This stuck out from the great article by Richard Eber: “The thuggish activities of Gavin Newsom would be foiled. Acting like a small time gangster, The Governor has banned the State from continuing do business with WALGREEN’S DRUG STORE chain. The retailer with over 8800 branches, agreed to obey the laws in 21 States that ban distribution of the abortion inducing drug mifepristone. At the same time, Walgreen’s had to close 23 outlets in California in the last year because of rampant shop lifting. Now they are being blackmailed by Newsom for him to gain the Progressive “thought that counts” award prior to his probable run for the White House next year.
Since this is blackmail, if Walgreens agrees to bend and give Newsom what he wants, does that mean New York DA Alvin “Soros” Bragg will indict Walgreens or Newsom for extortion or blackmail? That is the logic of the Bragg emotional meltdown using the taxpayers of New York to go after Trump—instead of carjackers, rapists and killers.
Fantasy World realized by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 3/22/23
There is a little bit of Walter Mitty in all of us. This fictional character day dreams personal greatness to cover up for a boring mundane life. Lately the curse of James Thurber’s short story has infected me. I am having constant fantasies to change the corrupt world of modern culture that seems to overwhelm us these days.
If these fantasies became reality:
The thuggish activities of Gavin Newsom would be foiled. Acting like a small time gangster, The Governor has banned the State from continuing do business with WALGREEN’S DRUG STORE chain. The retailer with over 8800 branches, agreed to obey the laws in 21 States that ban distribution of the abortion inducing drug mifepristone. At the same time, Walgreen’s had to close 23 outlets in California in the last year because of rampant shop lifting. Now they are being blackmailed by Newsom for him to gain the Progressive “thought that counts” award prior to his probable run for the White House next year.
Law students, who successfully heckled to thwart conservative judge Duncan from finishing his guest lecturer at Stanford, would be given no quarter. Were I the President of Stanford, these intellectual punks and their Diversity Dean would be expelled from law school. This would teach them the true meaning of protecting the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Demo politicians calling hearings on the border as a stunt, would be held accountable by their constituents. In boycotting the congressional inquiry in Texas, how can they say no problem exists? Are the million plus illegal aliens entering our country each year a mirage? How bizarre this alternative universe game continues to grow between the two political parties. What happened to the notion of non-partisan? After Nancy Pelosi stepped down, why can’t individual Democrats in Congress speak for themselves for a change?
Why is transgender everything such an important cause? A few short years ago I did not know a thing about this subject. Now I am even being exposed to this topic almost every day. Last week after being denied a press passes at the Republican convention by the CRP, I fantasized contemplated reapplying under a different gender to gain admittance. Such a change was quickly dismissed by my wife who commented. “It would never work because getting your hair and make-up done would be too expensive!”
Why is the news media so transfixed on a Presidential election that will not occur for a year and a half? It seems there is no down time from being infected by Potomac Fever. Even political junkies like me should be able to wait a few months for the proceedings to unfold.
Why are we losing all of this water to runoff? Ask Gavin. He has a dismal record for building storage facilities and is even tearing down dams to appease the environmental lobby. A few years ago President Trump offered to have the Federal government raise the height of Shasta dam 18.5 feet to provide enough H2O for two million households. This proposal was quickly rejected as sacred Indian burial grounds would be submerged. Could not this worship been conducted by boat? A large vessel could serve a dual purpose as an exotic Indian Casino?
Why would anyone want to record a call for quality control purposes with me? What can be accomplished by solicitors and debt collectors insisting on this? I never heard of one case where such data was used to enforce a contract in court. Despite this, sometimes it is necessary to submit to be recorded, especially when cell phone reception is threatened. Going along with this, how about banning solicitors calling me from foreign countries; even if there might be mass unemployment from Manila to Bombay.
How come Hunter Biden has not been indicted for influence peddling, not registering as a foreign agent and tax evasion? For doing virtually nothing except having the last name of “Biden”, he receiving millions of dollars in China and the Ukraine while his Dad was V.P. I guess the answer to this question is both Democrats and Republicans fear having to sing “Hail to the Chief” to President Kamala Harris.
Why do Jewish voters continue to support Democrats, given their policies in the Middle East? This is especially true given the Donkeys favoring Palestinians, Humas, and other terrorist groups against the United States #1 ally in the region, Israel? As a corollary why the hell is Biden still pushing for a nuclear arms agreement with Iran? Doesn’t the President know these guys word is less trustworthy than that of Pinocchio?
Why is diversity so crucial? Is the color of one’s skin, sexual orientation, age, and religion more important than expertise on a given subject or disciple. I thought using such unobjective criteria amounts to affirmative action that long ago was banned by Supreme Court ruling in 1978. In answering the diversity question it must be asked if better decisions are made by a team or group, than by an individual. Just ask Elon Musk. What happened to the notion football Coach Vince Lombardi championed, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.”
Can anything be done to ban obnoxious TV pitchman from cable TV? Is it possible other than changing stations to avoid advertisements like this? Most of us can live without reverse mortgages pitched by Tom Selleck, Relaxim Sleeping pills sold by Mike Huckabee, or purchasing gold coins recommended by William Devane? Right now the worst one from this irksome phylum is Mike Lindell of My Pillow. I prefer to view Phil Swift sailing away on a boat he repaired with Flex Seal rather than being bombarded by this TV huckster selling Giza Cotton sheets.
The Bay area Air Quality Management District board is prohibiting the sale of gas water heaters in after 2026 and new gas furnaces will be banned starting in 2029. The State of California is not too far behind putting forth similar edicts by 2030. These moves made in the name of thwarting Climate change have been instituted by unelected bureaucrats who make the Spare the Air enforcers into lightweights.
Even worse are the unintended consequences of depending further on an inadequate electric grid system. It will be further be stressed by closing down the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant and having to charge almost all motor vehicles by 2035.
Can’t we ever have an election in California where the voters decide such matters?
Walter Mitty would be proud.