Eber: Gavin Newsom Pretends to be “Father Knows Best” and Parents Should Be Ignored

Gavin Newsom does not want parents to know if their children are having emotional problems, mental issues or meltdowns.  Instead he wants teachers to confuse the children, make them suicidal—and keep it a secret from the parents.

“With little fanfare California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill in mid July that

allows schools at the direction of LGBTQ students to change their gender

identification without asking for parental consent.

In effect educators with their collection of administrators, Phd’s, psychologists, and expert

consultants, believe  they have a better grasp of children’s needs than can be found at home.

This is yet another example of “Father Knows Best” being replaced by “Big Brother” in determining

how kids should be raised.  We are witnessing the dawn of  new Progressive times when traditional

American values are being cast aside.”

He even wants children taken from parent, if they try to get help for their mentally ill child.  This is how Fascism works—welcome to California.

Gavin Newsom Pretends to be “Father Knows Best” and Parents Should Be Ignored

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  8/2/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

With little fanfare California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill in mid July that

allows schools at the direction of LGBTQ students to change their gender

identification without asking for parental consent.

In effect educators with their collection of administrators, Phd’s, psychologists, and expert

consultants, believe  they have a better grasp of children’s needs than can be found at home.

This is yet another example of “Father Knows Best” being replaced by “Big Brother” in determining

how kids should be raised.  We are witnessing the dawn of  new Progressive times when traditional

American values are being cast aside.

Individual freedom is being changed by Diversity, Equity, (DEI) and inclusion as defined

by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).  Our sacred Constitution and Bill of Rights

are being subjugated by Woke social values. The concept of the land of the “Free and the Brave”

appears headed for extinction.

Horatio Alger and JD Vance’s Hillbilly Eulogy are considered to be products of a bygone era.

Under the new system, a strong central government exerts power of how people live their 

lives from cradle to grave,

In California under the leadership of Governor Newsom, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Legislature,  such change has evolved quickly.

This has included:

  • Pre-school programs for toddlers  free lunches throughout the educational process, and early sex education, replacing the traditional roles played by families.
  • Prohibiting the sale of gasoline powered cars by 2035 while embracing the edicts of the New Green Deal.
  • The State taking over administering zoning laws from local communities.  Their  goal is discouraging and ultimately eliminating the construction of single family homes.
  • Constructing Affordable Housing that is not affordable because of required use of union labor, unneeded environmental impact reports,  and absurd regulations imposed by government.
  • Decline of life in big cities with permissive defund the police policies and the encouragement of Sanctuary Cities.  Even worse taxpayers are being required to pick-up the tab for the migrant’s  welfare,  housing, education,  and medical expenses.
  • A hostile business environment characterized by high energy costs, and taxes.  Along with absurd Workman’s Comp. Laws and excessive government regulations, the end result has been the parade of U-Haul vans departing the once prosperous “Golden State.”
  • A misguided approach to dealing with homelessness  that ignores nearby residents of these disgusting centers of filth.

The list goes on with Progressive non-solutions  of Governor Newsom and his cohorts in Sacramento. It is no coincidence the State’s budget deficit  increases while revenues continue to decline.

Even worse, with the nomination of Kamala Harris to succeed Joe Biden, California’s Marxist-Lite policies are being exported to Washington D.C.  We are facing the possibility the next leader of the free world will continue to encourage illegal immigration, eliminate oil fracking, implement Medicare for all (banning private insurance) and abandoning the survival of Israel.

No wonder Iran and their terrorist proxies, are so anxious for Harris to reside in the White House.

What makes this scenario even worse for me is the news media coming down with a severe case of political amnesia. They are currently “white washing”  the horrendous past record of the Vice-President. The hatred of Donald Trump is so intense that lying about his opponent is considered to be Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Things are so out of hand that the-racist bigoted hosts of The View are considered to be mainstream these days.

Whatever happened to Journalism school standards of reporting?  Do voters need to be led around like a bunch of mentally challenged school kids? Can’t we live by Joe Friday’s words “Just the facts Mam?

2 thoughts on “Eber: Gavin Newsom Pretends to be “Father Knows Best” and Parents Should Be Ignored

  1. Because of Covid, parents went back into the village and took back their children. They should not give up the fight now. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon.

  2. “Every nation has the government it deserves.” Yes, voters not only need to be led, nowadays they want to be led. So, we have California, Newsom, Harris. Feels like the locusts are next.

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