President Newsom can best be described in his own words when years ago as Mayor of San Fran he decided to openly break the law. His words, I am doing this whether you like it or not”. He broke his oath of office, he violated the law, he showed how arrogant he is—no law will stop him from his radical values.
“It might sound odd to having Newsom attack what has transpired under the administration of Ron DeSantis in Florida. As Governor he has been instrumental in keeping children in the classroom during Covid-19 while eliminating mask restrictions for kids. As a result test scores are up in Florida compared to the rest of the nation.
At the same time the Republican governor has reduced taxes and incentivized large and small corporations relocating to the land Ponce De Leon once explored.”
The only dummies are the people that vote for him. He claims he is for freedom—but locks you down, closes your schools, churches and businesses—then claims Californians are freer than Floridians—yet Golden Stata residents are fleeing to Florida—no Floridian is fleeing to California.
Gavin Newsom for Dummies by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/11/22
What does Gavin Newsom stand for as a Presidential candidate? Following his recent foray into Florida, we can expect California’s Governor to be part of large group of candidates to replace Joe Biden or Kamala Harris in 2024.
It might sound odd to having Newsom attack what has transpired under the administration of Ron DeSantis in Florida. As Governor he has been instrumental in keeping children in the classroom during Covid-19 while eliminating mask restrictions for kids. As a result test scores are up in Florida compared to the rest of the nation.
At the same time the Republican governor has reduced taxes and incentivized large and small corporations relocating to the land Ponce De Leon once explored.
Meanwhile businesses along with workers and the taxes they generate have fled California in record numbers under the leadership of Gavin Newsom. Recently, he met this challenge by asking film studios to boycott making movies in conservative states such as Georgia and Oklahoma.
Voters from around the country are asking should the slick California politician reside on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave? If so how would the policies he has put forth translate to being President?
This scenario has not bothered to slowdown Newsom’s efforts to promote a Progressive agenda. If implemented, his views would be similar to liberals such as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
Prior to Middle America embracing the politics of Newsom, they might as well learn what he actually stands for. Using the Joe Friday approach “Just the facts Mam” below is a synopsis of Gavin Newsom for Dummies guide for what amounts to “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”, for the political darling from the Left Coast.
Starting with Newsom as Mayor of San Francisco declaring it as being a Sanctuary City we could expect him to continue the open border policy of President Biden. In addition to this stance, should examine his other views which includes:
- No Democratic politician this side of Al Gore has been more prominent supporting environmental causes eliminating the use of fossil fuels. If Newsom becomes President we can expect
- Strengthening national pollution regulations going beyond what he has instituted in the “The Golden State”.
- Eliminate almost all domestic drilling for oil.
- Impose high energy costs on consumers with Cap and Trade and more stringent environmental safeguards. It is no coincidence that a gallon of gas costs at least a dollar more in California than the average of 49 other states.
- Strong political affiliation with no growth environmentalist extremists who want complete government regulation of water and energy as part of the Green New Deal
- In administering public education Newsom is in complete lockstep with California’s Teachers unions and nationally with the likes of Randi Weingarten. They support his campaigns with both donations and walking precincts. In turn Newsom has strongly been behind them by endorsing
- Government subsidized preschool as part of cradle to grave government services.
- Increasing expenditures on public education with virtually no government oversight of teacher’s performance.
- Opposition to charter schools, vouchers, and parents ability for having school choice for their children
- Implementation of Critical Race Theory and various efforts to impose woke cultural values in the classroom.
- Free Junior college and forgiveness of college debt.
- Strong support for the defund the police movement. As Mayor of San Francisco and in his stint in Sacramento Newsom has:
- Reduced prison population by shortening sentences for most felons.
- The Governor has been in favor of bail reduction for all but a handful of violent criminals.
- Public support for leftist District Attorneys in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Contra Costa radicals whose campaigns were given millions of donations from George Soros.
- Complete opposition to the death penalty for capital offenses.
- Stronger civilian oversight for law enforcement
- As part of the Sanctuary City movement Newsom helped pioneer in San Francisco, he has encouraged local law enforcement’s non cooperation with ICE to deport those who have broken laws in the USA.
- An imposing record with regard to social issues has including:
A. Gay marriage which he pioneered in San Francisco
B. Continued promotion of gay rights including support for transgender folks having special restrooms where they feel more comfortable.
C. Promotion of the expansion of hate crime legislation on all levels to deal with social behavior the government finds offensive; even if first amendment rights are ignored.
D. Strong opposition to the repeal of Roe vs. Wade by the Supreme Court including increasing the amount of time the procedure can be done during a pregnancy. At the same time he has proposed subsidizing women in less liberal states with free travel to California for the purpose of performing abortion services.
Looking over the record and ideology of this man, do we really want him to occupy the White House in2025?
Does Newsom’s clear vision of turning the United States into a socialist Country something American’s desire for their future destiny?
Those of us who consider ourselves to be conservatives and often libertarians have to say “no” to the downfall of our capitalistic system of government as we know it.
Do we desire to make Newsom’s State, to be the model of our nation’s future? Are we in favor of combating young people overdosing on fentanyl being smuggled by cartels across the porous Mexican border with a California solution?
Legislation is being formulated by State Senator Scott Wiener with the Governor’s blessing that would create safe injection sites for junkies supervised by health professionals. Just imagine if SB-57 became law for the entire country with Newsom in charge. I guess the slogan for such a program might be “The family that shoots up together stays together.”Yikes! If all is known about the history of this man we could envision a semi-competent version of Kamala Harris or AOC being in charge of our Country. This is why prior to Political Action Committees changing the narrative, everyone should know the full story of the guide on Gavin Newsom for Dummies