If you want fiction, based on half truths—watch CNN, read the L.A. Times. View the legacy media. Hunter Biden laptop proves that he and his father were bribed by the Communist Chinese Party—yet the FBI and Department of Justice claimed it was Russian disinformation, not true. Hillary erases 33,000 emails—and nothing happens and the media she did nothing wrong.
“How many times has the news media and government fed us false narratives that have proven to be wrong?
My favorite one is the “We are here for the kids” line uttered by Randi Weingartan and her comrades in teachers unions. Nothing could be further from the truth. During the Covid epidemic, she insisted on home teaching. Test scores plummeted except in a few Red States including Florida, where their much-vilified Governor Ron DeSantis insisted public schools remained open.
The Teachers Union (CTA), is even worse in California where Progressive Democrats continue to oppose Charter schools, because they are predominantly non-union. The CTA is less concerned more than half the K1-12 students lack average proficiency in math and English.
The answer of Sacramento is to pour more money into public education. Most of these extra funds are devoted to increased salaries and useless administrators. With this group “Show me the money” is their true battle cry.
At what point will the public demand honesty in reporting? What point will the public demand quality education, without radicals and unions, along with sex perverts and pedophiles making the rules?
We know better—now we need to act like it.
False Narratives exposed by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 7/14/23 www.capoliticalreview.com
How many times has the news media and government fed us false narratives that have proven to be wrong?
My favorite one is the “We are here for the kids” line uttered by Randi Weingartan and her comrades in teachers unions. Nothing could be further from the truth. During the Covid epidemic, she insisted on home teaching. Test scores plummeted except in a few Red States including Florida, where their much-vilified Governor Ron DeSantis insisted public schools remained open.
The Teachers Union (CTA), is even worse in California where Progressive Democrats continue to oppose Charter schools, because they are predominantly non-union. The CTA is less concerned more than half the K1-12 students lack average proficiency in math and English.
The answer of Sacramento is to pour more money into public education. Most of these extra funds are devoted to increased salaries and useless administrators. With this group “Show me the money” is their true battle cry.
We also have the Covid-18 epidemic where dissent to Dr, Fauci’s false narrative of where the virus originated, was blocked by a -social media fueled conspiracy. Those who questioned government edicts from wearing masks to the effectiveness of vaccines, were brutally attacked shamed, and removed from the internet.
Under the guise of protecting the public, the First amendment of the Constitution was conveniently suspended at the expense of free speech. Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident.
In recent times Progressive Democrats justified those who stifled them by saying the gravity of problems does not allow conservative solutions to be heard. Here are my top 10:
- Affirmative Action will cure racism.This hardly is the case as discrimination by college admission and employment opportunities has not effectively changed the economic conditions of racial minorities. As the recent Supreme Court Decision shouted, the collateral damage of affirmative action, was not fair to light skinned and Asian Americans per the Declaration of Independence that proudly proclaimed. where “All men are created equally.”
- Voter I.D.’s will prevent African American from being able to cast ballots: There is no evidence that voter I.D.’s including drivers licenses, utility bills, credit cards, etc., does not cause people of color from being excluded from the electoral process. It’s ironic how Democratic politicians scream “Jim Crow” in the South while it is widely known a voter turnout of African Americans in this region is higher than in Blue States.
Let’s not forget a higher percentage of Blacks hold office in the former Confederacy than above of the Mason-Dixie Line. It is insulting to most African Americans to think they are too backward to find their way to the election booth.
- Government programs will break the cycle of poverty and crime in urban centers. For the most part Democratic politicians show up in predominantly African American churches prior to election time. This strategy, along with allocating more money for government social programs, has been an effective winning formula for victorious Democratic candidates.
The Donkeys have been in charge for several generations in Baltimore, Chicago, East St. Louis, New York, San Francisco, and Oakland, with little to show for these efforts. Despite continuous poverty, high crime, and unemployment, Democratic dominance has never waned.
- Reparations from the State of California to descendants of former slaves will address the human misery of slavery. This is such a ridiculous notion, it is hardly worth discussing. More than anything this shows how out of touch Progressive politicians, especially in California, are with reality.
- Historical figures from Columbus to our founding Fathers, Lincoln and others, be deemphasized in history books. This another example of cancel culture pretzel logic that should not be seriously considered. Today, the Leftist crowd, who desire to apply their so-called social values to what transpired in some cases to over 600 years ago, should seek counseling for acute mental illness.
- Only the Democratic Party has the ability to improve society by taking over from capitalist enterprises. Part of the Socialistic wave, which is spreading throughout California and many Blue states, thinks government owned enterprises do a better job than the private sector. Such a notion is pure folly as there are few cases where government involvement with utilities, housing, energy, and agriculture has ever worked very well. Could you imagine what might transpire if the staff of the DMV took over the operations of PG&E, SOCAL Edison, or the internet? Yikes!
- Non-enforcement of laws from vandalism, assault, robbery, shop lifting, and domestic abuse are better dealt with by counseling than jail. The results of George Sorus’s vision in electing Progressive D.A.’s speaks for itself. Instead of Mayor Giuliani’s “Broken windows” school of law enforcement, discrediting and disarming the police has led to increased lawlessness in big cities. Rather than taking the blame for this sad state of affairs, politicians prefer to cite the 2nd amendment, for the proliferation of illegal firearms in their communities.
- Climate change and reduction of pollution can be dealt with by banning petroleum-powered combustion engines, gas appliances, and virtually eliminating single family homes. Propaganda originating from the news media and the Democrats in Washington D.C. aim to use what they consider to be point of information arguments. If the truth be known auto makers dramatically reducing pollution in the last 25 years, has done more to reduce smog in California than governmental regulations and all spare the air days combined.
- Project Labor Agreements (PLA’s) make sure quality construction takes place at an affordable price that non-union labor can not provide. This is a false narrative put forth by elected Democratic political hacks. An average of 20% in extra construction costs for these PLA’s translate into making housing less affordable, especially in California. This formula extends to fixing the highways as well. It’s a fact of life organized Labor donate massive amounts of money to political campaigns. PLA’s amount to their “pound of flesh”
- Donald Trump conspired with Putin, to steal the 2016 election. From when he was first elected to the present day, this false narrative has been pushed by the mass and social media. The foundation for this ridiculous notion came from the phony Steele Dossier, financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Led by recently censored Rep Adam Schiff, Trump was unfairly targeted by Democrats and Washington D.C. insiders. From the letter signed by 50 entrenched law enforcement officials claiming the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian Hoax to Congress trying to impeach Trump twice, the American public has been ripped off by these political hucksters.
Bonus false narrative: Joe Biden’s immigration policy protecting the Southern border is effective.
No wonder the President and Congress faire worse in public opinion polls than ever before in recorded history!