Eber: Look before you Leap

Unless we change direction in 2026 or unless Trump cuts California off from Federal money while Sacramento pursues, racist, pro-criminal, anti-education, anti-job policies, will continue.

“Resistance to hand over illegal aliens convicted of felonies to I.C.E. for immediate deportation. (AB-48  SB-49)  Going along with this is the new administration trying to prevent  California from spending Federal funds providing benefits to migrants.  Medi-Cal, housing, and welfare payments are expected to receive tough scrutiny from the Trump administration.

California’s environmental policies towards air quality, gasoline, and managing forests that conflict with Federal law. A major point of contention is Newsom’s plan to ban sales of gas powered vehicles ten years from now.  Will Trump allow what they believe are the Golden State’s extremist environmentalist policies to prevail as presently is the case?”

Let us see if the illiterate Hollywood celebrities stop supporting the destructive Democrat Party.

Look before you Leap by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  1/14/25  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

As kids, most of us were taught the Aesop’s Fable of the Fox and the Goat.  As the story goes this fox was stuck in the bottom of a well after quenching his thirst for difficult to find drinking water,  A goat ventures by and enquires if the H2O is good.

The fox encourages him to  find out himself. Once inside the well the fox easily jumps on top of the goat and escapes leaving the frustrated animal behind.

“If you have as much sense as you have beard, old fellow”, as he ran. “You would have been more cautious  about finding a way to get out again before you jumped in.”

Such sage advice of Look Before You Leap should be passed to Gavin Newsom.. 

Next week, when Donald Trump is to be inaugurated President of the United States. California’s Governor has publicly vowed to oppose the new administration in every way possible.

This involves convening a special session of the Legislature to allocate up to 50 million dollars to fund Attorney General Rob Bonta filing suits in Federal Court to defend California’s defiance of the new Trump regime.

Areas of interest includes:

  • Resistance to hand over illegal aliens convicted of felonies to I.C.E. for immediate deportation. (AB-48  SB-49)  Going along with this is the new administration trying to prevent  California from spending Federal funds providing benefits to migrants.  Medi-Cal, housing, and welfare payments are expected to receive tough scrutiny from the Trump administration.
  • California’s environmental policies towards air quality, gasoline, and managing forests that conflict with Federal law. A major point of contention is Newsom’s plan to ban sales of gas powered vehicles ten years from now.  Will Trump allow what they believe are the Golden State’s extremist environmentalist policies to prevail as presently is the case?
  • The allocation of scare water resources by the Newsom administration. In the past Trump has been critical of the Governor for tearing down dams to save fish to appease Native American lobbyists. Even more important has been preventing water to be transferred from the Sacramento River delta to Southern California to save a near extinction smelt population. Finding alternative water sources to declining supplies from the Colorado River is especially important in the near future.
  • Also disturbing Trump was Newsom turning down his previous offer to  expand Shasta Reservoir at Federal expense. The reason given was opposition by Indian rights activists. who objected to increasing Lake  Shasta’s capacity. It apparently would cover over an ancient grave site.

In dealing with dolling out Federal funds to California, the state may find itself in trouble because of Gavin Newsom’s continuing defiance. This likely will result in strings being attached in releasing FEMA assistance . 

With the Governor sounding like the second coming of Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan, look-out!

This also comes up with abortion funding and money allocated for public education. Complicating matters are block grants that do not include resources for illegal aliens.

In short, it is almost certain the Trump administration will keep California on a short leash.  As such, is it a good idea to be constantly fighting Republicans in Washington D.C. tooth and nail?  Are Progressive court challenges the best strategy to maximize the Federal resources given the state?

This concern is of great importance to over 11,000 owners and renters of property burned to the ground last week in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area. What is the highest priority to them?  Protecting felons being handed over to I.C.E. or receiving immediate assistance from FEMA?

Let’s think about it?  Even in Berkeley there would be no debate.

It should be also asked if Gavin Newsom might be aware of what transpired in the last election?  Trump increased his vote total by 10% from 2020 while carrying a  majority of counties. Does Newsom realize his party was soundly defeated by a frustrated electorate fed up with the Green New Deal?

Several ballot propositions including  rent control, votes needed to pass bonds, and prisoner rights, conservatives had their way.  In addition Newsom opposed anti-crime Prop 36 passed by over a two to one majority.

After the recent debacle of Progressive ineffectiveness dealing with the Santa Anna Winds fueled fires, the governor should be crawling on his hands and knees back to the French Laundry.

He needs to heed the words Look Before You Leap and that Benedict Arnold might have been guilty of your sins.

One thought on “Eber: Look before you Leap

  1. “Racist” is the magic word; what they on the Left are doing is driving Whites out of the state. In fact, Newsom, who IS White, seems to have a flair for trying to make sure our state is not as attractive to Blacks, Asians and nonwhites as a whole so much as it is repellant to Whites, unless the Whites are LGBTQ+, and that’s because the LGBTQ+ crowd is the Left’s most reliable voting bloc. In fact, many voters, nonwhite as well as White, do not vote for the Left in part because of the Left’s support for the alphabet soup crowd, and many nonwhites despise the Left’s flair for “Identity” politics every bit as much as Whites, so our state’s surge in Republican voter registration, no matter how recent, has been for many reasons. Simply put, Newsom wants to “White proof” California. However, if Right leaning candidates win, not only won’t he be able to do that, and I’m not saying that because he has been all but reduced to lame-duck status because of term limits, people, especially non-LGBTQ+ Whites, will want to again move here.

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