We have numerous days, months and years. Some based on sexual orientation, others based on ethnicity or heritage. Some based on food groups like donuts, hotdogs and tacos.
Like Hallmark, all have one thing in common—to promote the cause and sell product. Target did that and so far they have lost $9 billion in market value. Maybe they need to stick with selling clothes and food—leave the politics to the hacks and scammers.
We do not need XYZ Month, we need unity, respect and good products.
Gay Pride Month revisited by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 5/31/23
No matter how Anheuser-Busch’s Bud Light advertising campaign promotes Gay Pride Month, it is of little consequence to me.
Their merchandising program at Target Stores including the sale of Rainbow themed apparel, will not influence my consumption of low-calorie beer. Going back to when Bud Light was first introduced, my taste buds have precluded consumption of this watered-down brew.
Any boycott of this advertising campaign hardly makes me homophobic or against Gay Pride Month festivities. Over the years, especially in the pre-Aids era, I have had many close gay friends.
How else could records from Bette Midler or Donna Summer find my turntable? Who would have dressed me like Corporal Klinger for a costume party celebrating the last episode of MASH?
When virtually all my Gay buddies fell victim to AIDS in the late 80’s, this tragic event has proven difficult for me to deal with.
As a Libertarian I could not have cared less about Gay Marriage. Several times I remarked “If you guys want to be miserable like us straight people, go ahead “make my day. Walk down the aisle, humming the song “Feelings”, hopefully on low volume.”
Mostly as a tribute to my departed gay friends, I am proudly marching in a Gay Pride parade in Clayton Ca. June 4th. What others might think about this is of no relevance to me.
It is easy to write off Bud Light advertising designed to gain support from their customer base. What they are doing at Target to promote low-calorie beer is similar in style to their silly messaging intended to encourage underage drinking.
Anheuser-Busch’s marketing has always been aimed for niche groups including African American, Hispanic, and the LGBTQ community. The only problem with their Gay Pride promotion is it went too mainstream. There is a big difference between a poster displayed in a gay bar showing a couple guys holding hands versus similar messaging at retail outlets.
Many families object to sex education being taught at places where they purchase clothes, household goods, and groceries. Most parents prefer their version of the “facts of life” to be administered at home when they feel the moment is right.
I kind of agree with them, but not because of Gay Pride month. What bugs me is how the media and government are continually trying to shove their ideology down my throat without prior consent.
As an adult I am coherent enough to make my own decisions. It is not my desire to be prodded on T.V., radio. E-mail, social media and other advertising venues to lend support for a largely a woke agenda.
I am sick and tired of efforts to legislate ones morals as Barry Goldwater complained in opposing the Civil Rights act of 1964. Wearing “White at Night” and “Only you can Prevent Forest Fires”, is a far cry from asking children to understand about a different set of “birds and bees”.
Perhaps the worst bludgeoning the public receives is from National Football League (NFL) Charities. In delivering an entertainment product, they believe fans should feel guilty and be obligated to support their various non-profit activities. Paying over $ 100.00 plus for a game ticket should not force fans to receive a sermon or be a member of their mythical team of followers.
Whether it is United Way, Crippled Children, or programs promoting social justice, the NFL continues to push their philanthropic agenda.
The teams contributions (which are a fraction of total revenues) have proven to be an effective way to hide their profits. Historical side benefits for professional sports teams have been exemptions from almost all anti-trust laws along with favorable tax benefits.
The value of sports franchises has increased several billion dollars in recent years, thanks to lucrative television contracts. Cash strapped communities are compelled to subsidize building new stadiums. They fear inaction will risk hometown hero’s moving to greener pastures.
Just ask Oakland which has seen their beloved Raiders relocating in Las Vegas soon to be joined by baseball’s Athletics.
Promoting causes has become more brazen. Pleas to encourage donating money are constant. At the lone 49er game, I attended at Levi Stadium, instead of dispensing beer, the only concession where we sat was selling 50/50 lottery tickets.
It seems every month, week, or day, has a period dedicated to publicizing a different group. This includes:
- February Black History Month.
- March. Women’s History Month.
- May. Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.
- June. LGBTQ+ Pride Month.
- September 15 – October 15. Hispanic Heritage Month.
- October. National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
- November. Native American Heritage Month.
I personally have no problem with any of these celebrations. What bothers me is messaging that goes on 24-7. Even in the Safeway check-out line, the intent is to impart guilt to those who choose to ignore pleas to support their charitable endeavors.
Pretty soon, virtually every group will be allocated a place on the calendar to peddle their fundraising efforts. Who knows, one day there might be a Wasp Awareness Day or even an Orphaned Reptile Month, to gain my sympathies,
My point is, if one desires to be preached to, the appropriate venue is a Church. Mosque, or Temple. Progressive News media is trying to take over the responsibilities of religious institutions in steering their flocks to the promised land. At the same time, Big Government has attempted to replace families in being a lifeline to helping the less fortunate.
This policy in recent years, leads to the disintegration of home-life; especially in big cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Baltimore, in each of these communities, Democrats have been in charge for several generations. It is not a coincidence that poverty and high crime rates are a result of a failing welfare system in action.
I don’t need a bunch of jocks (often engaging in criminal activities) or politicians, to lecture me. It is preferable confining my charitable activities close to home. I can make my own decisions about what to support independently without bullying from outsiders.