Like Richard Eber, I too have a dream.
I have a dream where racists are not running the government. I have a dream that the criminal justice system protected honest citizens, not criminals. I have a dream that the U.S. government would stop financing and promote the totalitarian Chinese government.
I have a dream that government schools were about education, not indoctrination, sexual grooming or hating parents.
We all have dreams. By voting right next November, maybe some of our dreams could come true.
I sort of have a dream by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/5/23
As a Jewish kid growing up in San Francisco, I harbored this fantasy of being Catholic.
Most of my neighborhood pals in the fog infested Sunset District, were of this faith. Eating a tuna fish sandwich for lunch on Friday seemed to be a small price to pay when one could look forward to feasting on cheese pizza that evening.
On the other hand, I was forced to consume cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and tongue; not to mention visiting boring distant relatives whenever my parents required my presence.
Growing older, this Catholic fantasy soon faded. I reveled not enduring Confession or kneeling at Mass. My family instilled all the guilt necessary to survive in this world.
Recently, I have had a different type of fantasy. It is not connected to the practice of religion or being a Giants fan who endures losing to the Dodgers almost every year. As an individual who proudly calls himself a conservative Republican, I have dreamt how nice it would be to wake up a Progressive Democrat. What a pleasure it would be to:
- Be consumed with hatred of Donald Trump as reason enough to vote Blue in every election. No need to study issues when distain for Republicans is enough to determine how to cast ones’ ballot.
- Democrats must always be right as otherwise why would the New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, CNN, MSNBC, and almost all news media outlets support Socialistic ideology?
- Even though Joe Biden is senile and feeble, we would be better off with him occupying the White House than Donald Trump. Who cares about crime, illegals overrunning our Southern border, inflation, or Progressives prematurely phasing out the use of petroleum based products? We are liberals who have the E-ticket of moral superiority.
- How horrible are those Republicans in Congress who are trying to frame Joe and Hunter Biden for making millions with their influence peddling schemes? That’s not even counting the sales of Hunter’s alleged art works. Besides, the Trump kids have done the same things. Everybody in politics does it. So, what if Hunter is a no talent philandering junkie?
- If Joe Biden falters, we always have V.P. Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom to guide the country. Higher business and wealth taxes will finance all the wonderful programs from Medicare to reparations for survivors of slavery. Under the guidance of Bernie Sanders, these wise individuals have our backs.
In the spirit of Wayne’s World, it would be “Excellent” not to think about political issues any longer. People, at least where I live, might even start liking me for a change. No more suppressing my Libertarian thoughts to gain favor with Progressives.
Invitations to events such as Holiday Socials might be more plentiful. Conservatives such as I am regularly black balled in California. We are excluded from Solar Power, Time Share presentations, and even “no host cocktails” parties.
Despite these disadvantages, I still have to say “no” to being a Democrat. The prospect of winning elections on a regular basis sounds alluring; but I’m just not a Blue kind of guy.
Even if Donald Trump is not my candidate of choice to represent the GOP in November 2024, I still prefer the ex-President to Progressive lightweights such as Joe, Kamala, or Gavin .. If the truth be known, I gladly prefer a jerk like Trump to occupy the White House than a doctrinaire ideologue who embraces a Woke pronoun-less non-gender social agenda.
Being a Democrat might not be all that fun. Acting like Nero who fiddled while Rome burned, Progressives prefer to make their choices at election time based on emotional non-consequential matters.
Concern about abortion, imaginary censorship in Red States, and discriminating against people I don’t even know, doesn’t tempt me to score some Relaxium Sleeping pills.
What does keep me at night is the price of filling up my gas tank, inflation, illegal immigrants crossing our borders, rising crime, and the threat from China taking over our Country.
On the other hand, the Donkey’s are consumed about rewriting history from a woke perspective, getting rid of the electoral college, Green energy insanity, and throwing away billions on failed social programs.
In most cases a coalition of psycho environmentalists, organized labor, racial minorities, abortion crazed women and Limousine Liberals , are enough to thwart conservatives from winning elections. As was the case over fifty years ago, the only solace for Republicans is grabbing on to the notion, “In your heart you know he’s right.”
It would appear me converting to becoming Blue at this advanced stage of life seems near impossible. With this being the case, what can be done to make me a winner in the political arena for a change? This is especially true in California where underRepublican In Name Only (RINO) leadership, the GOP is currently on the Endangered Species List.
Perhaps it is unrealistic, but I still believe even liberal stalwarts will wake up one days to figure out their brand of Democratic-Socialism just does not work. The only question will this happen in my lifetime?
Until then I can only dream of balanced budgets, reduced government spending, improved public education, sealing our borders, and George Sorus going bankrupt.
Sometimes, fantasy is a marked improvement over reality.
Fantasies only exist on the Disney channel. Wake up and smell the real roses of life.
Trump vs politicians
I found this article on Google and it pretty well sums up why I support Trump in this election. It is a reprint of an article in the website posted by Dan O’Donnell, a conservative reporter for WISN radio station. The full article is 42 pages long, so I provided the link below if you are interested:
I personally am fed up with politicians, especially the RINO’s for a number of reasons:
1. They accept donations from the elite and are then beholden to them for whatever they desire.
2. Developers donate millions of dollars and expect the politicians to support their projects.
3. Big Tech does the same thing.
4. Unions – same thing.
5. Manufacturers – same thing.
6. Banks and financial institutions – same thing.
7. Foreign companies – same thing.
George H.W. Bush pledged not to raise taxes and once elected, he did just that.
George W. Bush got us in the Iraq war which cost us $billions not to mention the loss of lives.
Trump had a good plan to get us out of Afganastan, and Biden screwed that up royally.
Trump on the other hand gets most of his support from the working-class citizens of America. Just think about it, how many working-class people actually work for Trump? (in Trump hotels and golf courses) There must be millions on his payrolls.
Trump created an empire using his business skills and good judgment and fighting for what he wanted. I consider him a New York street fighter. And he puts those skills to work for the working people of the USA. And his success is evident in the condensed COMPLETE LIST OF PRESIDENT TRUMP’S ACCOMPLISHMENTS attached. This is a list of the paragraph headings. The complete list is 42 pages long.
Trump was indited for what happened on Jan 6th at the capitol. I saw his speech where he asked his supporters to go to the capitol and peaceably demonstrate. He had authorized 10,000 troops be sent to guard the capitol. Pelosi did not use them. So, who is ultimately responsible for the disturbance.