The Biden plan to transform the American population is working. In 2021 his Open Borders policy allowed easy access to America by the drug cartels, selling Chinese made death pills. That policy is continuing. In 2021 over 100,000 young Americans overdosed on Fentanyl. These dead Americans were replace by the demented Joe Biden with TWO million illegal aliens, criminals, terrorists, sex slaves through the open border policy.
“This makes me angry as it is well known that fentanyl, heroin, and various meth products are easily imported by the Mexican Drug Cartels over the porous Southern Border. These illegal materials come in with little resistance because Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has their hands full dealing with over 2 million illegal aliens who cross our border each year.
Unfortunately, President Biden’s welcome wagon extends much further than folks who should not be trespassing into the United States. The importation of Fentanyl is having a major affect on American families.
San Fran is going through the process to use tax dollars to kill off even more young Americans by using government resources to make sure drug addicts can get their overdose under the watchful eyes of a “nurse”. This is call assisted suicide—assisted by government.
Fentanyl abuse must end by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/25/22
As a cultural dinosaur living in a Woke world where those who rule the social media expect me to curtail use of pronouns pertaining to gender and utilize the term LatinX in addressing my pet Chihuahua; I still cling to old fashioned values.
Most notably in my case is a reverence for life. One thing that especially bothers me is the rising toll of deaths associated with the ingestion of fentanyl.
A couple years ago statistics for these who died of accidental drug use hovered at about 100,000. When the returns are made available for 2022, this figure will likely rise astronomically with increased use of fentanyl.
If this were just plain garden variety junkies were overdosing, one could use the wages of sin is death rationalization. Unfortunately most of these fentanyl fatalities were from young people of college age who were involved with youthful experimentation.
This makes me angry as it is well known that fentanyl, heroin, and various meth products are easily imported by the Mexican Drug Cartels over the porous Southern Border. These illegal materials come in with little resistance because Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has their hands full dealing with over 2 million illegal aliens who cross our border each year.
Unfortunately, President Biden’s welcome wagon extends much further than folks who should not be trespassing into the United States. The importation of Fentanyl is having a major affect on American families.
What to do? The California legislature passed SB-57 which allowed safe places where junkies could safely shoot up drugs from heroin to fentanyl under the supervision of medical professionals. They would stock up on Narcan to avoid OD’s. Sponsored by State Senator Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco, this bill was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom.
It is believed by political insiders in Sacramento that Newsom’s action to squash SB=57 was directly related to his undeclared candidacy to become the Democratic Party nominee for President in 2024. This bill definitely does not play in Peoria!
Meanwhile, undermanned ICE tries to deal with importation of Class 1 drugs coming in largely unabated from Mexico. At the same time, American families each day try to prevent their children from being the latest victims to fentanyl and other deadly substances. So far it is a losing battle.
Nationally, according to the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) “From October 2020 through September 2021, over 99,500 people died from all-drug overdoses. This was a 45% increase in overdose deaths from September 2019. In California, over 10,000 people died from all-drug overdoses from October 2020 to September 2021. This was a 70% increase from the annual rate in September 2019. Fentanyl accounted for 53% of these overdose deaths, an increase of 316% from the annual rate in September 2019.”
Unfortunately, it is feared these statistics will only increase in California and elsewhere for 2022 with inexpensive availability of synthetic pain killers including fentanyl. Outside of the failed attempt by the legislature to set up legalized shooting galleries, little is being done to counter this alarming trend.
Meet April Rovera. After the unfortunate accidental drug overdose of her son while at college several years ago, she founded the National Coalition Against Prescription Death Abuse (NCAPDA) Her organization educates people about the dangers of legal and illegal drugs. Rovera is especially concerned about increased use of Fentanyl as a standalone and an ingredient mixed with other substances.
Rovera’s Interview with CPN&V
If you ran the world, what would you do to reduce the importation of Fentanyl? Establish an agreement with the Chinese government to cease their illicit manufacturing of precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl and shut down fentanyl manufacturing operations within the drug cartel network.
What might law enforcement do to discourage distribution of this drug? Most of it comes in through our Southern border that is virtually wide open at this time. The Biden administration’s border policies are resulting in a flood of fentanyl and other drugs entering our country that law enforcement can’t possibly slowdown very much. We need to follow our current migration laws, close our borders and increase law enforcement efforts at the border.
Who are most vulnerable to being exposed to fentanyl overdoses? Youth 12-17 and young adults 18-35. Because they are generally under educated about prescription drug dangers, they tend to abuse medications such as Adderall, painkillers and Xanax. Since it’s hard for them to get a prescription without parental support, they shop for meds on social media platforms such as TikTok and Snapchat. They think they are getting legitimate prescription medications but 2 out of 5 of them a laced with a lethal amount of fentanyl, per a recent DEA study.
Rovera has many interesting ideas to halt the importation of fentanyl. Stopping the importation of raw materials from China is a good place to start. Might it be possible for President Joe Biden, in one his well publicized Zoom Summits with Chinese President Xi Jinping, to mention in his teleprompter remarks to stop exporting this damn poison to the USA?
Failure to do so could result in the expulsion of all Chinese students and teachers residing in our country automatically.
At the same time Biden and his alleged Border Czar VP Kamala Harris should take direct action against the Mexican Drug Cartel who are responsible for most of the fentanyl and other dangerous drugs being imported from their country.
The first thing to be done is ask the corrupt Mexican Government to have their so called partners in crime to cease importing contraband over our borders. If this proves to be unsuccessful, the US Army can deploy drones and if necessary troops to destroy Mexican Drug Cartel distribution centers.
If this approach appears to be too radical, we must ask how many additional drug overdoses will be necessary for a so called vanishing point to be reached?
For now, even with public education provided by April Rovera and others, the battle against fentanyl is a losing proposition. How many children dying after ingesting multi-colored fentanyl pills that resemble Trix Cereal, will it take before radical action is taken by the Federal Government to quell this epidemic?
This is not a case of being “one toke over the line.” We really need a “From where the sun now stands” moment to end this plague that will soon rival Covid-19 as a cause of death for those less than 45 years of age.