This is the time of year for resolutions. If I believe the media, less than half the number of people that make resolutions will make them this year. The only question in everybody’s mind is whether 2022 will be as bad as or worse than 2021. We could predict election victories and defeats. We could tell who we think will win the Super Bowl. We can hope for better health and o survive the oncoming freight train of inflation. Will we survive Biden? If so, how bad will it be?
My good friend Rich Eber is old fashioned and sill makes resolutions. Thought you should the 2022 through his eyes.
New Year’s resolutions for 2022 by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 1/3/22
After years of chronicling the goings on in politics, I am sick and tired of the corruption, double dealing, hypocrisy, and idiocy displayed in our current rendition of democracy. As such, being a conservative allows me little comfort from either of the two major parties.
It all reminds me of the words from a mentor many years ago who once said, “When the Republicans are in power they steal most of the money. When the Democrats are in charge they steal it all.”
With this is in mind I approach 2022 as cynical as ever. Despite this I still have hope that our beloved Constitution will save our country from itself. Here is my political wish list for the coming 12 months (outside of the GOP winning both houses in Congress) is:
Gavin Newsom: Not sure if there is anything new to handle as you have screwed up just about everything during the first 3 years of being Governor. Despite this there are plenty of things you can undo including, deficits in CalPERS, continuing the Bullet Train, opposing Charter Schools, and spending the budget surplus on unsustainable social programs.
Nancy Pelosi: Even if conservatives dislike most of things you have done as Speaker, we have a grudging admiration for your political skills for which no one back home can match. Enjoy your retirement in the mansion just purchased in Florida.
Kamala Harris: If Joe Biden offers you the next vacancy on the Supreme Court, take it. Deep down you know of being unqualified to be VP and becoming President. It is best you get out while you are ahead and don’t embarrass yourself any further.
Scott Weiner: It is my fondest hope that you win Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional seat which she retires after Republicans take control of the House of Representatives next November. There is no doubt in my mind you would do less harm in Washington D.C. than pushing forward Progressive housing bills that are destroying family life in California
Dianne Feinstein: As a political warrior who has spent over half a century in California politics, you should consider retiring from the Senate and enjoy your remaining years. It matters not if you step down because the Governor would likely replace you with an individual who is even more to the Left than yourself. Despite holding liberal views, conservatives have always admired your hard work in the Senate trying to do the best for the people.
Eric Garcetti: The soon to be Ambassador to India is lucky to depart the political scene in Los Angeles. Even if scoring an In-N-Out burger in New Delphi might prove to be impossible, leaving behind the Homeless, a struggling school system and high crime rates will not be a hard thing to do.
London Breed: It’s good you “woke” up recently and decided to clean-up crime in the Tenderloin and start prosecuting felons, but much work needs to be done. The most important thing you can do is help bring tourists and convention goers back to the City by the Bay. This means getting the homeless off the streets while making those who venture to San Francisco feel safe.
Governor of Florida Ron De Santos: Can he be bribed to change his residence to California and run on the GOP ticket to oppose Gavin Newsom? Such a notion is less than a long shot; but the good news is voters should take a long look at him to be on the top end of the Republican ticket in 2024
Joe Manchin: There are no suggestions from me as your record speaks for itself. Having the courage to “Just say No” to Leftist ideologues who believe they own your vote is enough for me. My New Year’s resolution to those who occupy Congressional seats is to emulate your conduct and vote with their conscience rather than be Party hacks.
Ron Klain: Will the real President please stand up? It is obvious to most of us that you are running the show for a President who does not have the ability to carry out the duties of his office. While White House Chief of Staff is an appointed position, we hope your New Year’s resolution is standing up to Bernie, The Squad, and VP Harris, to run the country more to the center in 2021
President Joe and Jill Biden: We mention both of you in the same breath because the two of you are joined politically at hip so to speak. For 2021 there are only two things we ask of you. Try to stop pleasing radical Democrats and stay alive to save the Country from having Kamala Harris becoming President.
Bette Midler: Being part of the Hollywood elite does not give you the voice to criticize Joe Manchin or his constituents in West Virginia. Having a showbiz background while possessing a mere high school education, illustrates why you should keep your political views to yourself. For 2022, it would be a good idea for you and the rest of Hollywood hypocrites to “look before you leap” in judging others.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Consider running for Governor again. While in office you were far from perfect; but did a better job than those who followed you.
California Republican Party: Register GOP voters for a change.
The Homeless in California: We would really like most of you who have immigrated to the Golden State from other States to return to where you come from. For those remaining the government needs to get you mental health counseling, a place to live, a job, and a purpose in life
D.A. ‘s Chesa Boudin & George Gascon: Find another job after the two of you are recalled from office. At the same time we hope George Soros will refrain from assisting to elect knaves like you to prominent positions in government.
AOC and Associates: Please run Alexandria against Chuck Schumer in the NY Demo Senate primary this spring. At least we can get rid of one of you from holding public office. And for the rest of the Squad, we hope your constituents will boot you back to Beirut in 2022.
MSNBC & CNN: Find other things to report other than impeaching Donald Trump again or trying to relive what transpired in the capital January 6th. Looking at your pitiful ratings, it would appear the American people are more concerned about inflation, Covid-19, and keeping illegal aliens from crossing over from Mexico than the topics your networks are covering.