Does this mean than the Cuomo’s and Jeff Zucker will not longer be double dating? Or does this mean that Zucker and Don Lemon will stop going to bars together? My guess is that more people were at the bars and eateries with Jeff Zucker and his friends than were watching CNN. The bigger question is who cares who the head of CNN is sleeping with or going on gardens parties with?
Of course with such a small audience, mostly AOC smear artists and Progressive light weights, does it matter who is in charge of CNN? The Home Network consistently has a significantly larger—and more intelligent—audience.
“No one cared when Zucker fired primetime host Chris Cuomo for his unethical behavior dealing with his brother then New York Governor Andrew Cuomo over sexual harassment charges. And then there were the allegations against CNN anchor Don Lemon and his strange relationship with Jussie Smollet and his phony attack by White Supremists in Chicago.
The outcry about these scandals matched CNN’s ratings. Compared the low ball activities of CNN’s staff, their leaders choice of lady friends was tame at best.
It is obvious no one cares about the CNN management.
Jeff Zucker’s departure from CNN by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 2/7/22
Are we really supposed to believe that Jeff Zucker resigned from his job running the cable news network CNN because as a recently divorced man, he had an affair with a women who worked at the company? Has Woke culture reached a point where such a digression (not even adultery) is dealt with in such a harsh manner?
As a Harvard educated boy who worked his way up the ranks to head NBC-Universal prior to its takeover from Comcast back in 2003, Zucker had become an iconic media figure one step below CNN’s founder Ted Turner.
If the truth be known, the man who led CNN for 10 years did not leave his post because of his dating choices. Hell, the guy did not even cheat on his wife. Zucker was guilty of the highest form of adultery in the news business. He went beyond anything Jeffrey Epstein might have done.
He allowed CNN to veer so far to the left that their ratings plummeted so low that even hardcore Communists no longer watched it. According to the New York Post:
CNN’s ratings took a nosedive by a massive 90 percent both overall and in the all-important demographic coveted by advertisers in the first week of the New Year. The Jeff Zucker-led cable news network averaged just 548,000 viewers during the week of Jan. 3 — a major drop from the nearly 2.7 million viewers for the same week in 2021, according to Nielsen ratings.
It would appear better ratings could be generated by the Blue Collar Yachting Network! Even left leaning CNN viewers became weary of constant Trump bashing and the reliving of the January 6th demonstration on the Capital every day. The bottom line is that almost all people care more about inflation, the high cost of gasoline, illegal immigration, and crime than hearing the latest conspiracy theories of Adam Schiff.
No one cared when Zucker fired primetime host Chris Cuomo for his unethical behavior dealing with his brother then New York Governor Andrew Cuomo over sexual harassment charges. And then there were the allegations against CNN anchor Don Lemon and his strange relationship with Jussie Smollet and his phony attack by White Supremists in Chicago.
The outcry about these scandals matched CNN’s ratings. Compared the low ball activities of CNN’s staff, their leaders choice of lady friends was tame at best.
It is obvious that Zucker’s departure from the once mighty cable news network was more related to their Pravda like on the air content, than a free press associated with American media.
How could this man that media critics once referred to as a genius find himself being called by Donald Trump a “World Class Sleazebag” The former President went on to say:
“Now is a chance to put Fake News in the backseat because there may not be anything more important than straightening out the horrendous Lame Stream Media in our Country, and in the case of CNN, throughout the World. Jeff Zucker is gone — congratulations to all!”
Ironically, no prominent person in left wing journalism refuted the former President’s diatribe.
It should be interesting to see what happens to the remnants of CNN following Zucker’s voluntary forced departure. Especially noteworthy is how ex Fox News Superstar Chris Wallace will be utilized when he begins work at the network. Playing the point spread of their low performance in the Nielson ratings, we can expect Wallace to be a major player in the rebuilding of CNN.
If this should be the case we might expect well known on air personalities such as Don Lemon and Brian Shelter to be shown the door should a more moderate approach is be taken to covering the news. What remains in doubt if a Joe Manchinesque point of view prevails, can viewers be pried away from Fox and MSNBC? Will the new CNN develop their own talent or recruit familiar faces from other networks.
More likely we can look forward to a combination of the old and new as CNN tries to regain its footing in the ratings department. It must also be realized that they have a large audience internationally that has been a constant source of income over the years. Virtually every Hotel catering to English speaking clientele overseas has CNN on their list of stations offered to their guests.
So good bye to Jeff Zucker. If the only baggage he carries into the future involves dating a gal he works with, then Hollywood should embrace his arrival. Compared to what transpires regularly on casting couches, the departed CNN Chief’s exploits make him a Boy Scout by comparison. It is obvious this bunch of hypocrites in La-La Land only cares about dollar signs
If Jeff Zucker can once again lead them to the Promised Land, being fair and balanced is of little consequence.