Eber: Kick the bum out

Rich Eber was like a lot of people at the beginning.  How do you Recall a Governor without money organization or a political party capable of creating a statewide operation?  Then when you are told the leadership are real people, not politico’s, not folks who do this for a living or done it for years—but the signatures would be gathered, at first by people new to politics.  Of course, it would be a waste of time.  But, when you look at all the people he harmed, even before the scamdemic, you knew a lot of signatures could be gathered—so let’s do it.

Just as Prop. 13 created a new generation of activists, the Newsom Recall has done the same.  There is a feeling that change can be had—even in a One Party State.  In fact 34% of the signatures came from Dems and NPP voters.  That shows the diversity of support and the depth of dislike for an arrogant, abusive, rich, privileged dilettante—who could spend $300 for a meal, while others could not get their unemployment check and happy to taco’s for dinner.

Kick the bum out by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  4/2/21 

A year ago when CPN&V editor Steve Frank told me about the planned recall of Governor Gavin Newsom, I first opposed this action.  In my mind such effort was not worth doing since the vote would only take place a year before the 2022 General election.

On top of this I am reluctant to recall politicians unless they commit felonies or are caught in compromising positions at the men’s room in the park.

Things have changed for me since then.

Following the Covid-19 outbreak started around St. Patrick’s Day in 2020, Newsom’s job performance has been pathetic.  He has letdown his constituents in several areas including:

  • Overly restrictive Covid-19 policies that have caused many small businesses to be closed. These actions have not made the public safer than other States that have allowed commerce to continue during the pandemic.
  • Unwillingness to stand up to Union pals that helped elect Newsom to power. Allowing the California Teachers Association (CTA) to deny students in school learning for over a year has limited their lifetime learning potential, especially for low income and minority kids.  At the same time Newsom has failed to address the pension fund deficits for government employees.
  • Promotion of job killing energy policies that have made California one of the most costly places in the Country for purchasing gasoline, electricity, and natural gas.  If this is not enough the Governor is planning to outlaw petroleum powered vehicles in the State within 15 years.
  • With help from the legislature trying to make it impossible in the future to build traditional single family homes while at the same time trying to force people into unpopular stack and pack public housing projects.  Even then complicated regulations make it virtually impossible to build anything.
  • At the same time Newsom has funneled increases in gas tax to support public mass transit systems that are declining in use.  Instead he continues to fund the bullet train to nowhere while failing his promise to fix roads and add capacity on already congested freeways.
  • Supporting hair brained schemes to tax the rich while the wealthy flee the state along with middle class workers. Space-X, Hewlett Packard, Oracle, and Palanteer, along with their wealthy entrepreneur owners, are among thousands leaving the Golden State.
  • At the same time businesses are departing, give away welfare programs for non-documented residents are costing billions a year for taxpayers. The time is soon coming when the state government will lack the resources to support their give-a-way spending habits. Soon the middle class will ask for Sanctuary City status so they can receive their fair share of tax revenues.
  • Crime continues to rise as Progressive defund the police advocates are running the asylum.  This along District Attorney’s in big cities being more interested in trying to please the criminal element at the expense of victims of crime.  Going along with this the Homeless are being given more consideration State and local governments than hard working people. Governor Newsom is a co-dependent for all of this.
  • Newsom’s energy policies that have restricted fracking, drilling for oil, building needed power plants, and providing new water storage. They have made the state vulnerable to power shortages and paralyzing agricultural production.  Just wait till this summer when brown-outs caused by Progressive Environmentalists takes place.  The negative reaction to Gray Davis partnering with Enron, will be nothing compared with the voters wrath on dumping Newsom

All of these factors have led to California’s perceptible decline this last decade.  Through all of this, many of us actually miss Jerry Brown.  At least with some of these hair brained schemes, he was able to tell the Legislature an emphatic “No!” 

Gavin Newsom does not have the sense to understand what lies ahead if current trends continue. He must believe opposition to the Death penalty, nuclear power, single family homes, and the demise of the non government employed middle class, is the brand of socialism Californian’s desire.

He has failed to understand results of the 2020 election.  While the voters continued to give the Democratic Party a veto proof super majority in both houses of the legislature, their ballots were not at all progressive when it came to initiative measures. In summary we have:

Proposition 15 “Split Roll”: Voters rejected overturning raising property taxes on commercial and industrial real estate that were part of Proposition 13 from 1978.  If passed new revenues were to have gone to local governments and schools.

Proposition 16 End ban on affirmative action:  It was a shock that liberal California did not desire to rid themselves on previous restraints of this practice by a 56 to 44% margin. This vote is likely only symbolic in nature as government on all levels defies the will of the people in their discriminatory hiring practices.

Proposition 21 & 23: Rent Control and Dialysis:   Both of these propositions rejected similar measures that were defeated in previous elections.  This shows an alarming trend in Democratic politics of rejecting the will of the people when progressive policies are not supported by the electorate.

Proposition 22 State regulation of independent contractors: By far the most expensive of all the initiatives on the ballot in 2020, it repealed legislation that made independent contractors for ride sharing company’s employees with rights and benefits.  It turned out that most of the people who worked for firms like Uber and Lyft did not desire help from Sacramento.  In addition collateral damage to Prop 22 came from Owner-Operator Truck Drivers who felt the same way.

Proposition 25 Rejection of cash bail: Voters soundly rejected getting rid of this system to insure those who are accused of crimes make their court appearance dates. Apparently several District Attorneys’ and Governor Newsom have not received this message that conservatives believe have contributed to rising crime rates.

Because of all of these factors Governor Newsom is “on the ropes” in his battle to avoid being sent packing. It is yet to be determined if he will head previous recall victim Gray Davis’s advice “Make sure schools, not just elementary, but middle and high schools are open, and make sure people are going back to work.”

One thing is certain. Newsom needs to depart from “Progressive Fantasy Land” and listen to his constituents for a change.