Eber: Fiction is less strange than truth

Today is the day for the Recall.  It is also a day to remember the craziness that got us here.

  • “Gavin Newsom’s paternalistic view of Latinos disgusting at best. A headline in the Chronicle reads  Newsom rallies Latino voters by warning what a GOP governor could mean for them   It might prove  to be a surprise that even with his Sanctuary City policies and welfare payoffs the Governor bestows on those  who recently traversed the Rio Grande, a good number legal Latino voters don’t care much for the Governor.

They don’t always want to defund the police, be ultra Pro Choice, and spend taxpayer funds recklessly on the Bullet Train.  This might account why the approval rating of Newsom among Latino voters hovers at about 50%

Sounds more like racism than politics.  After all, Newsom is an arrogant, privileged white guy eating $300 meals and sending his kids to a $50,000 a year school—wonder how many Hispanics attend that school?

Watch out for the revenge of the Newsoms’ Administration if he defeats the Recall.

Fiction is less strange than truth  by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  9/14/21 

I for one am totally disgusted with the recall campaign and am glad it is over.  Both Newsom and his Republican opponents have resorted to silly name calling, expensive advertising campaigns, and threats of dire consequences should their opponents be victorious.

Political euthanasia might be more preferable!

It is as if Henny Penny and Chicken Little were put in charge of the electoral process. Real people in California have been placed on the sidelines as Political Action Committees (PACS) (with minimal support from voters) have funded most of the madness on the internet, TV, and newspapers; not to mention cluttering mail boxes

Even though to the best of my knowledge the Governor never accepted bribes nor was guilty of procuring dates at the Men’s room at the park, I reluctantly supported his recall even if the purpose for doing so was a bit thin.

As such below can be found a list of activities attached to Newsom’s recall that I didn’t care too much for:

  • In Concord where I reside the ballot box for the recall election is located next to the dog park where we frequent.  I hope the rumor that a pack of Rottweiler’s personally trained by Hillary Clinton will be guarding the polling place from Republican voters is not true.
  • I am upset that as a  working member of the press, I was not invited to cover the $ 5000.00 a plate dinner (not covering wine expense) that Gavin Newsom attended maskless at the French Laundry.  Unfortunately, being a conservative writer has not gained me even a cup of black coffee (I hate Java diversity) at Starbuck’s.
  • What’s with those ads on TV promoting the election of John Cox that featured live bears in the background? What concerned me most is that he might have been serious with this wacko appeal. Relying on a “Bearish” campaign strategy might be all Cox can do as he has never been elected to even be a Dog Catcher post in his vast political career.
  • I f Gavin Newsom losses the recall should I be sheltering in place under my desk as he predicts a dire calamity if the voters boot him out of office.  Since floods are off the table this year, I guess the Governor is predicting an earthquake should he be sent packing back to San Francisco.  
  • Who the heck is being recalled?  Is it Gavin Newsom or Donald Trump?  Every single advertisement of (PACS) working on behalf of the Governor retaining his post feature pictures and references of the former President. The logic seems to be that a vote against Newsom is somehow in support of Trump.  While such thinking seems to me to be a non-sequitur, it is supposed to rally the Democratic base against the recall.  To me it shows how weak the case is to keep the arrogant Governor in office when issues of his failed job performance are cast aside.
  • If it is possible for me to dislike Elizabeth Warren even more, her commercials for Newsom makes this elitist Eastern Progressive wan-a-be President additionally disgusting.  Why might this hack politician try to influence politics in California?

I don’t send recipes for cooking lobsters to Boston nor chastise their citizenry for allowing Tom Brady to change his residence to Tampa. As such New England shouldn’t export the Leftist Warren and her neighbor Bernie Sanders to the “Left Coast”

  • Gavin Newsom’s paternalistic view of Latinos disgusting at best. A headline in the Chronicle reads  Newsom rallies Latino voters by warning what a GOP governor could mean for them   It might prove  to be a surprise that even with his Sanctuary City policies and welfare payoffs the Governor bestows on those  who recently traversed the Rio Grande, a good number legal Latino voters don’t care much for the Governor.

They don’t always want to defund the police, be ultra Pro Choice, and spend taxpayer funds recklessly on the Bullet Train.  This might account why the approval rating of Newsom among Latino voters hovers at about 50%

  • If Newsom losses he will likely put thru emergency legislation subsidizing hair jell manufacturers who have supported his political career to date.  In the 30 day period he would still be Governor we could look for Newsom to require all Republicans to be given mandatory sex change operations supervised by Caitlyn Jenner.  Banning the Republican Party in California is also likely on the table.
  • What’s all the talk about the recall of Newsom being a conspiracy of the Republican Party of California?   For several years, inept GOP hierarchy has only been surpassed by Ameba’s looking for a date. Republican leadership is not creative enough to engineer an activity involving the collection of 2.1 million signatures.

In addition, their inability in running the recall campaign convinced voters that even if the easily maligned Newsom was more preferable to anyone the GOP put up. In retrospect, they would have been better served begging Arnold to run for a third term.

  • What confused me most about Newsom’s campaign was the assertion that he was making California safer by requiring school children, teachers, and other public employees where masks at all times.  If this policy was widely believed, why was almost every person maskless at the Dodger-Giant and the UCLA-LSU games over the Labor Day Weekend?