Joe Biden is a sick man. His mental abilities are no more than those of someone in middle school. As long as he can follow directions and read a script (which each days appears harder and harder for him to do) he will be allowed to have his finger on the button and talk about dead dogs, lakes that do not exist and refuse to explain his and his family’s financial connection to China.
Whatever he says means nothing. Those who are the puppeteers behind the curtain are the ones to be heard. It is sad to see this lifelong racist in the White House, with the media protecting him from the mental care he needs.
Joe Biden’s secret confession by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 2/22/22
Dear Donald
I’m certain you are surprised to hear from me after all of the horrible things I said about you in the past.
I am writing you from the basement of my Delaware residence where I hide a secret notebook. It is not possible to communicate with you in public because Ron Klain and Jill don’t allow me to do very much without a teleprompter except choosing ice cream flavors. You know how it is man! Sometimes a guy has to stand up to his wife and handlers, even if he lacks authority to do so.
Wups! I don’t remember about Hillary spying on your campaign before and after you assumed office. I must have missed or forgot the briefing given President Obama about Clinton’s plot to implicate you being in cahoots with Putin.
My mistake. Will try to do better and monitor Crocked Hillary should this happen again. I also promise to never believe anything Adam Schiff tells me unless he takes a lie detector test first!
In any event I’m so sorry about a lot of things.
First of all I regret canceling the Keystone Pipe Line and stopped oil exploration leases on Federal property. You must realize I had to please the Green New Deal bunch. It’s not enough anymore to plant a few trees and count on their vote.
I never thought these energy moves would reduce the amount of oil the US produces to such an extent that we have had to appeal to OPEC to increase their production. I also didn’t think the price of gasoline would go up that much and would lead to massive inflation.
Was I ever wrong!
But now I am stuck. If the country returns to the energy policies you put in place, I would be a laughing stock of folks like my friend Gavin Newsom in California. No one says a word to him about bureaucratic regulations he has imposed to reduce owner operators and double the cost of trucks used to pick-up cargo at the docks.
I’m the scapegoat man!
I can’t even approach the International Longshoreman’s & warehouseman’s Union (ILWU) to simplify work rules because it would offend my labor pals.
Lucky we have Mayor Pete heading the Department of Transportation. He promises to work even harder when there is less responsibility on this part at home taking care of the baby.
And then we come to the debacle in Afghanistan. Things were much better there when you were in charge. I should not have left there so soon leaving 81 billion of military equipment behind; not to mention American Citizens and Afghan interpreters we failed to evacuate.
I could have kept the air base in our hands so we didn’t need to ask the Taliban for assistance in evacuating. Instead of listening to Jenn Psaki and my wife, I should have taken the counsel of our Generals who wanted to keep control of the skies prior to exiting Afghanistan so abruptly.
But you know how things go Donald. If I spent additional time with my military advisors, I would have missed the Early Bird Special and the Blackout Bingo game Jill and I look forward to on the weekend in Delaware.
I’m so confused about the Ukraine Donald. Hunter wants us to send troops there because he has been promised a position to be the Chairman of the Board of Burisma. This is not a good idea because even I know putting American soldiers on the ground might start World War III.
Sorry about that trying to kick you out of office Donald. I might have tried to oppose impeaching you except AOC and her Squad would never allowed me to get elected.
And then there is border with Mexico. Why didn’t the Democrats finish the wall when we took office? Why did we make I.C.E. such a weak sister? Why did I cancel the Stay in Mexico arrangement you set up? What a bonehead move it was for me to tell the world, cross our Southern border and you can live here. Why did I ever praise and support Sanctuary Cities in California?
I must have been drinking 90 proof bourbon thinking Kamala could fix things.
What can I do to stop all of this unwanted immigration, even if more voters can be added? Maybe Congress can do something about this if the GOP takes over the House this November. Can you ask some of your friends if they can help?
For now I am afraid because Bernie, Elizabeth, and Squad are happy with the way things are going on at the border. Defying them could result in me being grounded in the White House, even on weekends!
As I have learned, once anything is canceled, my Woke friends will never allow me to reverse anything. You know Donald how hard things are when you were canceled?
The same holds true dealing with minorities. Given the inroads you made with helping the economic fortunes of African American’s, we Democrats have to do more than show up at church services every four years with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
This brings me to the tough choices needed in dealing with crime. I wished I had not endorsed defunding the police and eliminating cash bail.
Gee, I thought Antifa was a fan club of mine.
Blaming the NRA seemed to be any easy way out for the rising totals of murders, shop lifting, and carjacking, etc., that followed. The only problem is no ones blames guns for all of this; especially the victims.
Now I am stuck accusing Republicans for not being tough enough against crime. This is my only play. How can I be nicer to law enforcement when such words would offend AOC and her Squad? Hell, AOC thinks the gangs are stealing Guchi ,Jimmy Choo, and Coach to pay for baby formula!
I wish it would be possible to quit being President and fade off in the sunset to the assisted living facility Jill has picked out for me. But then Kamala would take over. I never knew she was such an ignorant, mean, nasty gal. I wish she had taken my invitation to accept the upcoming Supreme Court vacancy.
Thinking about Harris becoming the leader of the free world almost makes me sorry your January 6th insurrection (just kidding) was successful.
Now, I have to go and find an envelope to mail this letter. I hope the Secret Service agent I trust will send my note and not turn me into the authorities.
All the best
Your friend Joe