Eber: Dump Trump revisited

If we are to have the strongest candidate for President in 2024, full, open, discussions of issues, character, energy, ability of the contenders—GOP and Democrat.  Sadly, the media has shut down discussion, keep the corruption secret, openly supports one candidate and one Party.  That is not democracy.

The California Political Review wants conservatives to discuss, in a civil manner, the pro’s and con’s of each candidate.  Join the discussion, be active for your candidate.  Do not fear asking hard questions.

Dump Trump revisited by Richard Eber 

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/29/23    www.capoliticalreview.com

It was a bit surprising to read the 10 comments made to my “Dump Trump” column published last week.  From what was written, the popularity of this writer ranged somewhere in the neighborhood between Satan and Benedict Arnold

Among the strongest rebukes was one fellow who said “Screw Eber. 

Paint Bush commented:  

“There is a national sickness these days called unfettered, unwarranted emotional hate. Actual facts of how America thrived on all fronts under President Trump’s guidance is completely ignored due to this national sickness, and Mr. Eber, you are among the ill. Your sly attempt to slander Trump by using names of other people is really sick.”  He  concluded  “So you, Mr. Eber, are either a victim of this sickness, or slyly pushing the Marxist socialist system.” 

John T was even more blunt: 

Stupid question, “Who is Richard Eber and why would I consider his thoughts?” My criteria since the first election after 9/11 has been, who will be the best president for 1. National Security 2. Economy 3. Border Control. For 20+ years that has driven my decision-making process for president. My guess is Eber (whoever he is) might be a proponent of more fighting in Ukraine (until the last Ukrainian is standing/falling), Climate Change, Open Borders and the Green New Deal. Just sayin.” 

These arguments were summed up by Rocco who concluded, “Hey Eber, you did a great job expressing your views, I AM NOW CONVINCED TRUMP IS THE ONLY CHOICE!” 

The list goes on with references to me being some kind of communist conspirator; all because of considering another Republican candidate other than Donald Trump in 2024. 

Unfortunately, this cult following of former President is so strong that it drowns out other credible voices in the Republican Party.  It should be noted, when one person monopolizes airtime, they call it a dictatorship. 

Despite such obstacles, I will not be intimidated by Pro Trump forces trying to nominate him to the exclusion of other qualified candidates. The future of the country is too important for permitting this. 

My column from last week emphasized, it will be difficult for Trump to win the presidency. This is especially true with his poor standing among suburban women, young people, and independent voters.  Just winning the GOP nomination is not enough.  We cannot afford again to have a “In your heart you know he’s right” scenario in 2024. 

Republicans need to win at all costs.  A less than stellar President is surely better than four years of Biden-Harris. 

As my friend Nazario Gonzales pointed out:  

“Trump is a “Pain in the ass.” The man is smart, but emotionally immature, a man who relies on personal attacks and belittling opponents to intimidate them. He is unpredictable too. He treats people as inferiors and shows no respect for other points of view. His unfettered arrogance has no boundaries.” 

Nazario went on to say: 

“Trump won’t win. Only his die-hard supporters believe he can. Look at the facts: In 2020, we had a thriving economy, respect on the World stage, and prosperity. Americans rejected Trump and his unenviable accomplishments. The cellar rat beat him. Why? Because the public saw Trump as a jerk. Worse, Republicans lost the Senate and barely won the House. He is a loser.” 

O.K., now we said it.  The American people do not want this bombastic egomaniac being their leader for another four years.  It is also equally true they choose to elect an another individual, other than who presently occupies the White House. 

Faced with the same Hopson’s Choice as 2020, voters will likely give “Uncle Joe” a 2nd term. 

Quite frankly, Joe Biden or his likely V.P. Kamala Harris continuing to run the country, scares me. To a lessor extend Donald Trump poses a different set of problems.  The United States needs a strong person, but also an individual who can unite the country while representing traditional American values as well.  

It has always been my belief that a democracy such as ours depends on the influx of new ideas to keep our system of government vibrant and alive.  This is why the first amendment is so important in making sure all points of view are heard.   

As an example Dr. Trent Saxton, who rebuked my column saying  Anyone but Trump; is a poor mantra to lose this nation”, ended up preposing some great ideas: 

Platform issues need to be centered around 1. Inflation, 2. National security (border control), 3. Education (school choice & curriculum) 4. restoring energy independence, 5. Securing Social Security, 6. reducing the debt (size of government) 7. Keeping us out of foreign wars, 8. Supporting the police, 9. ??? Choose the order you wish to defend. You can’t do these things if you are divided as a Party. Set aside your hate, and win.” 

These goals will only be achieved if “civil” discourse between campaigns and candidates ensues. Today, we must act rationally, selecting a leader who can unite the nation, while moving America forward, even if it means leaving Donald Trump behind.  

For the GOP, as former Oakland Raider owner Al Davis once put it, “Just win Baby!”