As a friend of mine used to say, “the ca-ca is about to hit the Westinghouse”. After the Wednesday explosion of the sweetheart deal between the openly corrupt DOJ and the Biden Crime Family in Court, a Judge has demanded the DOJ act like a prosecutor and bring all the charges against Hunter. Oh, and he is not allowed to use drugs or alcohol—and has to look for a job. Except his attorney or a family friend to “hire” him to a no show job.
“Apparently the President’s son failed to:
- Declare himself a foreign agent in conducting an influence peddling scheme which netted his family business over 14 million dollars while his Dad was Vice-President.
- Failed to pay Federal income tax on his ill-gotten gains.
- Was in procession of a firearm while being a junkie-felon
- Never mentioned a word to his Dad about his foreign business dealings even though the two were passengers on the same government jet liner several times.
This record, if one counts Biden’s list of felonies, sounds more like a crime lord from Chicago than the son of an American President.”
Watch the Democrats indict Trump a couple of more times on phony charges to try to distract the public from the Biden Crime Family.
Hunter Biden’s Criminal enterprise by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 7/28/23
How many times over the years have I heard the immortal words “Everybody does it” . This explanation has been at the heart of Hunter Biden’s botched up plea bargain with a Federal judge..
Apparently the President’s son failed to:
- Declare himself a foreign agent in conducting an influence peddling scheme which netted his family business over 14 million dollars while his Dad was Vice-President.
- Failed to pay Federal income tax on his ill-gotten gains.
- Was in procession of a firearm while being a junkie-felon
- Never mentioned a word to his Dad about his foreign business dealings even though the two were passengers on the same government jet liner several times.
This record, if one counts Biden’s list of felonies, sounds more like a crime lord from Chicago than the son of an American President. Even worse, Hunter’s alleged crimes are but a tip of the iceberg. This kid, if you call him that, is a no-good scumbag who should be serving time in a federal penitentiary.
The funny thing is Trump haters from Democratic leaders Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, seem to laugh the whole thing off. Since Hunter’s illegal activities have not been directly tied yet to his Dad, they currently avoid the issue as none of their business.
These power brokers don’t want to believe Joe Biden is involved with his son’s business dealings. They are not sure the President even knows, as his mind is so diminished. For the Capital power-elite, this is a small price to pay for unlimited political domination.
Such a “Boys will be boys” strategy was never the attitude with Democrats non-stop persecution of Donald Trump. They were never concerned about the consequences of Hunters actions as a member of the Ukraine energy conglomerate Burisma Board of Directors. The same holds true with his partners in China having close connections with the Communist Party.
Meanwhile, President Trump’s effort to expose the Biden Crime family scam led to his first impeachment. Hunter Biden got off Scott free while his Dad hung out in his Delaware digs spewing hatred for Republicans.
If any of Donald Trump’s family received even the equivalent of a parking ticket, they were being assaulted by alleged whistle blowers with information conveniently leaked to CNN and MSNBC.
Such is the state of affairs in Washington D.C. these days.
We must ask how come whistle blowers who breathlessly gave third hand accounts of Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders were considered to be hero’s? On the other hand, IRS agents performing the same function on Hunter Biden’s activities, are considered to be no good Republican operatives?
This whole thing sickens me. I am not ready to say “Everyone Does it” as a rationalization to justify dishonesty, fraud, and theft, in my government. In Hunter Biden’s case, his influence peddling in the Ukraine and China, amounts to borderline treason.
How can such behavior be tolerable to both Republicans and Democrats?
Watergate, Contra Spy Scandal, the Clinton Foundation, Spiro Agnew, etc… are nothing compared to the nefarious business dealings of Hunter. Even the Teapot Dome Scandal under President Warren G, Harding was child’s play compared to the brazen antics of younger Biden.
Despite this it is still difficult for me to imagine this new norm to be acceptable. Are we now no better than a Banana Republic?
At least we don’t have to blame Republican’s in California for the fiscal mess the state is currently facing. With zero office holders in Sacramento, while controlling less than a quarter of the Legislature, the inept GOP sits quietly on the sidelines. What will it take for gullible voters to put them back in charge once again?
Similar to conditions in Washington D.C., high taxes, over regulation, expensive housing, high crime, and horrendous public education have resulted in the evacuation of many of the most prosperous families from the Golden State. High paying jobs and disposable income have departed only to be replaced by low-income illegal aliens from South of Borden.
Given these circumstances, one would guess Governor Newsom would be cutting spending, especially with an 80 billion dollar budget surplus quickly becoming a 30 billion deficit.
Not so. Newsom is trying to increase taxes to keep his Socialistic utopia afloat.
He does not seem to be losing sleep over the continued losses of the Bullet Train fiasco, 50 billion on welfare fraud, and improper expenditures of Covid relief funds. Even reparations to families of former slaves is being discussed.
The list goes on, Conservatives are basically “relieving themselves in the wind” as pork barrel activities continue unabated in California.
Gavin Newsom does not care. Prior to the big yellow taxi hauling away his constituents to the Funny Farm, the Governor hopes to start his next job in the White House in January 2025.
Hunter Biden and his Dad will be, but a distant memory, if Progressive Democrats have their way