This is not a “Fall” of an empire. It is the DESTRUCTION of an empire. A fall means things happened, some controlled, some not. In fact, this was a planned event. High taxes, lack of energy and water, the high cost of housing—all created by government policy. Either the makers of the laws were totally ignorant and dumb, or they knew that the results would cause major corporations to leave the State, parents wanting their children to get an education to leave the State. Creation of environmental rules meant to make the finished products or services non competitive with other States.
“Mob rule replacing democratic institutions: In the later stages of the Roman Empire, things were so unstable that Empowers had to appease mobs that roamed the capital of Rome. This ended up having those in charge dispensing food, liquor, and other benefits to these unruly groups who exhibited loyalty only to those who supported them.
A parallel comparison is very much in evidence in California. Over the past decade Governor’s Brown and Newsom have increased welfare, medical benefits, and other government services not only to Sanctuary Cities, but other low income people as well. Free breakfast, lunches, childcare, assistance with paying the rent, and other perks are creating a new generation of people who are dependent on entitlements for their survival.”
California is the epitome of mob rule and the Cancel Culture—honest, responsible people are being driven out of the State leaving behind illegal aliens, druggies and Marxists. In California mobs are allow to riot, loot and burn without punishment. If you are a conservative you are vilified, bullied and harassed by mobs and government. This Empire has not fallen, it has been destroyed.
Fall of the California Empire by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 10/14/21
Were California a sovereign nation, it would rank fifth worldwide in Gross National Product (GNP) behind only the USA, China, Japan, and Germany.
Powered by Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and Agri-Business, the “Golden State” is the envy of the world. Despite this lofty standing, there is mounting evidence that California is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Could this progressive paradise on the “Left Coast” be on the decline?
Losing one seat in the House of Representatives is an early warning sign of things to come. There is mounting evidence of the migration of wealthy and middle class citizens to Arizona, Nevada, Texas, and other locales.
Sky high energy costs, inflated housing costs, taxation through the roof poor public education, homelessness, and rising crime are sure signs that it is time for many to leave Dodge City while the going is still good.
Even if teaching history is not a major part of the Cancel Culture-Critical Race Theory lesson plans today, there are strong indications California is declining in a similar fashion to the old Roman Empire that ruled the planet from approximately 753 BC to 476 AD.
The signs are everywhere with alarming comparisons between the two civilizations:
Invasion of the German Barbarian tribes: At one point the Roman Empire zealously defended their borders. Germanic tribes eventually prevailed sacking the capital in 411. Others followed. By 476 it was all over as the glory that was Rome ceased to exist
What happened over 1600 years ago is very much relevant today with Joe Biden no longer being effective defending our Southern borders. California has been a cheerleader for these efforts supporting the Sanctuary City movement and providing government paid benefits for what we used to call illegal aliens.
The Emperors favoring dictatorship rather than democracy: The Senate in Rome started as a democratic institution and veered towards dictatorship. This phenomenon was very much in evidence with what followed the assassination of Jules Caesar in 44 AD. His successors found their power lied more with the military rather than elected representatives in the Senate. This set-up led to massive corruption and the eventual downfall of democratic institutions.
California has their own version of Democracy gone badly. With Progressives dominating all State offices while holding over two thirds of seats in the Legislature, there is little opposition to the policies emanating from the Governor’s office. In most democratic forms of governments, different points of views contribute to good decision making. Obviously, this is not the case in California.
Mob rule replacing democratic institutions: In the later stages of the Roman Empire, things were so unstable that Empowers had to appease mobs that roamed the capital of Rome. This ended up having those in charge dispensing food, liquor, and other benefits to these unruly groups who exhibited loyalty only to those who supported them.
A parallel comparison is very much in evidence in California. Over the past decade Governor’s Brown and Newsom have increased welfare, medical benefits, and other government services not only to Sanctuary Cities, but other low income people as well. Free breakfast, lunches, childcare, assistance with paying the rent, and other perks are creating a new generation of people who are dependent on entitlements for their survival.
Also in evidence to make a comp to the mobs of Rome are the lawless homeless encampments which can be found in virtually every city. These individuals, who have no loyalty to government authority, are a stark reminder of conditions that existed in Ancient Rome.
Over reliance on Slave Labor: With their military victories around the globe, slave labor became an important element in providing services for the residents of Rome. Eventually, reliance on these slaves led to a general complacency in the population. Along with this was the loss of personal pride which was the foundation of Roman greatness.
We can easily compare conditions in California to what occurred in Ancient Rome. Instead of slave labor we have cheap goods imported from China and other Asian countries supplying consumer items we used to make ourselves. At the same time restrictive State laws are reducing the production of manufactured goods.
California has been the Nexus of innovation in high tech. Now much of what has been done with furthering computer technology is being out sourced to other countries. As a result the American dollar is constantly under attack as many middle class and prosperous workers are leaving the Silicon Valley for greener pastures.
Moral decline of Rome: During the later stages of the rule of Emperors, there was a moral decline in those leading the empire. Drunkenness’, laziness, and lack of focus were all contributing factors to the fall of Rome. Even though Christianity replaced past pagan practices, nationalism waned in the later stages of the Empire’s existence.
In California a similar situation exists with State doing everything possible to discourage religious organizations from veering from the edicts of the state. Being able to freely worship at churches during Covid 19, allowing religious based schools to receive funds that their members paid taxes on, and the efforts of State government to trivialize people of faith, is indicative of where things are going.
California is not alone in showing signs that our democracy and way of life are being under attack; likely indicating the decline in the American way of life. Biden’s border policy, social media censoring conservative thought, the support of Critical Race theory by leaders of the Democratic Party and of course the efforts of cancel culture to rewrite history, all worry me.
It also concerns me is that Gavin Newsom seems to be following Nero’s example of “Fiddling while Rome burns”
Not to be forgotten are the lessons learned from the French Revolution when the Governor attended a party with lobbyists at the French Laundry. Instead of Marie Antoinette saying to the starving masses, “Let them eat cake” we have the Governor thumbing his nose at constituents while sipping on a $10,000 bottle of wine with no mask in sight.
Who says history does not repeat itself?