Tomorrow is election day. So far we have had extremely low voting rate. As of May 31 only 9% have turned in their ballot—normally it would be between 24 and 35%. Could it be that few are interested in an election in a One Party State? Could it be they know that over 440,000 dead people and people who have moved are still on the voting rolls? Tomorrow, I will give you horrifying numbers of people who received TWO ballots—and then voted TWICE.
Though the GOP continues its efforts to diminish our numbers by refusing to do a voter registration drive—even with the Biden failures, the Newsom monarchy—the good news is that Biden is so bad that Hispanics are fleeing the Democrat Party and black voters no longer have trust in the Democrat Party. We could win in November, not because anything we do—but because of the policies of the Democrat Party and its leaders. Those policies are being felt by families and businesses. A GOP victory in November, in California, would prove that a moribund CRP is the best way to win an election. Just let the Democrats implode. Oh, did I mention the CRP did not even run candidates in many races?
Election Day approaches by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 6/6/22
As California goes to the polls next Tuesday, conservatives don’t have much to do. Republicans have zero chance of winning any major offices. Despite such a bleak outlook, much like one of Pavlov’s dogs, we cast our ballots anyway.
At his juncture Gavin Newsom is barely campaigning as he has no viable opposition. His advertisements deal with abortion while not mentioning such mundane subjects as gas prices at the pump, lack of water, or housing expenses for working people.
The same holds true for Senator Alex Padilla who is running for a full term after being appointed to the post. The Lt, Governor, who no one knows or cares about, does not have to lift a finger for her re-election as well.
Perhaps the biggest disgrace for gaining a second term is Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond. The guy is a total lapdog to the teachers unions and has done nothing to dig California students from the bottom 10% nationally in English and math proficiency. Does anyone believe things will improve with the amount spent this fall to be over $22,500 per student?
So it is business as usual in California.
While polls indicating President Biden’s popularity hovering around 35%, one would think Republicans should gain enough seats in the Legislature to moderate Progressive policies After all it costs an average of $2.00 more a gallon to fill up in California compared to the rest of the country. Our electricity expenses per household are among the highest in the nation. Ditto for buying groceries.
Few younger families can afford rent let alone purchasing a house. High paying jobs are fleeing the State while Gavin Newsom and his Progressive cohorts are planning to institute a so called millionaire’s wealth tax which will further encourage the exodus of families to Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Florida, and beyond.
Despite these facts, conservatives in California have little hope for change on June 6th.
Dealing with might be characterized as a major case of apathy, California Republicans have been left out in the cold once again. Other than a few races, they have little incentive to participate in the Democratic process. “The song remains the same” for those residing on the right.
Because of this:
- Based upon early submission of ballots the turn-out will be light. Unlike the rest of the country the underfunded and mismanaged California Republican Party has not put forth credible candidates to oppose incumbent Progressives.
- There are no issues that excite the electorate very much. Recalling the D.A. in San Francisco or a few contested Democratic primaries doesn’t exactly call the Orkin Army to their battle stations.
- California voters of all persuasions, while somewhat interested in what is going on in the 49 other states, have virtually no influence (other than monetarily supporting candidates) elsewhere. Indicative of this, there seems to be more interest in Stacey Abrams race for Governor of Georgia, than Gavin Newsom’s coronation to another 4 years on his Sacramento thrown.
Despite this bleak assessment, as a conservative and a proud member of the Republican Party, I am not ready to throw in the towel quite yet.
The GOP winning the majorities in both houses of Congress is a step in the right direction. Currently, the Progressive policies of Bernie Sanders, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, and others in the Biden Administration, scares me to death.
Going beyond their misguided attempts to push the Green New Deal, not protecting our borders, and failure to contend with avoiding a major recession, , I am concerned with the erosion of social values that have made our country a beacon of hope in the past.
It disturbs me to receive emails that label Democratic Senators such as Joe Manchin and Kirsten Sinema’s to be traitors for not following the “party line” in their votes. Equally objectionable is the Biden administration allowing illegal demonstrations to take place at the residences of Supreme Court justices to change their interpretation of our Constitution.
Also in the shadows are the activities of the January 6th committee in the House which is devoid of real Republican representation. At best it is a one sided witch hunt that few care about.
The list goes on from tearing down the monuments to our founding fathers to the widespread teaching of Critical Race Theory. It appears our Constitution is being undermined by the Left who wish to turn our country into a socialist-woke enclave.
Despite what has occurred in Washington D.C. and in California, I am not prepared to give up quite yet. Our system of government has survived other crisis in the past and is equipped to move forward in the future.
Hopefully the Democratic Party losing majorities in both houses of Congress will be a step in the right direction
Even in California which is completely dominated by radical leftists, there is still hope. At some point the voters will wake up and rebel against the likes of Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Tony Thurmond, and virtually the entire legislature.
Unfortunately, this change will likely come about by the collapse of the economy as businesses and middle class jobs flee the State. At some point Sacramento will have to realize its own citizens needs come before assisting illegal aliens, promoting insane energy policies, lax policing, and doing nothing to increase water inventory.
As they say in the trade, “A journey starts with the first step” Hopefully the vote on June 6th will steer us in the right direction for a change.