Eber: New Years resolution time

To be clear, I do not make resolutions.  Life moves to fast, situations change, the world around us gives us a surprise every day.  I already know I need to lose ten pounds, that I need to take more time for fun and to relax.  Every day I wish I had more hours to help promote the conservative causes.

Worse, I hate looking back at the resolutions of last year and see where I fell short—or did not even try.

The good news is that last year Americans made a resolution—“We want our country back”.  This is one resolution that was kept, on November 5.

New Years resolution time by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  1/7/25  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

It’s that time of year when most of us reflect on what has transpired in our lives during the past year.  At this moment there is always an urge to improve my performance in life as December flows into January.

Of course there is a propensity to “round up the usual suspects”.  For me this means get more exercise, lose weight, consume quinoa, try an Impossible Burger, make a dental appointment, and get a haircut

If this is not enough, I should also drink more water, be a better husband, communicate more with loved ones, and call friends instead of sending them text messages.

If past history is any indication, it is probable any New Years Resolutions I make will go up in smoke prior to the calendar hitting the end of January. Unfortunately, I lack the will in most cases to fulfill any self improvement goals.

With this being the case the area of greatest improvement for me will likely come from my journalistic pursuits. Outside of doing better proof reading, this might include:

  • Stop blaming “wokes”for all that ails us.  During 2024 I have found myself constantly criticizing  these purveyors of cancel culture, identity politics, rewriting history, and other offenses that undermine American’s way of life.  With Donald Trump soon residing in the Oval Office, it is my duty to find other flaws in our society to expose. This might prove to be near impossible as WOKES still don’t think they lost the election!
  • Try to be more objective in analyzing the pathetic performance of Gavin Newsom.  This is a difficult task because the Governor is over spending on green energy sources, economic assistance to illegal aliens, and trying to construct more unaffordable-affordable housing, Newsom has this awful tendency to put the interests of the California Teachers Association and wacko environmentalists before his constituents.   I won’t be able to do this as there is no indication those who wield power in Sacramento show any inclination to change.
  • Try to be nicer to Adam Schiff,  Alejandro MayorkasLiz Cheney, Merrick Garland, and Alvin Bragg, even though I think these people are better suited for incarceration.  While my negative attitude about these bums is set in stone, I don’t care to see the Lawfare ordeal Donald Trump endured during the Biden Administration to be repeated ever again.
  • Stop paying so much attention to MSNBC and CNN.  Too few viewers are watching these Progressive commentators who are steering their viewers on the Marxist path of destroying the Red, White, and Blue. This task is near impossible. You can’t take all my fun away!
  • Try to forgive the San Francisco ChronicleNew York TimesLos Angeles Times, and other publications for their dishonest reporting in the name of furthering the interests of the Democratic Party. If reporters, editorial staff, and ownership of these Leftist newspapers abandon their lying ways, I would be willing to give them a second chance. P.S. If these changes occur, they should return their  Pulitzer Prizes given for work done promoting the Russian Hoax.
  • Being tolerant of Chuck Schumer, when as he cries at the prospect of  Elon Musk dismantling useless government programs, won’t be easy.  It will also be tough watching AOC breakdown when illegal aliens with felony criminal records are deported to where they came from.

The heartbreak of sobriety is expected when millionaires, who purchase expensive electric vehicles, no longer will be able to receive Federal tax breaks on cars only they can afford.

What might be Gavin Newsom’s response when the Feds insist the state repay the billions of dollars in welfare and Covid relief fraud that ensued during his term in office? Or when FEMA disaster relief is needed for floods, fires and earthquakes?

It needs to considered the effects on the “Golden State”, if the Governors hatred of Donald Trump results in the Trump Administration cutting off Federal funds for the Bullet Train to reach even the outskirts of Fresno.

Will immigrants  who receive free tuition in State colleges and billions in government assistance, still idolize Gavin Newsom when their Medi-cal, housing vouchers, and welfare payments are no longer bestowed?

Might Newsom still continue his defiance of the Federal Government? If so, how might this affect his desire to succeed Donald Trump in 2028?

This of course depends on one’s perspective.

I will miss criticizing Pete Buttigieg because he knows nothing about transportation or much of anything else except promoting DEI.  The same goes for  Biden advisors such as Jake Sullivan for arranging the withdrawal from Afghanistan (while leaving billions in military equipment behind)

Rather than considering the negative consequences of policy emanating from Washington D.C., perhaps my new years resolutions for 2025 should be positive.

It will be music to my ears to hear the words “Your fired” when useless bureaucrats are designated to be “FOB sidewalk” Is it possible for the Republic to survive without them enforcing  unneeded regulations?  Can Congress be effective in raising the national debt without formulating a 1400 page document that no one including Evelyn Wood can read?

All of these matters are on my agenda for 2025.  Who needs New Years resolutions?  Let the games begin.

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