Eber: Hate Crimes Flourishing in California

A few days ago Hamas/Nazis blocked the entrance to a synagogue in Los Angeles.  For months’ encampments of Nazi’s have closed down college campus, held people hostage and at UCLA to get to class you have to prove you were NOT Jewish.

California is a hate crime—and the government has done little to stop it.  But what about the hate crime of DEI, affirmative action and quota’s?  What about medical schools teaching hate crimes to potential doctors?  Isn’t it a hate crime NOT to prosecute criminals?

Hate Crimes Flourishing in California

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  6/26/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

In the good old days prior to Hate Crimes, it was a simple matter to distinguish between the good and bad guys depicted in Western dramas.

The heroes were attired in white clothing while their advisories dressed themselves in black. The Indians were of diminished mental capacities circling the wagons while being shot at will.

In retrospect this cast system of yesteryear provided the textbook definition of White Supremacy.

Fortunately, times changed.  Between technicolor and improved scripts, Hollywood ended up reforming itself.  The Civil Rights movement helped educate the American public about the importance of social justice. This was reflected in other areas such as women’s equality and LGBQT rights.

The battle has not ended.  Today Progressive leftists wish to take diversity a step further by imposing morality on citizens.  Behavior they find offensive are now referred to as hate crimes.

This is defined by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office as:

“A criminal act or an attempted criminal act against an individual or group of individuals because of their actual or perceived race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or disability.”

Trying to define what constitutes one of these acts is a rocky road as it is often difficult to distinguish between free and hate speech.

History has shown hate crime statutes have primarily come into play against those having white skin. Prosecutions have almost exclusively been applied for perceived actions against the African American and homosexual communities..

Exempted from this equation are those institutions Progressives don’t care for.  Pro-Life activists protesting at Planned Parenthood clinics are not considered to be protected by the 1st amendment.  Hate crime laws do not apply to Pro-Palestine activists physically assaulting  those trying to enter a Jewish Temple in Los Angeles 

Gate passes have even been given to Antifa whose actions destroyed government property while injuring police during the George Floyd riots. Calling themselves anti-fascist was enough to escape scrutiny from liberal politicians.

It is a well known fact the Antifa demonstrations  had glaring similarities  to what  transpired on January 6, 2021 and in Nazis Germany in the 1930’s.  This provides a vivid illustration of how the dual system of justice operates in the USA.

For the Left, hate speech is a one way street.

Case and point is what occurred in Berkeley last week.

Two Vice Principals at a MLK Middle School  escorted a group of students to a nearby  Jewish temple.  Displaying Pro-Hamas signs while chanting “From the land to the sea”,  they protested before a preschool class  .

Logic dictates a Jewish Temple in itself has nothing to do with  the slaughter of October 7th, Humas, or Palestine.  The actions of the demonstration provided a classic example of hate speech in action.

If so, who might be considered to be responsible?

Obviously the students are innocent because of age and their ability to formulate opinions?  The two Vice Principals who led the march should be arrested on the grounds of inciting minors to riot, child abuse, and  of course promotion of a hate crime.

Even if the two school administrators are not charged, they rightfully need to be fired with cause by the school district. Their lame excuse of marching with the kids because of safety considerations does not justify terrorizing a bunch of innocent preschoolers.

It can be asked what the difference might be between this action versus burning crosses at an African American church?  Apparently, who the perpetrator might be dictates public outrage and any police intervention.

Thus far not a peep has been heard about the incident in Berkeley. The police are more likely to give out metals rather than making arrests.

The Principal of MLK Middle School is conducting an investigation while the media is strangely silent. Results are not expected till the controversy dies down and a slow news day ensues.

What might the champion of Hate Crime prosecutions Gavin Newsom have to say about the march of kids against a house of worship?  

Probably nothing. He is more concerned about justifying signing a bill allowing schools to keep secret gender identification of children from their parents.

The “beat goes on” in California where Progressives continue to impose  their views on the electorate.  It might soon be a hate crime for a Cowboy to wear white, even if the color is displayed prominently at night.

One thought on “Eber: Hate Crimes Flourishing in California

  1. History repeats itself. We are back to the 30s only this time we are in America and not Germany. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common man” due out soon!

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