Joe Biden has a problem—his age and physical condition. Gavin Newsom has a problem—his hair gel and being Governor of California on his record. Bothe are running massive deficits. Both are supportive of criminals coming into our nation with drugs and human sex trafficking.
“Typical Newsom is his remedy for dealing with California’s water shortage. Like his mentor in the White House, he prefers to grandstand encouraging rationing of precious H 20 rather than taking a fast track of building new reservoirs. Such a move would be impossible because Gavin would not dare offend his environmentalist supporters.”
Both hate energy, low gas prices and good cooking. Yup, two peas in a pod.
Joe & Gavin 2 Peas in a pod by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 7/20/23
Last week the Leftist Politico Playbook web site was jubilant. Because of Joe Biden’s leadership, they bragged, the rate of inflation has been reduced to a manageable 3% annually.
What they failed to mention, since the Democrats have been in power, the consumer price index has risen over 11%. The increased cost of goods and services has resulted in the average American family losing approximately $10,000 of disposable income per year.
Even with this bade news, Democrats hope voters perceived hatred of Donald Trump will be more important to them than their lowered standard of living.
Such a notion makes Washington D.C. insiders nervous. The President’s popularity rating has hovered at about 40% in recent opinion polls. This combined with Biden’s age and perceived senility, have Democrats looking in another direction for a standard bearer in 2024.
With a short bench of senior citizens ranging from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton, the donkeys are rightfully looking for new blood. Their first person on this list is none other than California’s two term Governor Gavin Newsom. He is a convenient choice. Kamala Harris is unable to be his VP running mate, as the pair come from the same State.
In bestowing the mantle of leadership of the Democratic Party to Gavin, we must compare the two men’s actions dealing with inflation. This includes:
- Increased taxation and government spending to stimulate the economy. Critics claim this strategy contributed to inflation. Biden thinks this notion is outweighed by what has occurred under his leadership. He also believes the pork belly loaded Inflation Reduction Act passed by Congress somehow keeps the costs of goods and services from getting more expensive.
- Green Energy policies must be implemented immediately to save the planet. Such a notion has meant killing the Keystone XL Pipeline, promoting new environmental laws intended to restrict drilling, and opposing new petroleum exploration. The end result is America no longer being energy independent. The President believes this is positive news, even if the country has been forced to purchase oil from Venezuela,
- Encouraging the development of electric cars while phasing out gas vehicles: While promoting the sale of high-priced electric vehicles will surely contribute to future inflation, this is of little concern to Biden and his “green” advisors. The President apparently doesn’t lose sleep over the collateral damage his all-electric program might have on his constituents.
- Continuing to encourage illegal immigration at the Southern Border. The President wants to bestow undocumented residents with costly government benefits including welfare, free education, and work permits. Biden doesn’t think these added costs along with his College loan forgiveness program, encourages inflation. Others might disagree.
So how do Uncle Joe and Gavin compare? Actually, quite well.
This is why Democratic strategists are pleased to have Newsom in their candidates bull pen as the stopper, should the old man not be able to run again.
As it turns out is the President is following Newsom’s playbook, or is it the other way around?
California’s Governor gets an “A” grade for phasing out gas vehicles by the mid 2030’s. He also gets extra credit for attacking so called “Big Oil” at every opportunity. From virtually banning the practice of fracking to taxing oil companies to death, Gavin is an honors student follower of the President.
But wait there’s more. Let’s not forget Newsom’s desire to ban the sale of gas water heaters and stoves. He is the Tom Shane of green energy. Newsom might advertise in one of his fliers, “Now you have a friend in the reducing your quality-of-life business.”
Typical Newsom is his remedy for dealing with California’s water shortage. Like his mentor in the White House, he prefers to grandstand encouraging rationing of precious H 20 rather than taking a fast track of building new reservoirs. Such a move would be impossible because Gavin would not dare offend his environmentalist supporters.
Much like the President, California’s Governor is clueless on how to manage a budget. Because of the State’s 100 million dollar budget turning into a 30 million deficit, it would be logical for Gavin to cut spending. This is hardly possible for a political hack who plans to add taxes to put the States economic outlook in a more favorable situation.
Doesn’t this look exactly what Joe Biden might do?
What about Newsom’s willingness to pay for abortion vacations for women from Red States in their final months of pregnancy prior to Childbirth? Let’s not forget his Pro Sanctuary City policies from when he was mayor of San Francisco. Newsom has always been willing to spring for government services on demand, regardless of the cost.
Dealing with prosecution of dangerous felons, the pair are in lockstep with George Soros and the defund the police crowd. Who cares if California is a willing home for criminals South of the border who reside in our Prison system. Even worse when these bums finish their sentences, Newsom refuses to turn them over to the INS for deportation.
While Progressive Democrats praise the Governor for his brave stands, others from Red States soundly reject his socialistic-dystopian vision for the country.
At least in California, overtaxed and regulated businesses currently have the option of leaving the State for greener pastures. Should Newsom be elected President, there would no longer be places for refugees to immigrate, unless Ron DeSantis continues to hold power in Florida.
There must be something positive about Gavin moving to Washington D.C. I guess we can use the argument he can cause less there, than in Sacramento.
Much like the consequences of Senator Scott Weiner (D) San Francisco taking Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional Seat, it is comforting to know there might be a positive aspect in this never-ending saga of political musical chairs.
Too bad Dr. Kevorkian is not around to supervise the process!