Eber: Myths of the Left

The biggest myth of the Left is that they care about you.  They only care about power and control—you are just a pawn.

“We were told because of ozone concerns; single family homes would be phased out in the next quarter century.  This gentlemen said new housing would consist of large blocks of high density dwellings near transit hubs called  Project Development Areas (PDA).

Without having dependence on motor vehicles, families would use mass transit and bicycles as their primary source of transportation in this new world.

The state’s representative continued, “Most young people prefer to live in apartments because they don’t wish to maintain houses, lawns, and do maintenance associated with single family home ownership.” 

At the end of the presentation the Chambers twenty-something secretary, Jennifer, who quietly took notes, was asked by the moderator what she thought about the plans put forth by Sacramento.

Jennifer commented, “This is crazy. For the past 5 years, my husband and young daughter have lived in a apartment. We are working at time two jobs trying to save up to place a down payment on a house.  Apartment life does not fit in with our vision of the American dream.”

Will Oprah, Michelle or Hillary give up their numerous mansions?  They just want you to live in a tiny apartment like the Chinese or Russians.

Myths of the Left by Richard Eber

Richard Eber,  Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  9/10/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Some 15 years ago in the days of Global Warming, prior to Climate Change, I was working along with Dr. Richard Colman on the Concord Chamber of Commerce’s non-partisanGovernment and Economic Policy Committee. Before us was an urban planner from the State briefing us on housing plans for the future.

We were told because of ozone concerns; single family homes would be phased out in the next quarter century.  This gentlemen said new housing would consist of large blocks of high density dwellings near transit hubs called  Project Development Areas (PDA).

Without having dependence on motor vehicles, families would use mass transit and bicycles as their primary source of transportation in this new world.

The state’s representative continued, “Most young people prefer to live in apartments because they don’t wish to maintain houses, lawns, and do maintenance associated with single family home ownership.” 

At the end of the presentation the Chambers twenty-something secretary, Jennifer, who quietly took notes, was asked by the moderator what she thought about the plans put forth by Sacramento.

Jennifer commented, “This is crazy. For the past 5 years, my husband and young daughter have lived in a apartment. We are working at time two jobs trying to save up to place a down payment on a house.  Apartment life does not fit in with our vision of the American dream.”

Jennifer then questioned who was the group polled that preferred to raise their families in sardine like conditions?

An uneasy silence followed. The urban planner went back to discussing the perils of Global Warming. He returned to talking points from Al Gore of sea water intrusion destroying life for those living near the coast line.

This incident was my first foray into the myths of the Left.  They want us to believe their doctrinaire assumptions, even if they defy logic.

Those of us who choose to challenge the party line are depicted to be climate change deniers and out of touch right wing conspiracy types.

This pattern of deception continues today with increasing inventory needed for housing starts  in California.  

The problem of entrenched bureaucracy and regulations has precluded the constructing much of anything affordable.  At the same time the State government still wishes to pretend the middle class prefer to live in their PDA densely populated urban communities.

Even then numerous environmental impact reports are required for everything more complex than blowing ones nose. Courts have more power than local planning departments in determining when and what is to be built.  

Government subsides are a must because developers can not make a profit navigating thru the astronomical expense of construction in the Golden State.

Progressive-Socialists in the legislature are frustrated with the lack of progress in building new housing.  State Senator Scott Wiener’s SB 423 has allowed developers to bypass the scrutiny of local government to build multi-unit dwellings.

The only problem is when State government is involved, nothing is very affordable. Sacramento still insists Project Labor Agreements  PLA’s stipulating only union labor is used on construction, when they offer building subsidies. Increasing cost by about 25% seems to be of no consequence to them.

Even when density discounts are thrown in, the myth of the State’s ability to build anything reasonably priced is a ruse.  Making things even worse is the false notion people from Section 8 recipients to the wealthy are content to reside side by side in large housing developments.  

This myth is right out of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.  It defies logic yet is the foundation of Progressive policies in California.  They believe big government does a better job than the private sector in performing essential services.

We are supposed to believe in the efficiency of a Democratic administration of Joe Biden that could only construct only 7 charging stations for electric cars with a 7.5 billion dollar budget to work with.

Even if Pollyanna were still around, it would be difficult for her to believe Kamala Harris’s plans to build 3 million new homes in her first term of office, will ever be accomplished.

The myths continue unabated for Democrats who profess to be champions of the working man.  Just ask autoworkers in Detroit for whom Joe Biden walked the picket lines.  While they eventually signed a favorable contract, many soon lost their jobs when Ford Motors could not sell the electric cars the admin

istration insisted are the wave of the future.

How about Biden-Harris blocking construction of the X-Cel pipeline killing oil refinery jobs, opposition to fracking, and restricting new leases for oil exploration on government property.

Where are all the promised thousands of high paying union jobs materializing from the USA by abandoning fossil fuels?  

So much for the green new deal; especially for Pennsylvania and Michigan.

It should also be noted the opposition of Kamala Harris and her Democratic friends to school choice including Charters.

Apparently the right of every American to the best education possible is less important than hostility coming from Randi Weingarten and her colleagues  in the Teacher’s Unions.

Following the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris on Sept. 17th, the cards should be on the table to determine which direction American democracy will take in the near future.

Can voters wade thru political myths of the Left; especially size doesn’t matter when it comes to big government.  Hopefully the electorate can make the “right” choice on November 7th. 

2 thoughts on “Eber: Myths of the Left

  1. Myths exist on the Left and the Right. Politicians on both sides of the isle will say and do anything to get reelected. Damn the people and count the money. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” available online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Walmart. The soft cover cost is less than Breakfast at Denny’s.

  2. The myth that people like stack and pack is massive. But maybe so is the myth that desirable new homes can be created without a repeat of the 1950s — open up land, create new suburbs, and connect those suburbs with highways. Plenty of land to do that in the Bay Area. However, over 70% of that land is a conservation area of one kind or another. G-d forbid we destroy a lomghorn beetle habitat.

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