When watching reruns of “I Love Lucy” do you notice that Ricky and Lucy sleep in separate beds. Why? Because they did not want to show a married couple sleeping in the same bed. Times have changed, now you see several people sleeping in the same bed. That is the difference of the culture, then and now.
“On the other hand Hollywood issuing warnings to me about morality is totally uncalled for. It is uncertain if very many people really care. This does not provide a detriment to Woke censors who believe it their responsibility for guiding me to a socially responsible way of thinking.
While these efforts to push leftist social engineering are admirable, they are part of an effort to subvert freedom of speech outlined in the First Amendment of our Constitution. Should Woke culture continue progressing, it won’t be long until many Westerns and other movies that depict traditional American values are banned altogether.
Might a time come when Mr. Smith goes to Washington or It’s a Wonderful Life be on the do not view list with their traditional Republicanesque themes?
This is not about warning us about the culture of a Western—no, it is about erasing history—just as they are doing in schools. The Western tells us about a time long ago and how people were treated and acted.
Outdated Social Depiction by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 7/28/22
Whenever the magic notice is given prior to a movie being shown on cable “outdated cultural depiction”, it likely means I am viewing cowboy Western shows from the 1950’s or 60’s.
Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Henry Fonda, and Kirk Douglas, are long gone. With this being said, the flicks they made are still enjoyed by me. They are especially prized to provide entertainment in the middle of the night when infomercials reign supreme.
It doesn’t matter to me that Indians were treated poorly, women found employment as floozy singers in saloons, and violent gunfights often settled disputes. I just like Westerns and the message of basic American social values they impart. Despite the well earned label of outdated social depiction, I don’t have a problem distinguishing fictional accounts of the West with the realities we know existed.
On the other hand Hollywood issuing warnings to me about morality is totally uncalled for. It is uncertain if very many people really care. This does not provide a detriment to Woke censors who believe it their responsibility for guiding me to a socially responsible way of thinking.
While these efforts to push leftist social engineering are admirable, they are part of an effort to subvert freedom of speech outlined in the First Amendment of our Constitution. Should Woke culture continue progressing, it won’t be long until many Westerns and other movies that depict traditional American values are banned altogether.
Might a time come when Mr. Smith goes to Washington or It’s a Wonderful Life be on the do not view list with their traditional Republicanesque themes?
The fact we are even having this discussion is indicative of how powerful the woke cancel culture has become. Who deputized these 21st Century Puritans to impose what the Urban Dictionary defines woke as “being aware… knowing what’s going on in the community (related to racism and social injustice)”to impose their views on society?
Will the next step be to burn woke heretics at the stake in the name of combating alleged hate crimes? Will there still be a John Procter around to rescue us?
What does being woke mean physiologically? Among answers to this question are:
- Wokes believe in their minds they are awake to social issues when in actuality they have been indoctrinated into being pawns of the social media.
- Being sensitive to injustice gives them the right to impose these views on others.
- Everyone is a victim who does not have a white skin complexion.
- Wokes are followers of cultural Marxism that believe in the rise of the proletariat.
- Political correctness is more important than factual correctness
- Discarding the past (including the US Constitution) is OK if it achieves woke goals of fighting racism and discrimination thus it is their desire to cancel our countries founding fathers, Southern Civil War heroes and even Abraham Lincoln.
How does woke thinking manifest itself today in politics other than assuming all Caucasians possess white privilege that makes them morally inferior to people of color and the LGBT community?
Such thinking encourages educating students in Critical Race Theory and Cancel Culture. They seek to erase the social injustices of the past. Teaching classical literature in schools from Mark Twain to Shakespeare is part of what Wokes refer to as a decaying social structure.
Anyone who dares attack the conclusions of woke ideology are obviously the proponents of modern day fascism. Questioning Al Gore about his views on saving the environment is branded to be the work of ignorant “climate deniers. Capitalism promotes White Supremacy. Charter Schools are a way to pass on social injustice to the next generation.
Organized religion is a plot to subjugate individuals of lower incomes to accept their inferior economic stature. Especially egregious are Catholics and Jews.
The list grows with efforts to term California Proposition 13 to be racist to growing cattle be curtailed because the animals emit too much CO2 in cutting wind
International borders are meaningless, especially between the United States and Mexico. Nationalism and patriotism are outmoded concepts in the new world order.
Feeding into this nonsensical view of society is the social media including Facebook and Twitter. Let’s not forget woke corporations including Disney and Coca-Cola.
We also have the National Basketball League (NBA) lead by star player LeBron James who lectures fans about racism and morality. At the same time he is making millions on selling shoes fabricated in slave labor camps in China
Even more culturally cancerous is the role of institutions of higher education who suppress free speech and debate in the name of promoting social equity. From the campuses of the University of California to the Ivy League, woke ideology has openly brainwashed the so called leaders of tomorrow.
What’s next in furthering the woke agenda? Outside of banning new natural gas hook-ups in Berkeley, we have the new crusade to rid the languages around the world to references of the male and female genders. In the name of social justice no more he and she, La-Les-Le, seniors, Senoritas, or gals are to be spoken,
Not using the terminology of Latin X may soon be considered to be a hate crime.
Given the seriousness of the matter, my dispute with the cable networks placing the label of “outdated cultural depiction” on Cowboy movies is a small matter. Perhaps I am a bit nostalgic to the days when the men were men and the sheep loved it; but what the heck!
I just hope John Wayne’s vocabulary is not altered very much or the song from the classic flick High Noon is not changed from “Do not forsake me oh my darling”.