Does anybody believe a press secretary for ANY politician or government agency?
“As the years went by, such fears were never realized. To remedy this problem, the description of Global warming was conveniently changed to Climate Change.
Instead of spurring scientific research on both sides of this question, 9 out of 10 spin-doctors stifled any meaningful discussion of the topic.
Like clockwork, whenever a flood, blizzard, or hurricane strikes, self-proclaimed climate change pundits blame such occurrences on fossil fuel consumption and of course Donald Trump. What actually happened is of little consequence.
Recently, the Canadian and Louisiana fires were caused by arson. The Maui disaster was the result of an accident initiated by the utility company. Climate Change did not figure in any of these tragic events yet those who watch CNN or MSNBC would never know it.”
The media can not be trusted. Social media is censored—America is is ignorant to facts. We are in trouble.
Do Spin-Doctors have all the answers? By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/12/23
America has always had a soft spot for experts. I remember as a kid watching game shows, commercials featuring 4 out of 5 doctors who recommended Anacin tablets for alleviating headache pain.
Apparently, the proclamation of a group of actors dressed in hospital attire was enough to convince consumers which brand they should select.
Since then, Madison Avenue has successfully followed the concept “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. With 8 of 10 household pets preferring Whiskas, who can debate the judgement of feline experts? No one dare ask if the Gallop Poll included Fancy Feast or Deli-Cat being sampled by the kitties.
Just break out them lab coats and instant credibility is established on a far range of topics.
As might be expected, this same type of ploy has been successfully utilized in politics. Most notable is the abortion issue where both Pro Life and Choice advocates have proclaimed the majority of women are on their side. Everything depends on the demographics of their focus groups and who is collecting the data.
In a similar vein was the letter signed by fifty-one members of the intelligence community in 2020 proclaiming the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop was a product of Russian misinformation. No one ever asked:
- Who might be responsible for sending out this correspondence, which later was proven to be completely false?
- How could these experts reach a conspiratorial conclusion without being able to physically analyze the laptop themselves?
- Were there any dissenters who refused to sign the letter? How come the media conveniently ignored these people or even questioned if such a group existed?
Apparently, none of this mattered. The opinion of so many trusted individuals provided Point of Information credibility debunking the contents of Hunter’s laptop. Against such overwhelming odds we must defer to Mark Twain’s wisdom “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics”.
Given the debacle of efforts of the left and their allies in the mainstream press to protect the so called “Biden crime family”, perhaps more scrutiny should be given to the Democratic sacred cow issue of climate change.
Since the early days of global warming, alarmists such as Al Gore proclaimed, (after inventing the internet) sea levels will be rising. He reasoned that with the melting of glaciers, billions of dollars of damage would occur throughout the planet.
As the years went by, such fears were never realized. To remedy this problem, the description of Global warming was conveniently changed to Climate Change.
Instead of spurring scientific research on both sides of this question, 9 out of 10 spin-doctors stifled any meaningful discussion of the topic.
Like clockwork, whenever a flood, blizzard, or hurricane strikes, self-proclaimed climate change pundits blame such occurrences on fossil fuel consumption and of course Donald Trump. What actually happened is of little consequence.
Recently, the Canadian and Louisiana fires were caused by arson. The Maui disaster was the result of an accident initiated by the utility company. Climate Change did not figure in any of these tragic events yet those who watch CNN or MSNBC would never know it.
Reporters covering these natural disasters are quick to give damage estimates. They rarely mention increased development of beach and forest areas creating additional costs from when similar events occurred in the past.
The concept of force majeure (an act of God or nature) has been abandoned, especially by attorneys, at the altar of Climate Change. It is as if no reasonable explanations for disasters exist any longer. Mother Nature has become a stepchild for Progressive propaganda.
In the news media, those who questions Climate Change, are considered to be crazy 800 number Wack-a-do’s. These alleged nut cases are frequently censored or even taken off the internet.
Case and point is the letter signed by more than 1600 scientists debunking Climate Change as a drastic emergency. Led by a diverse worldwide group headed by a couple of Nobel Prize recipients, a proclamation was made by the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) stating,
“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of Global Warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as their imaginary benefits of their policy measures”.
Joe Biden has promised the creations of thousands clean energy jobs under his Green New Deal. While the President has sabotaged the fossil fuel industry, there is no indication of his providing employment for any of his so called “promises made in the dark.”
Much like dealing with illegal immigration, floundering public education, rising crime rates, and other important matters, opposition to climate change has been delegated to the “Do Not Call” list.
It is virtual treason to question Green advocates. They point out the scientific community is in complete agreement with their conclusions. This has alarming similarities to the Covid-19 epidemic. Virtually anyone criticizing Dr. Fauci was deemed by the news-social media to be ignorant and unpatriotic.
We all know how that came out!
Similar treatment has been handed down to parents questioning school board policies or Woke social agendas.
The United States Constitution is supposed to protect free speech. In recent years be it the Steele Dosier, Russian Hoax, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Transgender Alarmism, and course climate change paranoia, the right to “dissent” has been under constant attack primarily from Leftist ideologues.
Such a situation has resulted in conservatives being put in an awkward position. There is very little they can do. The only way change might result, is by electing a Republican to the White House next year. The dilemma is trying to find the best candidate to run against Joe Biden or whomever the Democratic Party will select to succeed him.
Nominating the individual carrying the GOP banner should not be up to Fox pundits, Party leaders, petitions from Political Action Committees (PACS), or a panel of experts endorsed by 9 out of 10 spin doctors.
Let voters determine the best course of action to take.
Think the Canadian winter will be colder because of the loss of forest? Could be.
Think the major glacial study that destroyed the sky is falling global warming failures is ignored? Could be.
But this is what you get when Democrats run a country with Socialist/Communist ideology that has little to no relation to truth, justice and the American way.
Gezz still voting D?
Henny Penny died for your sins!