Eber: Pardon Donald Trump

Rich Eber presents an interesting idea—Biden should “pardon” President Trump.  The problem with that is, I would bet the farm that Trump would not accept the pardon.  To get the pardon he would have to admit he committed a crime.  You know he does not believe that.

But the Democrats are so desperate that they want do something that stupid.

But, if Biden wants to pardon Trump, he should go further—instruct the DOJ to stop the prosecution of all political prisoners from January 6—end the prosecutions, release them from jail and compensate them for being hostages to a terrorist regime.

Pardon Donald Trump by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  3/12/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Pardon Donald Trump on all Federal Charges.  Between naps, Joe Biden’s handlers should tell the President to make this bold move. It illustrates why the Fall election needs to be determined on the basis of issues Americans face in everyday life.

Such a strategy is a far cry from 24/7 Trump bashing, promoting imaginary voter rights, and making abortion rights the number one problem in 2024.

Thus far absurd legal proceedings against the former President by Progressive Democrats are a major failure. Rather than preventing him running for a second term, these accusations have resulted in Trump’s certain nomination at the GOP July Convention.

Why not have the elephants called off their Kangaroo Posse and look magnanimous for a change? The only casualties might be the crew on MSNBC’s low rated program The View.  Without Trump prosecutions, they would need to hire new writers to gin up outrage somewhere else.

Talk about the heartbreak of sobriety!

In showing mercy for the #1 Enemy of American Democracy, Biden would display unifying qualities that have been AWOL during his 3 plus years in office.  A pardon would go a long way convincing voters the President wants to heal the polarization between Republicans and Democrats.

By showing compassion for a foe, Joe Biden would demonstrate forgiveness. This lifts the President from the grumpy old man “stay off my lawn” image he has fostered during more than 3 years in office. For once, Biden would fulfill a campaign promise to be a “unifier”.

There is precedent in American politics to pardon their peers in the name of national unity.  Remember Gerald Ford spared Richard Nixon from possible criminal charges after his resignation from the Presidency? Ford took a lot of heat for these actions. Later historians praised his integrity and sound judgment.

For unification purposes, It might even be possible to arrange a quasi-non-aggression pact between Democrats and Republicans for the duration of the political campaign.

Democrats would:

·      Stop trying to prevent Trump from campaigning, The Donald tends to hurt himself more making speeches at rallies than as an observer in court proceedings. At the same time tell Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis in Georgia to resign. She is a viable candidate to replace Robin Leach in the reboot of the new Caribbean Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous series.

·      Refrain from condemning MAGA Republicans.  This strategy has proven less successful than Hillary Clinton’s bashing foes with her Basket of Deplorables quip.

·      Do everyone a favor by removing Kamala Harris from the ticket.  This would ease concerns of both political parties who view the current VP a greater threat to Democracy than even Donald Trump.

·      End Russian election interference allegations for the remainder of the campaign.

Republicans would:

·      Stop making jokes about Biden’s age, his dependence on teleprompters, and diminished mental capabilities.

·      Try to have their small majority in the House of Representatives stop fighting among themselves and at least negotiate a ceasefire with Chuck Schumer and his Senate crew.  This ugly dog and pony show must end.

·      Find a way to allocate funds for defending the Southern border. At the same time, help the good guys in Israel and the Ukraine crush their foes.

·      Act like the GOP has the ability to govern. A good place to start is a return to sanity in the House of Representatives.

When the election is over, both political parties should get together and put an end to Political Action Committees (PACS). These semi-independent fund-raising groups are a major source of disruption and dirty politics. They have been a plague to campaigning. PACS associated with both political parties are causing dangerous harm and confusion to our Democratic system.

At this juncture I don’t give a damn about the Citizens United decision of the Supreme Court, or any of the excuses used to justify PACS.  Most distressing are wealthy people such as George Soros and the Koch Bros. Their financing elections where they do not reside is an affront to American democracy.

Only an act of Congress can change the present system.  It’s about time!

Now that we have things figured out, the voters in the upcoming election can concentrate on important matters. Areas of discussion includes foreign policy, law enforcement, immigration laws, medical care, protecting the environment, inflation, energy, education, and the increasing national debt.

Might it be possible to have a series of debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump? In undertaking this American tradition, the question comes up if Biden’s handlers will allow him to debate because of his fragile mental condition? If not, perhaps Kamala can pinch hit?

In California I am more enthusiastic about the Senate race than most people in the Republican camp.  It is a point of information; Steve Garvey lacks the economic resources to effectively compete against Adam Schiff. Despite such a handicap, at least the electorate will be exposed to a conservative viewpoint.

With California sinking into an economic sinkhole, voters can use a reasonable alternative to Gavin Newsom’s Draconian polices. Hopefully, the GOP may soon become a relevant participant in future elections.

In all probability, none of these things will actually occur. My Pollyannish perspective is doomed with the unlikely pardoning of Donald Trump.

As my Dad used to say;“Wail till next year”.


 Blacklisted by Progressives

2 thoughts on “Eber: Pardon Donald Trump

  1. This is dreamworld

    1 Even Biden isn’t stupid enough to give away the (illegitimate) advantage of keeping Trump under the dark clouds of indictment, hearings, trials, convictions, huge fines- all bogus.

    2. Why would Trump refuse the pardon? He can just say he deserves a pardon because he is innocent.

    3. They won’t remove “Knees” Harris from the ticket, because that would be “racist” in Dem-Speak.

    4. Stupidly, they have made the lying J6 narrative central to their campaign. Every day, more voters realize that it is a lie. If J6 was an insurrection, then the Capitol would have been left a smoking hole in the ground.

    Meanwhile, Trumps polling goes up every time the leftist idiots attack Trump with illegitimate lawfare.

  2. This is the scenario of how things would be if we were dealing with responsible folks, instead of the equivalent to toddlers having temper tantrums at the supermarket checkout. Like Mr. Eber said, “In all probability, none of these things will actually occur.” Most unfortunately.

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