortion Lahnee Chan.  To be clear Angles, who nobody knows and Nathan and Lahnee will get my vote—because they are better that the radical socialist they are running against.

Once the primary was over, so was the assistance and the money.  None of these candidates, including Brian Dahle for Governor, Jack Guerro for Treasurer, Christensen for Superintendent of Public Instruction and Bob Howell our nominee for Insurance Commissioner, have raised more than bus fare from San Diego to Fresno.

Have you seen any TV ads or heard radio ads from our candidates?  Each has demanded a debate from their Democrat opponents—the Dems are totally ignoring our candidates—as is the media.  The people of California are in trouble and the GOP is now a regional organization.  I wish there was something we could do for our Statewide folks.

Dismal electoral choices for 2022 by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  9/15/22

It occurred to me last week after writing a column about sports gambling initiatives 26 and 27; Watching paint dry is more interesting than California politics in 2022. Contested elections are more plentiful than a Joe Biden press conference!

In reality voters in the Golden State find themselves playing the part of voyeurs watching how races unfold in other states.  We are supposed to care about contests going on in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Ohio, Florida, and elsewhere.  Even worse I receive pleas each day in Microsoft Explorer from Rhinestone Politico’s begging for donations “from people I don’t even know.”  It can be truthfully asked, how could my life possibly change if Dr. Oz, Stacey Abrams, Hershel Walker, or Mark Kelly wins or loses?

But then again following all of these other people is more entertaining than handicapping the race between Gavin Newsom vs. Brian Dahle. Let’s see.  On the June 30th filing date for campaign contributions Newsom raised $30.7 million to his opponents 1.6 million dollars.  This disparity will continue to increase as voters will likely never learn Dahl’s name.

The contest for Lt. Governor is even more ridiculous as the current office holdEleni Kounalakis has no record to run against.  Since being elected by money put up her billionaire Dad, this lady has done virtually nothing in office to deserve anyone’s support or opposition. Her opponent Angela Underwood Jacobs (R)  sounds like an upgrade but in reality neither of these women have the experience or expertise to become Governor of the country’s largest state.

The Attorney General’s race between appointee (D) Ron Bonta and his Republican opponent (R) Nathan Hochman is slightly more interesting even though Bonta collected 3.3 million more votes in the primary and outspent his foe 3 to 1.  Perhaps this year, with ineffectual prosecutions leading to high crime rates in California, the Republican has a slight chance of winning.

The State Controllers job is also up for grabs with (D)Malia Cohen and (R) Lanhee Chen on the ballot.  If someone could tell me what the function of this office is other than signing checks, figuring out who is most qualified for the job might create more intrigue

We should all be more interested in the State Treasurers job as the current office holder Fiona Ma is responsible for the States investments including the retirement funds.  Being a good Democrat, she does not dare to criticize the incompetence of CalPERS and CalSTRS which consistently underperform.

Ma’s opponent (R) Jack Guerrero is much more qualified for the job but lacks funding to reach voters while wearing the GOP Scarlet Letter around his neck. This gives him virtually no chance of winning. No doubt incompetence will reign supreme November 7th.

The race that bothers me the most is  the so called non partisan post of Superintendent of Public Instruction overseeing public education  The present office holder Tony Thurmond is a doing nothing lap dog of the Teachers Union.  Under his reign test scores have plummeted in math and English. No one cares because critical race theory is now taught.

During the Covid-10 epidemic, Thurmond was an advocate for keeping kids at home while insisting on wearing masks when they returned in person to the classroom. We can see how well that worked.

Giving this guy another term is similar to bestowing the Captain of the Titanic a medal for not colliding with a coral reef in the North Atlantic.  Unfortunately, Thurmond’s well qualified opponent Lance Christensen will have no opportunity to wine given the Democratic Party and Teacher’s Union total stranglehold on this office

Until it was looked up, I wasn’t sure if the there was an election this year for US Senator in California. Democrat Alex Padilla, who was appointed to the job last year to replace Kamala Harris, is running virtually unopposed. One would think he would face stiff competition to hold on to this seat.

Apparently not. Instead Padilla faces weak opposition from Republican Mark Meuser. This Republican loyalist previously ran for the House of Representatives and the legislature in Contra Costa County.  He has never garnered more than 40% of the vote in a general election.

His only real constituencies are protest ballots against liberal Democratic opponents.  Several years ago the Vice Chair of Contra Costa GOP counseled Meuser to change his Ivy League “Little Lord Fauntleroy” appearance to more resemble prospective constituents.

Not much has changed over the years for the “Harold Stassen of California.

After looking at this list of Republican candidates, it is no wonder their Democratic opponents aren’t inclined to debate them.  Why bother such interaction because few voters turning out November 7th even know the names of these deadbeats.

Talking about deadbeats, it appears the State GOP organization under the leadership of Chairwomen Jessica Patterson, is oblivious to changing the narrative of California politics in a more conservative direction.  They have put virtually no effort into promoting voter registration or putting up better candidates to run for State office.

The results speak for themselves.

Even well healed Republican donors are reluctant to send donations to this do nothing cadre of ineffectual bureaucrats who spend most of their limited resources on Anti-Trump activities and inflated salaries.

Next week- The impact of migrating voters to their Eastern neighbors