We have seen the failure of voter registration run by the DMV with at least 142,000 people illegally registered to vote. We have seen the failure of the government education and transportation systems. Love the Post Office—they lose billions of dollars each year. Even law enforcement has become a failure.
“Are we to believe a government controlled operation could do a better job of providing electricity in California than Southern California Edison and PG&E? To speed up this process, forest fires have been used by politicians as a bludgeon to put privately owned utilities out of business.
It is frightening to imagine what might happen to the power grid if government green energy policies eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear energy in the name of saving the planet.
When air conditioning ceases to function, lights dim, and electrical vehicles are grounded, even Donald Trump will be unavailable to blame. Should this occur, Consumers will take their wrath out on office holders. Gray Davis learned about this some 25 years ago when he was recalled during the Enron scandal.”
Stop voting for people who claim they will give you better and more efficient government—vote for those that promise to cut back on government.
Next Time try the train by Richard Eber
Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/9/23

Call me crazy; but I enjoy traveling by train. Sitting in a rail car, taking in scenery while enjoying a glass of wine, is an experience always enjoyed by me.
My recent experience touring on government operated Amtrak might have changed my mind. Returning from Eugene Oregon to California at 2pm on a Monday, nothing seemed amiss. This soon changed as the conductor advised passengers that a small fire was blocking the tracks south of Klamath Falls.
Upon arrival there, we were told that the train would be held. Later this was amended to returning passengers to their origin points up to Seattle the next morning. This is where things fell apart. No one seemed to be in charge of giving choices to riders for other transportation options to reach their intended destinations. Instead, we found:
- A snarly crew who openly grumbled about being inconvenienced while wondering when they would return to Seattle.
- No concern was given to the passengers traveling in coach who ended up spending at least 24 hours on what might be termed “stairway to heaven“ transport. Despite this, complimentary food or drinks were not offered.
- Upon arrival back in Eugene, there were no provisions to offer alternative means of transport by bus or plane. The only compensation offered passengers was a refund of their fares.
- Making matters even more bizarre is that a Southbound train to California came thru about the same time we got off in Eugene. Those traveling with me wondered why our train was turned around when we could have stayed in K-Falls until the track cleared?
The answer to all of these questions is government inefficiency. It was obvious the left hand of Amtrak was oblivious of the right with this rudderless entity. Bureaucratic incompetence precluded common sense or customer service from taking place. No one onboard or in corporate cared nor took responsibility for the passenger’s difficult plight.
All of us onboard Amtrak #11 wished we had flown, where privately owned airlines would have been required by law to compensate travelers for their inconvenience. This was not the case on government operated rails where riders were literally hung out to dry.
Welcome to the world of socialism in action!
With this being the case, why the hell would we like to give more responsibility in our lives to what Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, and other Progressives? Is what we experienced an example what they promise to be a better life?
These political hacks want the government to take over from private enterprise, energy, medical, housing and other important functions. They believe Uncle Sam and his first cousin in Sacramento can do a better job in providing essential services because they are not encumbered with the evils of capitalism.
To this I say, B.S!
Let’s look at the record.
Are we to believe a government controlled operation could do a better job of providing electricity in California than Southern California Edison and PG&E? To speed up this process, forest fires have been used by politicians as a bludgeon to put privately owned utilities out of business.
It is frightening to imagine what might happen to the power grid if government green energy policies eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear energy in the name of saving the planet.
When air conditioning ceases to function, lights dim, and electrical vehicles are grounded, even Donald Trump will be unavailable to blame. Should this occur, Consumers will take their wrath out on office holders. Gray Davis learned about this some 25 years ago when he was recalled during the Enron scandal.
Medical care is another example of government inefficiency. No one with an IQ over tap water would make us believe government health care provides superior services to privately run entities. Just think how bizarre things would be if administrators from the DMV were put in charge of overseeing the activities of doctors?
Imagine a situation where a patient might be told, “Due to diversity, inclusion, and racism in the past, your heart surgery will be delayed until affirmative action goals are set by a medical board.” Yikes.
Housing is another example. In California, government subsidized construction of so called affordable residences is never affordable. Recent examples of 2-bedroom condos costing $850,000 or more to build are not an anomaly. When environmental impact reports, land, permits, Project Labor Agreements (PLA) and government regulations are added up, most developers find it is not economically viable to build in the Golden State.
So what is the solution in Sacramento? More regulations and taking over planning decisions from local communities. Given their track record, this strategy is doomed to failure.
It has been well documented that the reaction of middle class and affluent residents is to pack-up a U-Haul or POD to move to Red States such as Florida or Texas.
What ever happened to the days when housing starts were plentiful in California? In those times, Sacramento took less responsibility, allowing local urban planning to determine what was to be built.
Missing today is a meaningful discussion on the best system of government that will guide us in the next chapter of American History? Instead of such a debate most media attention is focused to non-bread and butter issues that have a minor effect on people’s lives.
All of the legal actions against Donald Trump have acted as a smokescreen to cover over the Biden Administrations failed foreign, energy, immigration, and crime polices. There are no indications things will change as this strategy has proven successful for Democrats in the last two election cycles.
Meanwhile, I will have to reassess the motto, “Next time try the train”, in filling my future travel needs. As for increasing socialism in our lives, pointing to its failed track record should impart a message every American needs to understand.