At a hearing in D.C. last week the Democrats presented an “expert” to testify. They could not define or tell what a woman is—and they believed that men could get pregnant! This person could not pass a 3rd grade science class—so why are the Democrats allowing this illiterate person to testify? Maybe because the demented Joe Biden nominated for the Supreme Court, and all Democrats voted for her, a woman, who could not tell what a woman is? How is she going to make decisions if she does not know the basics?
Then you have the San Diego school board member that would rather kill a baby that is Hispanic than allow it to be adopted by an Evangelical family. Don’t forget that during the presidential debates in 2020 Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist. Our leader is morally, ethically and politically corrupt. Remember the Biden family collects money from China, Russia and former Ukrainian oligarchs.
Failed leadership taking its toll by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 5/27/22
As a political reporter “it ain’t easy” to follow the antics of Progressive Democrats. They are trying to convince American voters to join their quest for the creation of a just Socialistic system of government.
To achieve such a lofty goal, law makers in Washington D.C. appear to be living in a woke fantasy world where the basic laws of gravity appear to be subject to interpretation.
Last week I took a double take when abortion advocate Aimee Arrambide testified before Congress .She could not define the biological definition of what constitutes a woman. At the same time Aeeamibide was certain men could get pregnant.
If this is the case it must be asked if a guy gets knocked up against his will, would the subsequent abortion be covered under a Kaiser medical plan. Film at 11:00?
No, this was not a skit on Saturday Night Live or satire in the Babylon Bee. This is reality Washington D.C. style.
Just as bizarre we have the mentally challenged President coming to the defense of the failing memory of Senior California Senator Diane Feinstein. Talking about the blind leading the blind, does Biden’s prowess in Bingo give credence to his elevated cognitive skills? Of course the quality of his opponents, especially in black-out games, is another matter.
Nothing seems to add up in the Beltway.
A perception exists among Liberals the US Constitution is not longer valid. Laws already on the books can be ignored if they don’t fit the liberal agenda. Attorney General Merrick Garland did not object to demonstrators protesting in front of the residences of conservative Supreme Court Justices pertaining to Roe V. Wade.
The A.G. thought demonstrations at the Justice’s residences were peaceful thus far; so trying to pressure them was OK. Meanwhile Senator Elizabeth Warren believes Justice Brett Kavanaugh should be impeached for perjury because during his confirmation hearing he postulated Roe V. Wade is presently settled law.
Using similar logic Joe Biden should be removed from office since at onetime he espoused being a Pro Life Catholic. Go figure? I guess only Democrats can alter their stands on political matters without recourse. Ronald Reagan changing his party affiliation from Democrat to the GOP just does not seem to matter anymore.
Let’s not forget the short lived Department of Homeland Security’s Misinformation Governance Board. It allegedly was supposed to separate cancel culture fact from fiction. Protecting the 1st Amendment was never part of this hair brained scheme.
Keep in mind Homeland Security has deliberately opened up the Southern border to an influx of illegal aliens, drugs, and criminals. At the same time the Biden Administration is spending billions of dollars protecting the borders of the Ukraine from Russian aggression.
Democrats are oblivious to inflation blaming Putin and Covid for rising prices; while pushing for additional government spending which most economists blame for the inflationary spiral.
In a peculiar sort of way the Biden regime reminds one of Republicans in 1932 when Franklin Roosevelt assumed the Presidency. They are totally out of touch with the issues most important to American families. It remains to be seen if this disconnect will result in a GOP landslide in November; but I wouldn’t want to bet against the point spread for this from occurring.
In California, the political atmosphere petty much mirrors the goings on in the nation’s Capital. Despite Biden’s dismal record in D.C., it appears to be business as usual on the Left Coast. There is little opposition to Democratic office holders. If anything inflation is even worse in California. We have:
- The highest energy prices in the USA. Presently consumers can rejoice in paying only $5.99 a gallon of regular at COSCO.
- Shoppers gladly fork over double for items at the .99 Store.
- No one knows why the State’s high gasoline tax does not allow for fixing the roads or putting in 3 lanes in most parts of I5 and US 99. Perhaps these roads compete with the Bullet Train or something?
- Meat prices are so expensive most folks have to substitute using Prime Rib Seasoning on vegetables for scoring a steak at the supermarket. In a similar vein, last week while buying a couple plain coffees at Starbuck’s in Santa Barbara, I wondered if a Ten dollar bill would cover the purchase.
The list goes on but there does not seem to be much fallout for Progressives who are in charge. With a record budget surplus caused mostly from an influx of revenue from the Federal government, Newsom has chosen to spend most of the money on civil service pensions, medical care for undocumented residents, social programs, and public education.
In the tradition of the “spoils system” most of these benefits flow to Newsom’s union and environmentalist base.
At the same time the Governor has proceeded to tear down dams, decommission nuclear power plants while doing virtually nothing to increase energy and water storage for future generations.
Businesses and high paying jobs continue to flee the State as California’s population continues to stagnate. Thus has resulting in the loss of one Congressional seat. Those left behind are seeing the word “middle” fading from their economic status.
Despite these developments, no one seems to care.
There is mild residence to defunding the police, eliminating cash bail, and early release of violent criminals. Let’s not forget the policy of Sanctuary Cities failing to charge most felonies for fear of risking deportation from I.C.E.
None of these so called minor matters appears destined to change the political landscape of California from being a woke-cancel culture enclave.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party has made no visible inroads to cut into the Democratic Super Majority. In many instances the State GOP is so weak, they fail to put-up candidates for Legislative seats nor strive to register new voters. Despite such non-achievement, Republican State Chairwomen Jessica Patterson was recently elected to a second term in office.
Apathy reigns supreme!
Things are so bad that if a conservative has any chance to win, they most run as an independent. Welcome to democracy, California style.