Pelosi, Newsom, Schumer, Biden and the rest of the double standard hypocrites are saying the same thing about the potential Roe v Wade decision, “My body, my choice”. These are the same illiterates that said you were a menace to society if you refused to take the jab—which has killed tens of thousands of people and permanently injured many more.
Now the Jab Nazis are protesting at the homes of the Supreme Court Justices—just like the Brown shirts and the Communist Youth would do, to intimidate people. We need to be honest and call these protestors for what they are. They are Insurrectionists—and Congress needs to have them arrested just as folks who protested on January 6 in D.C. were arrested.
Fallout from Roe vs. Wade being overturned By Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 5/9/22
When it comes to voicing an opinion pertaining to abortion, I have always been reluctant to write about this subject. While I am on the Pro-Life end of the issue, my libertarian beliefs tend to back away from government involvement with the termination of pregnancies.
With this said, the leaking of Supreme Court Justice Alito’s draft opinion overturning Roe vs. Wade, has brought this subject into the forefront of American politics. While I might prefer the electorate to concern themselves with inflation, immigration, rising crime rates, and foreign policy, it is certain abortion (both pro and con) occupies the top of millions of voter’s minds.
As an individual who champions the independence of the judiciary to make decisions without pressure from outside influences, I was shocked to see Alito’s words hijacked by Politico and be released for all to see. Much like confidential information leaked during Donald Trump’s presidency, there was little remorse on the left with breaking The Supreme Courts 200 years plus of confidentiality.
Keeping secrets appears to be a non-existent entity with those who follow social media.
In reality, it matters not what I or other conservatives might think about the whistle blower times we live in. Our values are a thing of the past. The only thing the public cares about is how the repeal of Roe vs. Wade might affect them.
It all comes down to who determines the right to choose? Is it the individual, their doctor or even a husband or two thrown in? Beyond this, what role should government be playing (if any) in the abortion debate?
Following the disclosure of Alito’s draft, I spoke with a number people about this subject. The Pro-choice contingency was near hysterical. This reflected the Hinny Penny (The sky is falling) like gyrations of Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and the non Fox news media.
One would think Putin already planted the Russian flag on American soil!
Apparently hard core Progressives believe the repeal of the landmark case will be a gateway to the end of gay marriage, equal rights for women, discrimination against of the transgender community, and the oppressed in society.
At the same time, much like their previous support for Black Lives Matter, and Antifa, these Democratic activists, have given their stamp of approval to their supporters demonstrating at the Supreme Court and at the homes of the conservative justices. (Both illegal) The Pro-Choice cause is more important to this group than the Constitution and the Separation of Powers that has characterized our democracy.
It did me no good in discussing the possible impact of repealing Roe vs. Wade to mention nothing would change in Blue States such as California, New York, and Massachusetts where the present rights of Women would be protected.
I mentioned by putting the enforcement of abortion back to the States it would spur discussion and lead to spirited debate on the topic. If agreement on the Pro-Choice side of the ledger was so strong, legislators would be elected to make necessary changes to the law.
In addition, I cited recent polls showing a virtual dead heat between the two sides of the abortion question. This fact angered my friend who said the polls I was bringing up were not valid because they reflected both men and women taking part. She said “Any opinion poll should be weighted in favor of women. Those of female gender need to have additional votes on this subject since they have far more responsibility when it comes to dealing with ending pregnancies.”
After this and several other conversations with those who held “Pro Choice” it became obvious nothing could be accomplished by continuing what amounted to dead end arguments. This was one of those cases where no one was really a winner.
Also to be considered is that the Pro Life segment of the equation has little room to maneuver. With God involved taking a stand against murder, there is little doubt about the outcome.
My biggest regret leaving these discussions is not a hint of compromise could be found from either side. Unfortunately abortion is a subject where no one wants to give an inch.
On a positive note, it is unlikely the world as we know it, will collapse if Roe vs. Wade is overturned after 50 years. Those living in States where options are limited will have to have their needs taken care of traveling to where abortion is legal.
If this is the case such procedures will go underground which would cause some health concerns. This would create a situation much like prohibition or banning marijuana usage on college campuses. More failed “noble experiments” are the last thing our society needs
So we will continue to find a solution with me regretting “Where is Goldie Locks when we need her most?”